Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
How was that a valid point?

Genitals are 'obscene' for a reason. They're purely sexual parts. There's nothing utilitarian or otherwise non sexual about testicles or a vagina. They're there for one obvious reason. (I don't agree with this viewpoint. I think unless you're engaging in actual sexual behaviour, nakedness is not obscene. But society thinks differently.)

Breasts are not purely sexual parts. They're there for a functional reason; to feed children.

Which matters more? The fact that we attach CONNOTATIONS to breasts (sexuality) or the fact that a REAL CHILD NEEDS FEEDING?

A penis or anus is not a purely sexual body part, right? And I also don't believe that nakedness, in and of itself, is "obscene". But many people believe that it is, which is why I consider EF's point to be valid.

As much as we may disagree with this attitude, it's what they believe and these people shop at stores, vote, etc. That's why I don't think that businesses should be forced to allow public breastfeeding. In the name of property rights, shouldn't a business owner at least be allowed to choose which segment of society he or she is going to offend?
Cocks are for fucking and expelling waste. Same for assholes.

Sex in public is crude. Shit and piss in public is dangerous, very dangerous.

I am being vulgar to illustrate a point. These things are filthy and run health risks.
A penis or anus is not a purely sexual body part, right? And I also don't believe that nakedness, in and of itself, is "obscene". But many people believe that it is, which is why I consider EF's point to be valid.


What Tak said. Cocks are for peeing. Anuses are for having a shit. They're specifically for that purpose.

Breasts are functional.
So...I can expose my balls then?

Wtf are you guys talking about anyway? Piss and shit? lol

BTW Diogenes also once took a shit in the Athens Agora too.

I wish he'd come back from the dead and post here.
The depressing part is you're joking. The other dimwits here are sincerely comparing genitals to titties.
See that's the problem with you women, you cater to pricks and assholes who like to get a rise out of you. You need to tell these guys to fuck off , in public, whenever possible.
You're doing a terrible job. Walking with a limp is an activity.

One is a generally unwanted and involuntary physical characteristic (a damaged body that makes it impossible for one to walk without a limp) and another is an activity that is completely voluntary in every way. Women don't have to breastfeed and they certainly don't have to breastfeed at Wal-Mart on a Thursday afternoon.

It's not physically impossible for a mother to not breastfeed in public. It very well could be physically impossible for someone with a mangled leg to walk without a limp. The argument that banning breastfeeding is the same as discriminating against the disabled, minorities, or whatever, doesn't hold water.

Keeping the milk fresh or finding a place that is sanitary to feed a baby is pretty fucking hard. The point isn't difficulty, though. The point is that women shouldn't have to arrange feeding their children around a couple of perverts who get up in arms about this in the same way people who limp shouldn't have to be in chairs to stop from bothering bigots.

Actually, you seemed to imply that difficulty IS a point when you said, "If you walk with a limp, you can stop that, too. Just use a wheelchair. No different than the special accommodation of a bottle and pump." If it's no different, then they would be identical in terms of the impact it that had on the respective people's lives.

I would imagine that people who have problems with public breastfeeding are more likely to be prudes than perverts. In any event, some of these prudes and/or perverts may own businesses. I see no reason why they should have to arrange their customer relations policies around the family planning decisions of others.
The depressing part is you're joking. The other dimwits here are sincerely comparing genitals to titties.

One would have to be a dimwit to not acknowledge that a penis or anus has a very important non-sexual function, just as breasts do.
One is a generally unwanted and involuntary physical characteristic (a damaged body that makes it impossible for one to walk without a limp) and another is an activity that is completely voluntary in every way. Women don't have to breastfeed and they certainly don't have to breastfeed at Wal-Mart on a Thursday afternoon.

Cripples don't have to limp all over the place either. There is no difference.

It's not physically impossible for a mother to not breastfeed in public. It very well could be physically impossible for someone with a mangled leg to walk without a limp. The argument that banning breastfeeding is the same as discriminating against the disabled, minorities, or whatever, doesn't hold water.

See above answer.

Actually, you seemed to imply that difficulty IS a point when you said, "If you walk with a limp, you can stop that, too. Just use a wheelchair. No different than the special accommodation of a bottle and pump." If it's no different, then they would be identical in terms of the impact it that had on the respective people's lives.

