why does god has to have a god??

yes knowldege has gone far...but still what you described is like guys adding parts and nitroboosts to their high technology cars..they do know more than others who hardly understand driving and that's it..but they're still faaar away from the mechanics who MADE the car..
the example isn't that accurate because the kids can lern so much till they're better than the mechanics..but that won't happen between us humans and god..
Actually is that not the perfect example?
Start tinkering, learn a little bit, learn some more...

many people are obsessed with that though..i guess especially japanese..
what created human isn't human

Didn't your god create us in his image ?

it's like telling a school kid what does 2-1 equal..

Ok I give up. What's the answer ?

i've just relized that you guys don't have an answer to that question as well..

What 2 -1 equals ?

you just didn't find enough sense in our explanations..so denied the whole thing and saved yourselves the headache..

You mean Science type peoples ?

it's not bad to start with half an understanding..
that MIGHT lead you to understandin the whole picture..

Is that what they keep telling you ?
LG, I find it most intriguing or perplexing that all of a sudden you're an expert on time...an otherwise unknown philosopher turned chronologist. Obviously you have deduced the existence of a once theoretical temporal field by either a remarkable thought experiment or by scientific means. I think the former. Not only that but you have definite knowledge of a god who exists there. I mean, this is truly amazing. If Einstein can do it then I guess you can too. Please explain how it works to all of us unwashed skeptics.


I note that winter occurs once a year and I am in the contending for a nobel prize

Well, LG also knows Sol rises & sets.
cuz he's god..:D

it's so simple to be unnerving, i know...

but it IS right..

it fits more than anything else(if you give it a chance of course)

Oh ok.
Well life doesn't need a god because it's life.
cuz he's god.
it's so simple to be unnerving, i know...
but it IS right..
it fits more than anything else(if you give it a chance of course)

Not unnerving to people with much sense. If anything's unnerving, it's people with such ridiculous nonthinking.
It is not right. It does not fit.
You simply skip over the point without answering anything.

no man..human laws say that..

what created human isn't human..it's great enough to not need a creator.. it's like telling a school kid what does 2-1 equal..
or god knows like infinite series:puke: .. i never got the hang of them..

i've just relized that you guys don't have an answer to that question as well..

you just didn't find enough sense in our explanations..so denied the whole thing and saved yourselves the headache..

it's not bad to start with half an understanding..
that MIGHT lead you to understandin the whole picture..

Further avoiding the point.
You're puking over truth. Obviously, you can't handle it.
Yea, C'mon Enmos, get with the program and give it a chance. Stop being so stubborn with your facts and all getting in the way of the truth.

Is creating life from something that is not living evidence of god ?
umm, i think just the creation of life..i feel omnious twards the "something that is not living" part..what do you have in store regarding that??
Actually is that not the perfect example?
Start tinkering, learn a little bit, learn some more...

no for the simple reason that the knowledge put into the car is "limited" or "counted"..you can catch up with it..
god on the other hand what we know about him through his creations is expanding too quick for anyone to catch up with it..because the more science doors you discover the more doors you'll find behind them..
lol plus the science you can discover through his creations is just a small part of him..just like what you can discover about the mechanics through their car..so presumably you do learn everything of the creation..you're still far away from the creator..

Didn't your god create us in his image ?
WHAT?? heck no..where did you bring that from??

Ok I give up. What's the answer ?
lol if you're in doubt you can take my word for it..

What 2 -1 equals ?
lool -1..loool i meant 1-2...lol stupid mistake..i'm hungry..

You mean Science type peoples ?

Is that what they keep telling you ?
yes and no..
yes that is what they told me..
but no that's what i reached by my self..
Oh ok.
Well life doesn't need a god because it's life.
it does..but death more so..
Not unnerving to people with much sense. If anything's unnerving, it's people with such ridiculous nonthinking.
It is not right. It does not fit.
You simply skip over the point without answering anything.
it's not only so simple it's unnerving..but also so complex not to be comprehended..

Further avoiding the point.
You're puking over truth. Obviously, you can't handle it.
no for the simple reason that the knowledge put into the car is "limited" or "counted"..you can catch up with it..
god on the other hand what we know about him through his creations is expanding too quick for anyone to catch up with it..because the more science doors you discover the more doors you'll find behind them..
lol plus the science you can discover through his creations is just a small part of him..just like what you can discover about the mechanics through their car..so presumably you do learn everything of the creation..you're still far away from the creator..
So many assumptions in that...
And unprovable too.
.it's just that we don't know anything definite about who created us..so denying or assumin anything based on our rules isn't right...

Your cult, or any other cult for that matter, continually claims they absolutely do know who created us. And, with the 3 major cults of the world, it was the Abrahamic god. Such detailed accounts can be found in their scriptures.

So, based on those scriptures, who created the Abrahamic god, scifes?
“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Is creating life from something that is not living evidence of god ? ”

umm, i think just the creation of life..i feel omnious twards the "something that is not living" part..what do you have in store regarding that??

Ok, so just the creation of life. So if we can create life from non-life, something that was not living, are we (humans) gods ?

and if not, why not ?

Would you agree that God has control over our life and death ?
I might be able to explain this as simple as possible.

Theists say that life (or the universe itself) is too complex to have arisen through a natural process, therefore the only thing that can explain it is the existence of a God.

What this doesn't take into account is that a God must be more complex than the thing She created, so you are left with the same problem. If a God is too complex to have arisen by a natural process, where did God come from?

Thus the God Hypothesis still does not explain the origin of complexity, it only defers it to another complex thing.

Evolution gets around this problem by saying that complexity did not come about all at once, but that simple things accumulate complexity through a natural iterative process.
I might be able to explain this as simple as possible.

Theists say that life (or the universe itself) is too complex to have arisen through a natural process, therefore the only thing that can explain it is the existence of a God.

What this doesn't take into account is that a God must be more complex than the thing She created, so you are left with the same problem. If a God is too complex to have arisen by a natural process, where did God come from?

Thus the God Hypothesis still does not explain the origin of complexity, it only defers it to another complex thing.

Evolution gets around this problem by saying that complexity did not come about all at once, but that simple things accumulate complexity through a natural iterative process.

See, you are asking all the wrong questions my friend. If you would ask the universe the right questions, He who ever he maybe be God, Being, Advanced Alien, might send you an answer.
Wrong. I believe in God. I said Advanced Alien because most (I don't know what to call them, I don't want to call them people because that does not really fit) on this forum believe that. You are most like probably one of them.
The word people does not really fit most posters on this forum???
You think most posters on this forum believe an advanced alien is God???
Do you wake in the morning hung over with vague memories of giving anal probes and flattening cropes?

Do you were size 1000 sunglasses?

You might be a secret B.E.M.!

See your Doctor or NASA representitive and find out.

Remember, friends don't let friends break the speed of light.