Email password cracking

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Hi, I just joined, Im not sure its ok to post this or not, but here goes..
Does anyone know about email password cracking? I need this urgently as I suspect my fiance is cheating & there is no point in me installing a key logger as he uses the PC at his work
I saw some sites advertised but dont know if they are scammers or not
I am scared of being scammed, or the people doing a bad job & my fiance finding out im on to him
please help if you can, even if its to tell me which sites NOT to use! Or PM me if you want
I seriously need to do this asap and any help advice or suggestions would be gratefully received
Lol, I have asked him & he says Im 'paranoid' I asked him for his password about a month ago and he gave it to me, but now has changed it??
I need some evidence
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So it's OK to spy on the person you plan to marry? Newsflash: it's all over but the crying.
Muuuust resiiiist... muuuust resiiiist...

I would love to help you in the only way I know how but I suspect our administrator will tell me off if you do. Have you considered asking your fiance if he is cheating on you? Perhaps if your trust in him has disintegrated to the point where you're tempted to pry into his emails, maybe it's high time you were single again.

Not that you're being all that truthful yourself, of course.
I am not paranoid, lol, whats with him giving me his password & then changing it?
Also hes got really cagey about his phone, always has it switched off when its not on him
Just little things
Of course Ive asked him but he says Im having 'pre wedding jitters' and Im seeing things that arent there
I have always found a womans intuition to be quite good!

Women are born investigators I am sure you will get to the truth lol
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Gaining access to peoples personal accounts is against a number of laws in regards to Data Protection. It's not just the personal laws of the person you are attempting to gain information on, but also the corporations that house the particular databases in which the information is stored.

They do not deal with 'Crackers' lightly even if they are skriptkiddie's using someone else's program. Considering you wouldn't be covered by the EULA/TOC of the initial parties registeration (they agreed to certain conditions for the service), Access those databases at your own peril.

I would suggest forget about 'Cracking' passwords (it's labour/time intensive and could yield little rewards), I would also suggest forgetting about 'keylogging' or 'trojans' they can get caught by anti-virus/spyware programs, or even potentially open backdoors for other people that neither of you know to access his machine/data.

What I would suggest however is something simple that someone else on the forums once complained about happening:

If he has a mobile phone, redirect his 'Call forwarding' to your phone. If he doesn't pick up in 3 rings, his phonecall will be automatically directed to you. If it's another women, well you get to have a nice chat about that cheating S.O.B. (Remember *IF* there is another person, they might not even know about you, so they are in the same boat as you.)
I know that I am not going mad, im not paranoid & there is something going on with him. I know his ex has got in touch recently, as she found out we are engaged and she sent him a msg on Myspace
I think he is having email correspondance with her, as he always used to check email at home but now only does it at the office! :confused:
thanks for the replies. I will try the call redirecting thing!
So Stryder- are you saying that if I pay an email password cracker and I get found out then I could get into serious trouble with the law?? Omg..
Of course Ive asked him but he says Im having 'pre wedding jitters' and Im seeing things that arent there

AHA, that is the problem. Men hardly ever cheat right before they get married (women do), men cheat after they get married.

BUT, ex-girlfriends are a biiiig problem. This is a whole diffrerent story now.
Depending on where you are, password cracking can be illegal...and the very least it's unethical. No one here is going to tell you how to do it.

What happens if you crack his pw, and find he isn't cheating, but finds out you seriously violated his trust and privacy? What then?

I know if I found out my fiance cracked my email password, just to see if I was cheating on her, I would have to seriously consider things.
The other thing I was thinking off is using a remotely installed keylogger?
But could it damage his computer? I thought some key loggers were really good, the ones parents use on their kids I mean, some of them have very good reviews on PC magazines? :shrug:

What happens if you crack his pw, and find he isn't cheating, but finds out you seriously violated his trust and privacy? What then?

I know if I found out my fiance cracked my email password, just to see if I was cheating on her, I would have to seriously consider things.

If I got into his account and found out he wasnt cheating then Id be hugely relived, feel incredibly guilty & proceed with the wedding!
I would not tell him I had got into his account, so he wouldnt know
Depending on where you are, password cracking can be illegal...and the very least it's unethical. No one here is going to tell you how to do it.

What happens if you crack his pw, and find he isn't cheating, but finds out you seriously violated his trust and privacy? What then?

I know if I found out my fiance cracked my email password, just to see if I was cheating on her, I would have to seriously consider things.

Sure and what if she finds out he is cheating?
Muuuust resiiiist... muuuust resiiiist...

I would love to help you in the only way I know how but I suspect our administrator will tell me off if you do. Have you considered asking your fiance if he is cheating on you? Perhaps if your trust in him has disintegrated to the point where you're tempted to pry into his emails, maybe it's high time you were single again.

Not that you're being all that truthful yourself, of course.

Yep, I have to be openly restrictive about advertising The Dark Arts.
This website/forums is not a hacker meeting ground (if you are going to do that then lookup 2600 meetings in your local city, or pop along to the alt.2600.hackers (or alt.2600.hackerz) newsgroups. Further still inquire why my other website isn't operational currently)
I am not paranoid, lol, whats with him giving me his password & then changing it?
Also hes got really cagey about his phone, always has it switched off when its not on him
Just little things
Of course Ive asked him but he says Im having 'pre wedding jitters' and Im seeing things that arent there

Changing your email password frequently is a good thing, many people do it as a security measure, esp if they use the emails for financial transactions.

I think you are being silly and foolish and may end up losing your fiance over your suspicions. I also think if you don't trust him, you should reconsider marrying him.
Sure and what if she finds out he is cheating?

Then I wont marry him!!
Im meant to be getting married in like 6 weeks :eek:
His ex has got in the picture recently & I dont trust her, and I bet she is saying stuff about having fun whilst he can etc :mad:
I have to find out! I can ask and ask but hes not going to just admit it is he??
I need to know for definite either way :bawl:
I think you are being silly and foolish and may end up losing your fiance over your suspicions. I also think if you don't trust him, you should reconsider marrying him.

this is really harsh! :eek: Ive been with him for 6 years, I know him well, I know when things are not quite right. When you know someone really really well, you notice things that may seem small but they are significant, slight behaviour changes that are weird
Like he now always has his mobile phone off when its not glues to him. When he is in shower, phone goes off, when he goes to bed, phone goes off
he used to just leave it laying about all over the place, but not anymore
so why the change??
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