Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
Maybe we should do more things in public? I've been in countries were taking a dump is just about public. I mean, there was no door on the lavatory. Then again, in Japan, it's considered very rude, and a bit disgusting to eat a hamburger in public. Many Japanese are shocked to see all these fat Westerns carrying food with them onto the street, into a train, etc... They also find the fact that we don't have a anus washlet a bit disturbing They often say, if you got shit on your hands, would you feel clean ifyou only wiped the shit off with a paper towel and didn't use water??! Which seems like a good point put isn't.

If you people are serious in that you can actually compare breastfeeding a baby to emptying your bowels and bladder, then I hope to god you never have children. I never thought I'd say it, but dumb prats should not breed.
Breastfeeding is fine in public. The probably is people living in big cities are so removed from children that they find children, particularly small ones, kind of scary - maybe even creepy. That's how I find it. You'd never find country people worrying about breastfeeding.

If you people are serious in that you can actually compare breastfeeding a baby to emptying your bowels and bladder, then I hope to god you never have children. I never thought I'd say it, but dumb prats should not breed.

Yeah......I don't really see the comparison of breastfeeding and /or pissing and shitting in the street. :confused:
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im pleased to see this thread (wow look at all the posts since yesterday) has such a strong vote in favor of breast feeding. 3:30 is quite a substantial vote here
HA HA! Oh I have plenty of Imagination but in this instance I really don't see how it can even be on the same level as breastfeeding.

The problem here is the imagery, breastfeeding is played off as some wonderful bonding thing and pissing is disgusting and valgur. Say for example like how a squirrel is cute but a rat is vermin. Many get hung up on imagery and bias, like you, if I named a rose a "shit stench flower" you would probably refuse to smell it.

Both are bodily functions involving the excretion of fluids from sexual organs (though admittedly one is a primary sexual organ and the other is secondary) to do either function requires the high probability of putting said organs in public display, something some people have a problem with (not I), but the beauty of breastfeeding and the grossness of pissing are just too different for you to analyzes either objectively for any similar qualities and reduces you to condescending behavior over those that can.

Note this if you can't do objective analysis on two things with radically different emotional appeal, its is you, not us that is lacking in mental facilities.
The problem here is the imagery, breastfeeding is played off as some wonderful bonding thing and pissing is disgusting and valgur. Say for example like how a squirrel is cute but a rat is vermin. Many get hung up on imagery and bias, like you, if I named a rose a "shit stench flower" you would probably refuse to smell it.

Both are bodily functions involving the excretion of fluids from sexual organs (though admittedly one is a primary sexual organ and the other is secondary) to do either function requires the high probability of putting said organs in public display, something some people have a problem with (not I), but the beauty of breastfeeding and the grossness of pissing are just too different for you to analyzes either objectively for any similar qualities and reduces you to condescending behavior over those that can.

Note this if you can't do objective analysis on two things with radically different emotional appeal, its is you, not us that is lacking in mental facilities.

Let me ask you a question. Say you have a small child. One who has just started to walk. Would you allow your child to sit and eat in an eatery or outside park or cafe and right behind where you are sitting is the open public area where anyone and everyone can just go and pee or poo... no doors, nothing.

Would you take your children and make them eat in a public toilet? After all, eating is a necessary bodily function like urinating and bowel movements are. Would you let them sit by the sink or against public urinals to eat their lunch? Yes? No? What if you had no choice and you were told that the only place you could feed your child was in the public toilet and the reason given is that urinating and defacating is exactly the same as eating and drinking, so both can be done in the same place.. both are bodily functions and are therefore on the same level. Would that be acceptable to you?

Now, lets have a look at the whole breastfeeding is somehow on par to urinating in public because both involve bodily fluids. Can you tell the difference between breastmilk and urine? Do you recognise that one is considered bodily waste and the other food for a baby? Do you recognise that you cannot swap one for the other? What you cannot seem to grasp is that the act of urinating (standing and urinating) is not the issue. If you think holding onto your penis and peeing against the wall is the same as a woman holding her baby and breastfeeding it, then frankly, that is not something I actually wish to discuss with you. Because that says more about you than I want to know to be honest.

"Pissing" is considered "gross" because it is bodily waste. That is why one should do it in a toilet and then flush and wash one's hands. Because you are dealing with and possibly handling bodily waste (depending on whether you can't do it without getting it on your hands). Do you know why you wash your hands after going to the toilet? Now take that answer and then maybe, just maybe, you might recognise why urinating in public areas is considered "gross".

Do you think breastmilk is bodily waste?
bells breathing is actually bodly waste as well, acids in the body (ie CO2) are expelled through the lungs as are some drug wastes. Urination is really not that huge an issue as far as its hyginic implications are concerned, its sterile. Its the stuff outside your body (ie your digestive tract) you need to be concerned about:p
bells breathing is actually bodly waste as well, acids in the body (ie CO2) are expelled through the lungs as are some drug wastes. Urination is really not that huge an issue as far as its hyginic implications are concerned, its sterile. Its the stuff outside your body (ie your digestive tract) you need to be concerned about:p

Mmm hmmm

Urine could — in rare cases — also have some toxic substances in it, such as lead or arsenic. It can also contain trace amounts of drugs that the urinating person has recently ingested, though probably not enough to actually give the sipper any high or show up on a drug test.

