Email password cracking

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If he said he wasnt cheating then he wasnt cheating, if you arent going to belive anything your significant other says than you dont deserve to be with them, and did you stop to think that because your acting all suspicious of them its making him get a weird vibe so he is acting strange now too?
If he said he wasnt cheating then he wasnt cheating, if you arent going to belive anything your significant other says than you dont deserve to be with them, and did you stop to think that because your acting all suspicious of them its making him get a weird vibe so he is acting strange now too?

Hey I have never been cheated on that I know of.
I just know alot of women that have been.

Shit there are countless members here who have admitted to it.
Tiassa in fact just went on about something.

When someone says they aren't cheating......thats always the truth?
LMAO come on we know better. How many are going to admit to that.
Either I trust someone or I don't.
If I lose trust, I have already lost the relationship.

Yeah, that goes for me too. I don't waste time snooping around if I don't trust them. The relationship is already over.
Hey I have never been cheated on that I know of.
I just know alot of women that have been.

Shit there are countless members here who have admitted to it.
Tiassa in fact just went on about something.

When someone says they aren't cheating......thats always the truth?
LMAO come on we know better. How many are going to admit to that.

Well if you are going to assume that everyone is going to cheat on you then you have a serious confidence issue, I have been cheated on, and I still trust my current G/f despite my last one being a whore. It sucks but if I suspected she was fooling around then something is wrong, very wrong in our relationship. We also do this thing where we communicate what one another is doing so that suspicions dont arise, If im going to stay the night somewhere I tell her as she tells me, or if I'm going to be late, talking is the key
OMG nietzchefan has a story he used to tell me at his other job.
This guy (married) was fuking around with the women at work at lunch.
He had other employees covering for him when his wife called in looking for him.

Do you think when she asked him......he said oh yeah dear I am fuking someone on my lunch hour.
Well if you are going to assume that everyone is going to cheat on you then you have a serious confidence issue, I have been cheated on, and I still trust my current G/f despite my last one being a whore. It sucks but if I suspected she was fooling around then something is wrong, very wrong in our relationship.

ok but if you really suspected something what would you do?
just end it? How did you find out your ex was cheating, if you dont mind me asking.

Not assume everybody will. We are talking about when you are with someone and know them like the back of your hand. All of a sudden
they are acting weird, doing strange things, and you suspect something.
I would have a very real reason to suspect something if i did, and the only way i would suspect something is if she went out for hours at a time and avoided telling me where she was going, so yes if she started being sneaky then she isnt worth trusting so..its over
Ok well for that girls sake I hope she is wrong. Maybe she just is
jumping to conclusions. I am sure she will let us know. I still can't
beleive that nobody would follow a lead though....they would just ignore
all or any signs...not a single person would follow someone, or set something
up.. investigate..or anything.....I still don't beleive it.
Who is hiring all the private detectives to follow their mates? is that only in the movies? lolol

As for me.....
I am not suspicious of neitzche, cause he can barely handle me.....
he has no time or patience for any other woman lmao
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Either I trust someone or I don't.
If I lose trust, I have already lost the relationship.

Yeah, that goes for me too. I don't waste time snooping around if I don't trust them. The relationship is already over.

I understand the sentiment, but is it any wonder that marriages fail so often these days with attitudes such as this in the air?

Is it possible to maintain strong trust in anyone? Unflagging trust? Trust that never wavers?

And is it possible to maintain fidelity throughout a long relationship? Never to wander? Never to taste the forbidden fruit?

The moment trust is lost, so is the relationship.

Where's the work? Where's the commitment? Where's the loyalty? It's easy to be loyal when everything is good. It's easy to commit to the perfect relationship.
It's going over the rough patches that spell endurance.

There was a bit on NPR a few weeks back that made me think of these things as I had always had similar ideas as those expressed in the quotes above. The report spoke of the differing attitudes towards marital infidelity in France compared to the US. How, if a spouse is suspected of cheating, often they will never be confronted nor investigated. That the partner will allow the other to go through what must be gone through. To give your love a bit of play in the leash, so to speak.

A poignant comment was made by some French woman who spoke of a time when she thought her husband was cheating on her. How she kept it to herself. And how, as time passed, it seemed the affair was over.

What was constant was the relationship between this man and this woman. Man and wife. That used to mean something.

Another interesting thing I heard in this report came from a private investigator who said that most men, when confronted with cheating wives/girlfriends, cried. While most woman got angry.
I would have thought it would be other way around.
Another interesting thing I heard in this report came from a private investigator who said that most men, when confronted with cheating wives/girlfriends cried. While most woman got angry.
I would have thought it would be other way around.

I think because men realize they haven't just lost her, they've lost their family.
I understand the sentiment, but is it any wonder that marriages fail so often these days with attitudes such as this in the air?

Is it possible to maintain strong trust in anyone? Unflagging trust? Trust that never wavers?

And is it possible to maintain fidelity throughout a long relationship? Never to wander? Never to taste the forbidden fruit?

The moment trust is lost, so is the relationship.

Where's the work? Where's the commitment? Where's the loyalty? It's easy to be loyal when everything is good. It's easy to commit to the perfect relationship.
It's going over the rough patches that spell endurance.

There was a bit on NPR a few weeks back that made me think of these things as I had always had similar ideas as those expressed in the quotes above. The report spoke of the differing attitudes towards marital infidelity in France compared to the US. How, if a spouse is suspected of cheating, often they will never be confronted nor investigated. That the partner will allow the other to go through what must be gone through. To give your love a bit of play in the leash, so to speak.

A poignant comment was made by some French woman who spoke of a time when she thought her husband was cheating on her. How she kept it to herself. And how, as time passed, it seemed the affair was over.

What was constant was the relationship between this man and this woman. Man and wife. That used to mean something.

Another interesting thing I heard in this report came from a private investigator who said that most men, when confronted with cheating wives/girlfriends, cried. While most woman got angry.
I would have thought it would be other way around.

You're assuming my trust is built around suspicions of infidelity or the like. I recognise of course that trust is easy to place and lose, hardest to maintain. Which is why I never undertake it or give it up lightly.

My approach is to ask directly and I have a lot of faith in the people I cherish. Its unlike me to look for hidden motivations in speech or action, or sneak around examining wallets and pockets (or emails and the like).

I feel if you are not willing to take that risk in happiness, you'll see bogeymen everywhere. :shrug:

I find trust and faith have a lot of power, as do love and patience.
Naiveté about a relationship can be trouble for anyone that is that way.

Well it would be easy for a Man to cheat on SAM.....

All he has to say is no dear its all in your closed.

You can trust someone and still get fooled or taken advantage of.
There are signs sometimes, and if you just sweep them all under the carpet
you are just stupid. Personally If I saw the signs, and didn't get the answers I wanted, I would take it on myself to do some investigating. If I found something, he would be GONE! but I wouldn't just ignore the signs and be taken advantage of, wasting my life with a cheater. Lets face it, if they are getting away with it why would they stop.
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