why does god has to have a god??

Perhaps another god created god , thereby being the god of god ......

Hint : it was a homo sapiens ............;)
People should just stop asking why. Curiosity killed the cat.
why does god has to have a god?

Consider the age of the Universe--about 14 billion years. Now, consider the age of our own solar system--about 5 billion years at the most. Our sun is one of the third or fourth generation of stars in the Universe. Let's assume, (going on what we know about our own solar system) that it takes about 4 billion years for life to develop to this point, i.e. bipedalism and intelligence. That said, we can't assume that the path our species took is the only option available--there may be many forms of intelligent life, many (or most) of which may be completely strange to us when we finally encounter them.

My main point though is that the very earliest stars in the Universe, and the oldest surviving, are of the 2nd stellar generation, and are about 13 billion years old. Therefore it could be that intelligent life has preceded us in the Universe by a very wide margin--possibly as much as 9 billion years.

Now what form would life take after 9 billion years of evolution? Would it still be a physical form of life? Would its intelligence be as limited as our own? I suggest that the ancient races of the Universe have gone beyond the point of the physical body, beyond the limited and localised intelligence that we display, and become so advanced that we regard them as gods. It could be that the various ancient species of the Universe are the ultimate form of evolution...
Consider the age of the Universe--about 14 billion years. Now, consider the age of our own solar system--about 5 billion years at the most. Our sun is one of the third or fourth generation of stars in the Universe. Let's assume, (going on what we know about our own solar system) that it takes about 4 billion years for life to develop to this point, i.e. bipedalism and intelligence. That said, we can't assume that the path our species took is the only option available--there may be many forms of intelligent life, many (or most) of which may be completely strange to us when we finally encounter them.

My main point though is that the very earliest stars in the Universe, and the oldest surviving, are of the 2nd stellar generation, and are about 13 billion years old. Therefore it could be that intelligent life has preceded us in the Universe by a very wide margin--possibly as much as 9 billion years.

Now what form would life take after 9 billion years of evolution? Would it still be a physical form of life? Would its intelligence be as limited as our own? I suggest that the ancient races of the Universe have gone beyond the point of the physical body, beyond the limited and localised intelligence that we display, and become so advanced that we regard them as gods. It could be that the various ancient species of the Universe are the ultimate form of evolution...

i read and understood what you said..nice theory..but i find it irrelative..i also understand from what you're saying that you DO believe in gods(?)..only that they're the old advanced forms of existence which for some reason; we are more primitive than, although we're more recent..
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Everything you've claimed as reason or evidence humans must have been created applies equally to whatever created them.

now this is the answer i was looking for..thanks stranger..

the conclusion you mentioned is the misleading confusing wrong detour thinkers take before becoming atheists..

the term of being created is part of us humans..our logic is bounded there..

proof that our logic doesn't extend to our creator is because humans don't create life..it's illogical..

so what stops our logic's failure to explain life creation to also fail to explain the need of being created??

make it simple.. it couldn't have been a human who "created" the first human (or it's evolving counterpat for all that matters).. we know that because we humans can't give life..we don't fully understand it ourselves... so if the un-human who created us can give life..maybe he also doesn't need someone to give it to him..it's just that we don't know anything definite about who created us..so denying or assumin anything based on our rules isn't right...

pleeeeeeeease:bawl: tell me you understand..i tried to put it as simple as possible..
we know that because we humans can't give life..we don't fully understand it ourselves... so if the un-human who created us can give life..maybe he also doesn't need someone to give it to him

scife, that is non-human. too many unanswered questions.
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make it simple.. it couldn't have been a human who "created" the first human (or it's evolving counterpat for all that matters).. we know that because we humans can't give life..we don't fully understand it ourselves... so if the un-human who created us can give life..maybe he also doesn't need someone to give it to him..it's just that we don't know anything definite about who created us..so denying or assumin anything based on our rules isn't right...

pleeeeeeeease:bawl: tell me you understand..i tried to put it as simple as possible..

That's true. But no matter how I think about it, it just seems like an easy way to cover up a huge plot hole in a story. :shrug:
I had a hard time believing that one even as a small child (about 6 years). It didn't effect my faith, mind you, but it never sat right with me. That's how I've always felt about the issue. When I became a devout believer I just chose not to think about it because it didn't really make sense. Santa Claus made more sense at the time.
That's true. But no matter how I think about it, it just seems like an easy way to cover up a huge plot hole in a story. :shrug:
I had a hard time believing that one even as a small child (about 6 years). It didn't effect my faith, mind you, but it never sat right with me. That's how I've always felt about the issue. When I became a devout believer I just chose not to think about it because it didn't really make sense. Santa Claus made more sense at the time.

well of course santa clause will make more sense..he is man made..the universe is partially man-made and partially not..so it makes sense for us not to be able to fully understand the part..

that in it's self is a very important philosophy a thinker should establish and go forward from..as cutsie said..it never sat right with her..it's just a like a child trying to beat up a grown up, over and over and over he tries..BUT IT'S JUST OUT OF HIS REACH..knowing that is the first step to moving forward..it's futile pressing the gas paddle when the gear is empty..and it's futile to be hit by the death train when you still haven't figured that out..i have..and since then i understand more..not only that..

but 'm also living more peacefully..
Turtles all the way done, nothing more need be said.
scifes: if you cant see why a god has to have a cause, thats your failing.

On your reply to strangerinastrangeland, God of the gaps anyone.