why does god has to have a god??

I might be able to explain this as simple as possible.

Theists say that life (or the universe itself) is too complex to have arisen through a natural process, therefore the only thing that can explain it is the existence of a God.

What this doesn't take into account is that a God must be more complex than the thing She created, so you are left with the same problem. If a God is too complex to have arisen by a natural process, where did God come from?

Thus the God Hypothesis still does not explain the origin of complexity, it only defers it to another complex thing.

Evolution gets around this problem by saying that complexity did not come about all at once, but that simple things accumulate complexity through a natural iterative process.

simple, clear thoughts..just how i like them..

but what makes going from complex to more complex easier than the opposite?
Your cult, or any other cult for that matter, continually claims they absolutely do know who created us. And, with the 3 major cults of the world, it was the Abrahamic god. Such detailed accounts can be found in their scriptures.

So, based on those scriptures, who created the Abrahamic god, scifes?

well they don't tell...

they just tell you he's god and that you should worship him..

mention nothing about who created god..

but i think it's said somewhere that a believer shouldn't dwell in these thoughts..
Wrong. I believe in God. I said Advanced Alien because most (I don't know what to call them, I don't want to call them people because that does not really fit) on this forum believe that. You are most like probably one of them.

aww..that's not nice..we're all humans.. and if god exists..then even you think he'se an advanced alien..
So you don't believe in god then ?

it doesn't matter what i believe..
i just want to discuss this..
so, is there [insert something] that has to have a creator?

You claimed going from complex to more complex in saying something as complex as life must be created by something more complex.

no i meant evolution..

is it more probable for something to start complex and gains more complexity over time..

or is the opposite??

i'm just asking btw..
it doesn't matter what i believe..
i just want to reach an answer..
so, is there [insert something] that has to have a creator?

Yes, television sets, cars, computers, etc.
But this is irrelevant.

You claimed that God doesn't need a creator.
Your argument was: "because it's god."
Then I said: "Life doesn't need a creator because it's life" (equally absurd), and you said "it does".

Now I am asking "why ?"
Please answer the question.
Yes, television sets, cars, computers, etc.
But this is irrelevant.
to round up the "etc"
we'll rephrase to:
everything with [insert condition] needs a creator..(e.g TVs, PCs, cars..)
You claimed that God doesn't need a creator.
Your argument was: "because it's god."
Then I said: "Life doesn't need a creator because it's life" (equally absurd), and you said "it does".

Now I am asking "why ?"
Please answer the question.
i'm sorry.. i take back everything i said before..
meaning i gave up defending my answer..i'm just looking for a new one..
because life is directly connected to us..it is relevant..
god is connected to us by being god, no strings attached..it really shouldn't intrest us if he has a creator or not
curiosity..?.. doesn't it intrigue you??..where we're heading?..and why??

what is life in the long run?? what is it when you zoom out??

i have to agree that's true..

but who's super god then?

i mean, what is the difference between god and supergod to us? we only hear of god in religions..

i have to agree that's true..

but who's super god then?

i mean, what is the difference between god and supergod to us? we only hear of god in religions..

WHO's SuperGod!?! The creator of all the other gods, of course.
What's the difference between humans & gods to ants?
We who???
i know that super god is who created all the other gods..i'm just asking if there's any refrence to him from us humans..i.e what do we know(or some people pretend to know) about him..

religions say they "know" god and everything..is there something similar to super god?

humans kill ants sometimes or burn them..
ants eat some of human's food..
sometimes ants bite humans..
while ants don't do that with god..

i feel silly answering that..but i was afraid if i said it was irrelative you'd get angry..

and of course by us i mean humans..
How much have you read about SuperGod?

Ants kill ants. Ants kill wasps. Ants kill cattle. Ants kill humans.
Ants would try to bite UltraGod if they could.

I don't get angry.
simple, clear thoughts..just how i like them..

but what makes going from complex to more complex easier than the opposite?

That is your supposition, not mine. Religious people seem to think that it makes more common sense for a complex entity (God) to create the world than for it to come about through an evolutionary process. They do not recognize the explanatory power of evolution. Their every day experience is when humans make something complex, like a clock. Clocks don't seem to arise through other simple iterative processes, so they apply this reasoning to the world, even though that application is mistaken.