"Water sports" or "golden showers" are sexual behaviors in which someone urinates on his or her partner's skin or body in the shower, in bed, at the beach, etc. This is generally harmless, as long as the pee doesn't get into any orifice or wound. If someone does end up urinating in your mouth (or you drink your own urine), s/he could conceivably transmit an infection. Passing on a urinary tract infection (UTI) could complicate matters. Hepatitis B, chlamydia, and gonorrhea could be present in the urine and could theoretically be transmitted to the drinker, causing infection.

You would walk in bare feet in areas where you know all and sundry stand up and pee against the wall? What if you had a cut on your foot? Or a little open wound you didn't know about?

Would you let your child walk and play in other people's urine? How about at a park where there is a public and open urinal, where everyone can come and pee out in the open. Would you trust everyone to flush and make sure they cleaned up after themselves? Do you think it would be acceptable for people to go into children's play areas and urinate on or against the play equipment and then have children come and play in it? Now compare that with breastfeeding in public. Are they in any way, shape or form the same? Bodily fluid yes. This argument is akin to my saying that I should be allowed to pee in open and public because some small children drool or some people spit when they talk, or spit on the ground. All involves normal bodily functions and fluids. But they are not the same, are they?

When women breastfeed, they are not posing any risk to anyone. If people urinate in public and in the open where the public walks through, sits and eats, etc, then that can pose a potential health risk to people.

For those who view being able to go to the toilet in public as being the same as breastfeeding in public, and that if women can breastfeed, then men should be able to go to the toilet in public wherever they so choose, then I have one proposal for you. Each time you are going to eat or drink anything, go and do so in a public restroom. Or better yet, drink and eat your own waste.

But apparently, it seems that some men are jealous and think that because women breastfeed their children in public, it is somehow deemed a special privilege and they feel that to be equal, they should be allowed to wave their dicks around at everyone. That is the crux of this whole issue.

Is breastfeeding a special privilege?

As the question in the OP states. "Is breastfeeding obscene?". Apparently feeding a baby has now become obscene. Hopefully they will not hold the same attitude when they have children.
umm bells, the main sources of bodly waste (to use it in the sence of what the body doesnt want rather than the medical sense which could mean someones arm) are the lungs and the skin. dead cells are constantly rubbing off the skin, not to mention sweat.

As for the chances of infection from urine it requires there to be a SYSTEMIC infection in the body which the hoast body is unable to fight (and has there for permiates the entire body). Yes hep could qualify, i wont argue with that but let me return your question to YOU, knowing the levels of bacteria in the enviroment anyway do you think its safe to walk ANYWHERE with broken skin (ie a cut ect which is an entry point for infection)

The MAIN reason its not good to drink urine is a mechanical one, ie take 2 reverse osmosis machines (which after all is similar to the funtion of the kidneys anyway). Hook the intake of one into the pure outlet of itself. For the second one combind both the waste and "clean" water outlets of the second one straight back into the intake.

Hook them both up so that they only turn on when a density meter triggers (or use salts alone and when an electric current flows through the water or whatever) and put that into the middle of the pipes (so that the water is running past it, sorry if im not explaining this well)

Which will fail first? (not which will turn off first, which will blow up from over use)

THIS is the problem with drinking urine, its forcing the kidneys to keep reprosessing its own waste again and again and again, at increasingly high levels as the body produces its normal levels as well
oh BTW rember i voted no on the pole, i just think your wrong about the urine thing, and no that doesnt mean i am into golden showers, rember psycology comes into alot of life as well
This and that

Let's see, we're down to skin cells and CO[sub]2[/sub] in order to ... what, justify the idea of taking a shit in public?

You know, what really puzzles me about all this hair-splitting is that the follicle surgeons are overlooking one thing: Feeding a human being.

So I'll tell you what: If you can find someone who wants to suck the shit out of your ass in public for its nutritional value, and maybe wash it down with a throatful of your golden nectar, let me know.

And I'm sorry if some of you think I'm being insensitive to your intellects, but I dare any one of you to tell a baby, in front of a room or bus full of people, "I'm sorry, little bitch-baby, but you don't get to eat because I might pop a boner, and I shouldn't have to exercise a little bit of decency and restraint just because you're fucking hungry, you little shit! Now get off those titties! They're mine!"

Because that's really what this is all about. Come on, just admit it.

• • •​

On a lighter note ....

Asguard said:

oh BTW rember i voted no on the pole, i just think your wrong about the urine thing, and no that doesnt mean i am into golden showers, rember psycology comes into alot of life as well

Okay, work with me here, please.

For the next week, don't bother using the toilet. Just piss yourself, or if you can't stand that idea, pee in the corner all over the carpet. Yes, presuming you're healthy, the urine coming out of you is relatively harmless ... as it's coming out of you. But let us know about the smell after a day or two. And maybe take a culture from the carpet at the end of the week and let us know what the results are.

Oh, and if PB asks what you're up to, tell her I put you up to it. In the name of science. Because some people out there think they should be able to piss wherever they want in public because other people think babies should be allowed to suck a tit in public. And regardless of how you feel about that particular argument, well, you think the people who argue against public urination are overreacting and exaggerating. So this is a good way to prove the point.

I can't imagine that she could possibly object, eh?
why would it be obscene??

if you saw a group of puppies or kittens feeding would anyone find that obscene?

i breasfed all my children and when a child is hungry you cannot say to them, "please wait until we get home, so please stop crying"