Email password cracking

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An ex-girlfriend of mine used my computer to check her e-mail with netscape. I downloaded some freeware (after we broke up) that would reveal any saved passwords, and sure enough, there was one there. I used it just to F with her. I was also able to log on as her in MSN messenger and talked with her other boyfriend (that was funny).

I'm a bad breaker-upper.
You have been together for six years and can't sit down with him and have a serious, in depth, heart to heart talk with him about how you feel without him simply sloughing off your concerns with a simple, "You are being paranoid." comment, and you think you have a solid foundation for a marriage?

What if you find out he is NOT cheating... this time...
The next time he is out with his boys and doesn't answer his cell phone when you call, what makes you think these same feelings will not crop up and take hold of you again?

My advice would be to not get married until you guys work out this trust issue and do not questions each other's intentions and fidelity.
While you are at it, you can work on communication and mutual respect.
An ex-girlfriend of mine used my computer to check her e-mail with netscape. I downloaded some freeware (after we broke up) that would reveal any saved passwords, and sure enough, there was one there. I used it just to F with her. I was also able to log on as her in MSN messenger and talked with her other boyfriend (that was funny).

I'm a bad breaker-upper.
Did you tell her boyfriend you were "pregnant"?
An ex-girlfriend of mine used my computer to check her e-mail with netscape. I downloaded some freeware (after we broke up) that would reveal any saved passwords, and sure enough, there was one there. I used it just to F with her. I was also able to log on as her in MSN messenger and talked with her other boyfriend (that was funny).

I'm a bad breaker-upper.

Wow, thats scary. :eek:
I didn't do anything really bad, but I used her e-mail to send some of her friends some funny mp3s. Oh, I also posted all her e-mail addresses to some newsgroups so her inbox would fill up with spam. I could have done alot worse, for instance I didn't do anything with her naked webcam pictures, or her bank accounts.
If I got into his account and found out he wasnt cheating then Id be hugely relived, feel incredibly guilty & proceed with the wedding!
I would not tell him I had got into his account, so he wouldnt know

Right. So basically what he doesn't know won't hurt him, but what you don't know is completely unacceptable. The amount of women with this hypocritical attitude is astounding.
I wonder if he has the same attitude and doesn't see the point in telling you he's cheating, after all if you don't know about it then no harm done right? Seems to be your viewpoint.
Don't marry him. Better yet show him this thread and I'm sure he won't marry you.
You're simply not mature enough for marraige, let alone trusting enough.
So let me ask this;

If she comes back in a few days to say she found out he is cheating, what
will you say then?

That it was still a bad idea to follow her instincts?

That she still should have accepted his response "you are just paranoid" ?

She is still a paranoid freak as SAM put it?

That she shouldn't have checked it out, saving herself a life of deceit later?
(because she invaded his privacy)
So let me ask this;

If she comes back in a few days to say she found out he is cheating, what
will you say then?
I'd say that I'd feel sorry for any guy she dates in the future that raises her suspicions from something trivial.

That it was still a bad idea to follow her instincts?
I think it's a great idea to follow your instincts. However not when the actions of your instincts infringe on someone elses rights/privacy.

That she shouldn't have checked it out, saving herself a life of deceit later?
(because she invaded his privacy)
Or like I said above; if he's not cheating, she finds that out by snooping and is relieved he isn't, then he finds out and kicks her to the curb. If he doesn't kick her to the curb if he finds out she's snooping, she should consider herself lucky.
Now, she's lost someone she loves by being too nosy and insecure.

Sometimes you're not going to ever know what the other person is up to. That's why couples should have trust.

A lot of women worry too much and overanalyze the shit out of things.
She should find another way, Shorty. Ends don't justify the means.

What way? I know a friend of mine that kept TALKING, ASKING
her partner if something was going on. Same kinda thing here
very secretive with the phone and the computer all of a sudden.
He made her feel so bad for even asking....

Anyhow to make a long story short, she couldn't let it go.
It nagged on her till she finally, rented a car ( I know Extreme)
took the day off work and followed him. He called her on her cell (he thought she was at work) telling her all this stuff and where he was. Well he wasn't there because she was driving behind me. Anyway he met up with some girl, and she caught him.

Anyway when he got home she acted like nothing. She said again we need to talk. He brushed her off and said she was nuts, and she was the only one.

TILL BOOM>>>>>>>>>>she mentioned the restaurant he went to when he was supposed to be heading to the gym.

I told her when she said she was renting a car that she was NUTS!!! I even stopped talking to her for a bit. Then I heard the story.

So if you feel it in your gut that your partner is cheating, even though
they say they aren't will just let it go? You won't check it
out at all?
if you have no trust you have nothing, if I was your fiance I would dump your ass for snooping around my stuff
Yes..and I dated a girl who was so insecure that she constantly suspected me of cheating on her. I never strayed once, but she was convinced every call I made, every trip to the store for milk was for me to meet another women. She actually tried to look at my computer, but couldn't get pass my password. I broke up with her for this reason.

There are two sides to every coin.
She should have left him before it got to that, because she obvioulsy did not trust him.


HUH? So you trust this person. Then you find signs that they might be cheating....As soon as you feel any doubt you leave? That makes no sense.

She trusted him until he started acting strange. She went to him and asked him.
He said she was nuts. So she didn't know at that moment he was cheating. So
you are saying she should have just left? So if your wife started coming home late,
acting weird and secretive, you asked her about it she said ohhhhhh honey don't worry, but
continued this behaviour. You would just drop the whole thing. as you say YOU WOULD TRUST HER!
Well wouldnt you feel like a real ass if she indeed was cheating on you.
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Either I trust someone or I don't.
If I lose trust, I have already lost the relationship.
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