Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
How nice for you. Last night I woke up in a cold sweat wondering about your shitting habits. :p
Therefore I am a liar. :( I..I....never took a crap while eating. I can't multi-task. :(

Neither can I, but I can still eat on the toilet...

I usually piss or shit first, then enjoy that cookie or can of red bull that I was too greedy to put down, go to the loo and come back to...:D
Well, if I see someone taking a dump in the street near my house I'm gonna shove his face in it..
Of course I'll size him up first to see if I can take him.. lol

and do you do that to all the animals as well?:rolleyes:
Should we, before answering this question, first ask 'Is ElectricFetus a tit'?

The answer is out there.....

I don't know ElectricFetus well enough to determine if he's a tit, but his position on this issue certainly does NOT make him one, in my opinion. I think he's making a valid point/comparison. And if he IS a tit, would it be obscene for him to appear in public (trying to the debate on track and all)?

Anyhoo; I don't have any objection to breastfeeding in public, but I do think that private businesses have the right to not allow it if they see fit.
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Do you extend that same right/privilege for such things as pissing or shitting in public? If one has to go and there are no public facilities nearby, you feel that it's okay for people to just drop their pants and shit? ...right there in public?

Baron Max
Baron, I don't know what it's like where you are from, but where I am from, when a woman breastfeed, she's not leaving bodily waste everywhere. Also, everywhere you go in the US, you should be able to access a public toilet or rest-stop. You're telling me that when you go out in your home state, there are no public toilet facilities? What in the hell kind of backward state do you live in that has no toilet facilities anywhere in public?

But to your point. Do you view breastfeeding the same as taking a dump or doing a weewee? Yes? So when your mother fed you as a baby, was it akin to emptying one's bowel and bladder? Just to clarify here.

You seem to view a child eating/drinking as being the same as going to the toilet. I am just trying to clarify something here. What in the hell did your mother feed you to make you think that feeding a child is exactly the same as emptying your bowel and bladder? I guess it would explain a lot of things in hindsight. After all, as they say, you are what you eat... And it seems your mother fed you stuff that makes you think eating and drinking in public for a baby is exactly the same as you taking a dump and a piss. You poor old thing.

I mean, the two aren't even remotely connected or even similar. Yet you and some others here seem to think that they are.

Seriously.. what did your mother's feed you as babies to make you think it is similar or even in the same league?
Baron, I don't know what it's like where you are from, but where I am from, when a woman breastfeed, she's not leaving bodily waste everywhere. Also, everywhere you go in the US, you should be able to access a public toilet or rest-stop. You're telling me that when you go out in your home state, there are no public toilet facilities? What in the hell kind of backward state do you live in that has no toilet facilities anywhere in public?

But to your point. Do you view breastfeeding the same as taking a dump or doing a weewee? Yes? So when your mother fed you as a baby, was it akin to emptying one's bowel and bladder? Just to clarify here.

You seem to view a child eating/drinking as being the same as going to the toilet. I am just trying to clarify something here. What in the hell did your mother feed you to make you think that feeding a child is exactly the same as emptying your bowel and bladder? I guess it would explain a lot of things in hindsight. After all, as they say, you are what you eat... And it seems your mother fed you stuff that makes you think eating and drinking in public for a baby is exactly the same as you taking a dump and a piss. You poor old thing.

I mean, the two aren't even remotely connected or even similar. Yet you and some others here seem to think that they are.

Seriously.. what did your mother's feed you as babies to make you think it is similar or even in the same league?

Perhaps some people pick on breastfeeding in public, because they have conflicting thoughts about it. Kinda like closet gay people picking on gay people ;)
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I don't know ElectricFetus well enough to determine if he's a tit, but his position on this issue certainly does NOT make him one, in my opinion. I think he's making a valid point/comparison.

Okay, fair enough. Does that mean that if people don't cover their mouth when they cough in public or their noses when they sneeze in a public area, it means that I should be allowed to wipe my backside after going to the toilet and leaving the tissues everywhere in public spaces? After all, if one group is allowed to spread their bodily fluids everywhere, why can't I do the same with the toilet paper I use in the toilet? I should be allowed to leave my used toilet paper and all things sanitary anywhere and everywhere in public because people don't cover their noses and mouths when they sneeze or cough.

Do you think that is a valid comparison?

Because I don't. I also don't see how breastfeeding can be compared to taking a dump or a piss in public. So because a woman holds her child in front of her and feeds her child in public, it is the same as someone peeing in public? Same exposure? No, it actually is not. Similar exposure would be a man adjusting himself in public. Or maybe taking his top off. How you equate public display of your genitals to a child breastfeeding is, well, beyond me. I mean what kind of sicko do you have to be to consider a child breastfeeding in public as being the same as holding your penis while doing a wee in public? Help me out here.. Is a guy's penis exposed to all and sundry in the same league as a child's head being in the vicinity of his/her mother's breasts, which is usually covered by her clothing and sometimes a drape?
SOMEONE'S mommy didn't love them enough to breastfeed. Seriously, save for the few women who can't, I do not understand why ANYONE would choose bottle feeding.

Also I would NEVER have the gall to ask a mother to feed her baby in a bathroom. Disgusting.
Okay, fair enough. Does that mean that if people don't cover their mouth when they cough in public or their noses when they sneeze in a public area, it means that I should be allowed to wipe my backside after going to the toilet and leaving the tissues everywhere in public spaces? After all, if one group is allowed to spread their bodily fluids everywhere, why can't I do the same with the toilet paper I use in the toilet? I should be allowed to leave my used toilet paper and all things sanitary anywhere and everywhere in public because people don't cover their noses and mouths when they sneeze or cough.

Do you think that is a valid comparison?

Because I don't. I also don't see how breastfeeding can be compared to taking a dump or a piss in public. So because a woman holds her child in front of her and feeds her child in public, it is the same as someone peeing in public? Same exposure? No, it actually is not. Similar exposure would be a man adjusting himself in public. Or maybe taking his top off. How you equate public display of your genitals to a child breastfeeding is, well, beyond me. I mean what kind of sicko do you have to be to consider a child breastfeeding in public as being the same as holding your penis while doing a wee in public? Help me out here.. Is a guy's penis exposed to all and sundry in the same league as a child's head being in the vicinity of his/her mother's breasts, which is usually covered by her clothing and sometimes a drape?

Precisely. It's akin to saying, "I don't want anyone actively displaying they're a mother in my establishment." It's like saying, "Oh, black people don't bother me in here. I just want their faces painted white before they come in." If the business receives tax rebates and is subsidized by government monies, they don't get to say they don't want breastfeeding mothers who are not being a bother in their stores.