Are you a mother who has ever breastfed? Pumping/bottle feeding is a huge pain.

I would imagine that people who have problems with public breastfeeding are more likely to be prudes than perverts. In any event, some of these prudes and/or perverts may own businesses. I see no reason why they should have to arrange their customer relations policies around the family planning decisions of others.

If they can't keep their minds off sex when a woman is feeding her infant, I'd say they're a little from Column A and a little from Column B. You've had this explained to you over and over, and every person who is regarded as vaguely sensible here tends to fall in favor of not allowing this discriminatory practice.
I gotta agree with Enmos here. I don't see how anal sex could be pleasurable, it just seems equivalent to taking a dump except with a repeated in and out motion.
I still don't get the fact that people actually dare to compare breastfeeding with ...defecation.

a) there's no bodily waste left after breastfeeding contrarily to ..."shitting and pissing"
b) the milk that the breasts produce is actually...drinkable while sh*t and piss isn't something I'd pour down my throat..but yeah, whatever floats your boat.
c) breastfeeding can be at the most be as disgusting as when some ugly fat twat noms on some really really greasy steak and eats with an open mouth. Well, do you want to ban fat people with no manners, too? I find it obscene how some people consume their food.
d) breastfeeding doesn't reek contrarily to faeces and urine.
e) you're a sicko if you compare breastfeeding to public sex. What's with those twats who get a hard one when they see a mum feeding her baby? If someone needs to get banned then it's those sickoes.
f) if customers cause such a ruckus because a mum is breastfeeding her kid which generally takes like..20 minutes if I'm not mistaken, then I must say..what the Hell is wrong with them? You don't stare at other people. That's not well-mannered.

Cripples don't have to limp all over the place either. There is no difference.

They may have to. What if they can't afford a wheelchair or a vehicle capable of transporting one?

And you still are ignoring the fact that one is a voluntary behavior that resulted from a series of choices and the other is a physical injury/flaw that is almost always involuntary.

That's like arguing that a business that refuses to hire someone covered with tattoos and piercings is doing the same thing as the business that refuses to hire a black person. One is voluntary and a possible consequence of behavior and life choices. The other is mistreating someone for something they can't help.

Are you a mother who has ever breastfed?

Are you a disabled person who is confined to a wheelchair?

Pumping/bottle feeding is a huge pain.

More so than being confined to a wheelchair? I think not.

If they can't keep their minds off sex when a woman is feeding her infant, I'd say they're a little from Column A and a little from Column B. You've had this explained to you over and over, and every person who is regarded as vaguely sensible here tends to fall in favor of not allowing this discriminatory practice.

There's a pretty valid argument that it isn't discriminatory. Prudish and lame, maybe, but not discriminatory in any sensible use of the term.

Believing that, "You aren't allowed to engage in that activity on our property." is exactly the same as, "We don't allow your race/gender/ethnicity/sexual orientation/etc. on our property." doesn't seem particularly sensible to me.
Breastfeeding in public because the baby is thirsty.... is not obscene
Breastfeeding in public because you want to tease guys in front of you... is obscene
Breastfeeding in public in nudist village.... is not obscene (no one cares)
Breastfeeding in public in countries with sharia law.... you will most likely end up in jail...

It's contextual.. depends on the venue, motive, etc..
Breastfeeding in public because the baby is thirsty.... is not obscene
Breastfeeding in public because you want to tease guys in front of you... is obscene
Breastfeeding in public in nudist village.... is not obscene (no one cares)
Breastfeeding in public in countries with sharia law.... you will most likely end up in jail...

It's contextual.. depends on the venue, motive, etc..

Good point. But I'd imagine that most women who breastfeed in public aren't doing it for the attention.
I gotta agree with Enmos here. I don't see how anal sex could be pleasurable, it just seems equivalent to taking a dump except with a repeated in and out motion.

Damn; we could start a whole new thread on that topic. I also don't see how anal sex could feel all that great, but I've known people who think it's fantastic. I guess it's just a matter of personal tastes. :shrug:
I am soooooo pissed!

I just wrote a big long post and lost it! @$@#^$^$%^#

I will try again later, but I think Acid Cowboy is making valid and good points.