What do girls want?

Steve Buscemi the actor?

Steve Buscemi is not that ugly, not when he was younger anyway.

Honesty I've seen men that are much uglier-looking than Steve Buscemi.

Also Steve Buscemi has tons of money and his skin color is white.
Many people say that but I just don't buy this.
Reminds me of the guy sitting in the bar one night. He noticed a really homely man at the end of the bar who was being hit on by one woman after another.

"Bartender? What's up with that guy? He rich or something?"

"Nah, he just sits there licking his eyebrows."
I hate this society.

Most people these days are very shallow and stupid and don't know what some people are forced to endure in life and they don't know the hardships that many people are going through.

Sometimes I can't help but agree with Elliot Rodger though that it would be cool if attractive women never even existed:

If attractive women never existed so many men will live better lives without having to worry and be in constant pain about constant rejection from attractive women. All attractive women do is make life very miserable for ugly men like me.
I have a simpler solution.

Why not go the easy route and simply make ugly men beautiful?
And if misogynistic men never existed, both men _and_ women would live better lives.

BTW ugly isn't your problem. Ever see Steve Buscemi the actor? Ugly as sin - but he has no problem finding women.
Because he's an actor. Rich. Famous. Unrealistic social expectations placed on males. (He also used to have problems with women, until he was rich and famous.)

Because he's an actor. Rich. Famous. Unrealistic social expectations placed on males. (He also used to have problems with women, until he was rich and famous.)
You've got that backwards.

He didn't get confidence in himself, and start to attract women, because he was a rich and famous actor. That doesn't just happen to people one day.

He was a rich and famous actor because he had confidence in himself, and worked his butt off to get to be a better actor. And women saw that aspect of him.

If he had stayed a firefighter and did nothing else other than post on the Internet and bitch about women, odds are he would now be alone.
You've got that backwards.

He didn't get confidence in himself, and start to attract women, because he was a rich and famous actor. That doesn't just happen to people one day.

He was a rich and famous actor because he had confidence in himself, and worked his butt off to get to be a better actor. And women saw that aspect of him.

If he had stayed a firefighter and did nothing else other than post on the Internet and bitch about women, odds are he would now be alone.
That reflects a toxic attitude that male's are inherently worthless and must prove themselves or in essence, become "super saiyan" in order to be worthy of love.
You were saying the only men worthy of a woman are those who are extreme try-hards at life.
No, again, you got that backwards.

First, have confidence in yourself. Everything else proceeds from that.

If you do not have confidence in yourself, you will never succeed at anything, because you will give up before you complete it. And you won't meet girlfriends/boyfriends, either. Why would someone believe in you when you don't even believe in yourself?

The decision is up to YOU. YOU are in charge of your own life. You don't have to be "an extreme try-hard." You can be a doctor or a guitar player, an Olympic medalist or a weekend skydiving instructor. You can be an unemployed poet or surfer. You just have to believe in yourself, and act accordingly.
No, again, you got that backwards.

First, have confidence in yourself. Everything else proceeds from that.

If you do not have confidence in yourself, you will never succeed at anything, because you will give up before you complete it. And you won't meet girlfriends/boyfriends, either. Why would someone believe in you when you don't even believe in yourself?

The decision is up to YOU. YOU are in charge of your own life. You don't have to be "an extreme try-hard." You can be a doctor or a guitar player, an Olympic medalist or a weekend skydiving instructor. You can be an unemployed poet or surfer. You just have to believe in yourself, and act accordingly.
It seems to be John Belluci already had confidence as being a Firefighter is a job which requires that at least in moderate qualities.

As far as YOU being in charge of your life that goes against the whole idea of consent and women as gatekeepers, ultimately you just have to cross your thumbs and await their seal of approval as they sit on their thrones judging you like gladiators in a field.
It seems to be John Belluci already had confidence as being a Firefighter is a job which requires that at least in moderate qualities.
You mean Steve Buscemi? You are right - he had enough confidence to get a job as a firefighter. HE decided he wanted to do it and did it. His life, and success with his job, and with women, was not up to "women gatekeepers" or the vagaries of heredity or what his face looked like or how much money he had when he was 20. It was due to his own decisions, and due to his confidence in them.
As far as YOU being in charge of your life that goes against the whole idea of consent and women as gatekeepers, ultimately you just have to cross your thumbs and await their seal of approval as they sit on their thrones judging you like gladiators in a field.
And looking at them that way - as "gatekeepers" you have to "get by" - pretty much ensures you will fail.
You mean Steve Buscemi? You are right - he had enough confidence to get a job as a firefighter. HE decided he wanted to do it and did it. His life, and success with his job, and with women, was not up to "women gatekeepers" or the vagaries of heredity or what his face looked like or how much money he had when he was 20. It was due to his own decisions, and due to his confidence in them.

And looking at them that way - as "gatekeepers" you have to "get by" - pretty much ensures you will fail.
I am not sure you are correct. In the consent system, you do not simply get to choose what women you get to have and it is not simply a decision you can make.

I speak no further of this issues since it is inviting in the floodgates, angry incel celibates to bash me for being a white knight of feminism and consent. And the other armies approach me, the army of the modern era of consent telling me I am a bad person for pointing out flaws in their consent system.

Thus my views on consent I do not say, and thus remain unhated by everyone, a Switzerland of sorts.
I am not sure you are correct. In the consent system, you do not simply get to choose what women you get to have and it is not simply a decision you can make.
What the heck is the "consent" system? Are you comparing it to a "rape" system you've been contemplating?

Of COURSE you have to get consent and of COURSE you do not simply get to choose what women you get to "have." Just like women do not get to "have" you without your consent. It goes both ways, and most sane people realize that at about age 13. That's not a system; that's common sense.
What the heck is the "consent" system? Are you comparing it to a "rape" system you've been contemplating?

Of COURSE you have to get consent and of COURSE you do not simply get to choose what women you get to "have." Just like women do not get to "have" you without your consent. It goes both ways, and most sane people realize that at about age 13. That's not a system; that's common sense.
I have tried to close the door to the floodgates, yet the floodgates seem to open anyway, they seem to have a mind of their own. I humbly admit I have no power over these floodgates, they have a mind of their own.

But if you want to partake in a real discussion, consent implicates many things. Not everything is "rape" so do not be so quick to sound the alarms. Arranged marriages, for instance. Many parts of the world still do arranged marriages. To them, their way of life is the correct way of life. But to you their culture is beneath you. Team America World Police wants to liberate them and save them from themselves. So I don't pick a side. Your human morality is flexible and you all are liable to attack me for disagreeing or criticize your way of life, because everyone's thinks their way of life is the "best" way of life and anyone who thinks differently is an enemy.
Not everything is "rape" so do not be so quick to sound the alarms.
Correct. Fortunately very little is rape, because most people, either explicitly or implicitly, understand consent.
because everyone's thinks their way of life is the "best" way of life and anyone who thinks differently is an enemy.
Would you be OK with slavery? Supporting it, buying cotton made by slaves, having one delivered to your home?
Correct. Fortunately very little is rape, because most people, either explicitly or implicitly, understand consent.

Would you be OK with slavery? Supporting it, buying cotton made by slaves, having one delivered to your home?
You seem okay with using computers, tech and clothing which was made most likely from child slave labor so I don't see what your question is really.