Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
but your provided them the information with full intent on changing their minds, you did change their minds, this you had control over their will while they only believe their action was by their own will.

No. You provided them information hoping they would change their minds. They decided to agree with you, but weren't constrained to by you.

If your senario was true there wouldn't be a theist left on the planet.
No. You provided them information hoping they would change their minds. They decided to agree with you, but weren't constrained to by you.

If your senario was true there wouldn't be a theist left on the planet.

again propaganda works under the same logic.
swarm said:
No. You provided them information hoping they would change their minds. They decided to agree with you, but weren't constrained to by you.

If your scenario was true there wouldn't be a theist left on the planet.

again propaganda works under the same logic.

Propaganda is a form of persuasion, if that's what you're getting at. It's defined as a bad one these days, as wikipedia makes clear:
Propaganda is communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, often presents information primarily in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.​

Whether there is free will or not is a different argument altogether. I'll summarize my take on free will- does the universe/God have free will? I suppose. Certainly, no one is forcing eir's hand. But eir's actions are based on its past; cause and effect are not idle concepts, although I think physicists could tell you just how convoluted it can get. I remember one not understanding why we can't see into the future. Perhaps a famous science fiction novelist could help answer that one- the future is directional as well; that is, many things will happen in it. So just as we can't see everything in the present or the past at any given time (so much to see), so with the future. We attempt to predict certain future outcomes, but we should never forget the immense impact we have in determining what the future will be. I would argue that some science fiction authors can be seen as immense seers, but their power to affect our consensus reality can be so great that they can literally change what would have been, by warning the collective consciousness of what will come if we continue on a certain path and literally getting us to change the future. Do we want to live in a physical world such as the one in The Matrix/Terminator? Probably not, and so we begin to take steps to avert it and thus it may never come to pass.
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of course free will is a who different argument I said that like 2 pages ago yet from some reason we are still talking about it!
of course free will is a who different argument I said that like 2 pages ago yet from some reason we are still talking about it!

I've discussed the subject many a time, laugh ;-). As I mentioned in my last post, I believe that if anything could be said to have 'free will', it's the universe/God; I see any particular part of the universe as only a part of God and thus, much more constrained in its freeness; it's like saying that one's toe has 'free will'; it's like, well, I suppose you could make the argument that it 'likes' responding to the brain and it's not being violently coerced, but...

And sure you could say that the brain is truly free, but it is always seeking to maximize happiness and minimize pain and while people don't all have the same concepts in regards to how best to acccomplish these goals, there is certainly room for others to persuade and/or manipulate people based on these facts.
again propaganda works under the same logic.

Actually it doesn't but you seem to have great difficulty with conflating same and similar, coincident and causal, and, part and whole.

Propaganda is used to persuade people, but then a baseball bat can be used to persuade some one. So what? Is propaganda the same as a baseball bat?

Propaganda works by distorting and/or suppressing information to not present a clear picture and by using emotionally inflamatory rhetoric to cloud judgement, kind of like your urine speil.

Honest persuation is presenting the actual facts and avoiding inflamatory rhetoric so that a well reasoned judgement can be arrived at.

Some might conclude that even though there is some similarities in the tools, the use vs misuse of them puts the two at odds with each other.

We are lucky to have you doublespeak them as the "same" thing they are.
Actually it doesn't but you seem to have great difficulty with conflating same and similar, coincident and causal, and, part and whole.

Propaganda is used to persuade people, but then a baseball bat can be used to persuade some one. So what? Is propaganda the same as a baseball bat?

and you have difficulty assigning fallacies. I never said anything about applying force being propaganda, if you want to "inform" people so that they won't find breastfeeding obscene by shoving what you believe to be facts in front of them, its the same as propaganda, if you want to beat it into them that something worse.

Propaganda works by distorting and/or suppressing information to not present a clear picture and by using emotionally inflamatory rhetoric to cloud judgement, kind of like your urine speil.

though a good assumption on your part the definition of propaganda does not have this requirement, it is simply state as "the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person"
I believe that if anything could be said to have 'free will', it's the universe/God

the universe is 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% (plus or minus some 9s) empty space and dead matter. No will what so ever.

"God" seems entirely made up. No will there.

It is only the most minute portion of life on this planet that manifests any indication of will.

Personally I think the "free" part is just a red herring. Will exists in a context and is inescapably constrained and defined by the same. But as long as you manifest choice and volition you have free enough will.