why does god has to have a god??

How much have you read about SuperGod?

Ants kill ants. Ants kill wasps. Ants kill cattle. Ants kill humans.
Ants would try to bite UltraGod if they could.

I don't get angry.

nothing..never thought one exists nor heard so..

and al the killing ants..i don't believe you..you have proof?
as for them trying to bite ultragod, i don't know what's that supposd to mean..

That is your supposition, not mine. Religious people seem to think that it makes more common sense for a complex entity (God) to create the world than for it to come about through an evolutionary process. They do not recognize the explanatory power of evolution. Their every day experience is when humans make something complex, like a clock. Clocks don't seem to arise through other simple iterative processes, so they apply this reasoning to the world, even though that application is mistaken.
thanks spidergoat..i think i understand more clearly now..:)

more questions if you don't mind:D
some theists who are aware of the complexity of evolution because of their high scientific level (unlike me of course)..how do they make go between the complexity of evolution and yet are in favour of believing god to it..is it possible that as much as they know of it's complexity..they see it doesn't go beyond being explanatory?

they see that as much as it is complex..it will never mtch the complexity of what it tries to explain..and so, believe in god, regarding evolution as a nice try..but not satisfactory much?

all what i said is based on assumption..i'm just trying to understand why theist science people still believe god? as i'm not one..i just want to put all elements into account.
because life is directly connected to us..it is relevant..
god is connected to us by being god, no strings attached..it really shouldn't intrest us if he has a creator or not

So you do believe in god.
Did god create us and other life ?
more questions if you don't mind:D
some theists who are aware of the complexity of evolution because of their high scientific level (unlike me of course)..how do they make go between the complexity of evolution and yet are in favour of believing god to it..is it possible that as much as they know of it's complexity..they see it doesn't go beyond being explanatory?

Evolution is not really that complex, that is it's beauty. It's a simple set of circumstances that results in complexity, using randomness as a driving force. In that sense it is able to bridge the explanatory transition between simple and complex things. I can't explain why people still believe in both evolution and God(s).

they see that as much as it is complex..it will never mtch the complexity of what it tries to explain..and so, believe in god, regarding evolution as a nice try..but not satisfactory much?
It may not be emotionally satisfactory, but it is intellectually satisfactory.

all what i said is based on assumption..i'm just trying to understand why theist science people still believe god? as i'm not one..i just want to put all elements into account.
Maybe they just want to.
Evolution & gods do not necessarily exclude each other.
:idea:yeah, that's what i was thinking..(but i think you have to exclude human evolution)
That's not a personal attack.
then i'm sorry(?):huh:
So you do believe in god.
Did god create us and other life ?
does it matter?
i don't see where you are going..
Evolution is not really that complex, that is it's beauty. It's a simple set of circumstances that results in complexity, using randomness as a driving force. In that sense it is able to bridge the explanatory transition between simple and complex things. I can't explain why people still believe in both evolution and God(s).
maybe they refuse the randomness part..and substitute it with god?:scratchin:
they see that as much as it is complex..it will never match the complexity of what it tries to explain..
It may not be emotionally satisfactory, but it is intellectually satisfactory.
what about the first part? isn't that a flaw in the intellectual part? affected by the person's knowledge of evolution's complexity plus his knowledge of the creations' complexity?
he makes a ratio...he stakes the possibilities..then makes his choice??

or are they people who flat out preferred emotional satisfaction?

or maybe they made go between the two by knowing all about evolution and so made themselves intellectual.. but also fulfilled their emotional part which evolution stoned and shattered?

Maybe they just want to.

that is also possible..

but applies to atheists too, no indication..
why don't you go with both yes and no? :D
i'm an open atheist..i consider everything..:cool:
scifes said:
maybe they refuse the randomness part..and substitute it with god?:scratchin:
We know it is random, because most mutations are not beneficial.

scifes said:
what about the first part? isn't that a flaw in the intellectual part? affected by the person's knowledge of evolution's complexity plus his knowledge of the creations' complexity?
Evolution is not inherently complex, only the result seems to be. That is how we go from simple to complex. Evolution only needs variations that can be passed on (several chemical systems can do this), and a variable survival rate of that unit of heredity.

scifes said:
he makes a ratio...he stakes the possibilities..then makes his choice??
Most people do not have an innate sense of how probability works. There were likely to be innumerable chances in conditions of the early Earth, for chemical systems to evolve. This multiplies the odds. To evolve a bacteria instantly would be very unlikely, but each small step on the way is more likely. We can see evolution happening in a lab, on the scale of tens of years!

Most of all, the kind of God needed to explain this is not one required to do anything.

Life is able to be here asking these questions because we happen to live on a planet where life is possible. Every life form intelligent enough to question their existence will probably find themselves in a set of circumstances apparently uniquely suited to life. It couldn't be any other way.

scifes said:
or are they people who flat out preferred emotional satisfaction?
Yes, scientists are human, with all the normal flaws that people have.

scifes said:
or maybe they made go between the two by knowing all about evolution and so made themselves intellectual.. but also fulfilled their emotional part which evolution stoned and shattered?

"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."
* Bible -- Ecclesiastes 1:18
Life is able to be here asking these questions because we happen to live on a planet where life as we know it is possible. Every life form intelligent enough to question their existence will probably find themselves in a set of circumstances apparently uniquely suited to life as they know it.
aww..that's not nice..we're all humans.. and if god exists..then even you think he'se an advanced alien..

I wouldn't really say advanced alien per se, more of something out of this world, not exactly sure. I didn't get a chance to see him but I did get a chance to talk to him.