Psychosis ~What is it?

Think, Wes. It's not the problem that one has compassion for. It's the person, and the person would exist without the problem.
MetaKron said:
Think, Wes. It's not the problem that one has compassion for. It's the person, and the person would exist without the problem.

True, but how does the realization of a problem necessarily stifle it?

Is "putting your self-loathing aside" having compassion for yourself? I don't understand how your post before the quote above related to itself. If you do that, can you really have compassion for someone else? (i'd say, maybe but maybe not). I'm just confused as to your subject. It seems you keep changing who you're talking about. Maybe I just don't get your writing style.

Dissecting it is too cumbersome for the moment, so...


Regardless, you can ask for compassion all day.. or ask it of others unto each other, but you can't expect to get it, or that if you do you'll recognize it.
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I hope the US government never gets hold of this thread. They would probably use it at Gitmo as a torture technique. No one could stand the intense pain of having to read through this interminably stupid thread. :bugeye:
MetaKron said:
I already recognize what you think of as compassion, Wes. I have no kind words for it.

No I don't think you could. What I give here at the forums is analysis. You have never met me. You don't know me. You don't know what I think of as compassion. It seems to me you are just frustrated, don't want to talk and take the opporutinity for a cheap shot when you get that way. As you wish.
I've seen your "analysis." It's sort of like calling someone a "super-passive pussy" and pretending that doing so is not a personal attack intended to hurt someone who has shown vulnerability. No, I lie. It's exactly like that because that's what you did. You've changed the map, Wes. Live with it.
What a super-passive pussy thing to say.

Hey I can live with that.

Nice diversion from the subject btw.
Well, that act of Wes's has been pretty well destroyed. That's what needs to happen when he tries to take advantage of politeness as if politeness were weakness.
metakron said:
Well, that act of Wes's has been pretty well destroyed.
u like destruction?
metakron said:
That's what needs to happen when he tries to take advantage of politeness as if politeness were weakness.
Kinda like me, eariler in the thread. Go away.
you weak fuck!
MetaKron said:
Well, that act of Wes's has been pretty well destroyed. That's what needs to happen when he tries to take advantage of politeness as if politeness were weakness.

Don't know why you think I'm acting and that there was something to destroy.

Don't know why you think you know what needs to happened.

Not sure how you could reach the conclusion that I was trying to take advantage of politeness as if it were weakness.

It's a bummer we can't communicate. I do wish you'd try, but you only can in spurts. That will have to do.

Such is the way. What else is there to say?
What you are doing, Wes, is trying to get inside my head so you can hurt me. You screwed the pooch a long time ago when you called me a "pussy" because I said that I was having trouble with bullies. To me that means that you absolutely positively intent to damage me in any way that you can. There is no positive interpretation of the way you handled that thread.
I don't want to hurt you. I wouldn't mind empowering you, but I don't think I can. I don't know if you can either.

The fact is, anyone who gets inside your head will hurt you whether they mean to or not. It's apparently a very painful place for you alone, let alone allowing anyone else in.

It is my nature to try to assist people in positive thought processes. I don't think of it the same way you do. I can ignore you for the most part but if you say something I find compelling enough to respond, I will. This time you started commenting on something I'd said, so I thought I'd try to discuss it with you.

I've called you a lot of things.

I don't take any of them back.

I don't intend to hurt you with them, nor did I at the time. If a forceful conversation which you willingingly participate in will damage you so, why undertake it? I was rather sickened by some of the ideas you presented.

You see it's weird to me.

I will call it as I see it you see. It's not with the intention to harm. It's with the intention of brutal honesty. It's with the intention of crushing denial. I see now.

You have become your denial. So when I try to crush it, you take it as trying to crush you.

Damn that is sad bro.

You see, I just want to crush it because I think IT is what hurts you, and to you it's what keeps you alive. Hmmm. That's harsh. I'm not sure what to tell you. I go on the presumption that if you have to accept such lies to yourself, you're so detached from clarity that there is no point. I mean you, me, anyone. I try to be as plain about things as possible. In my lexicon, if I called you a pussy, and I do remember using the term but not the context, that's saying "you are getting played like a weak punk". Generally I feel "hope the brother can figure out depunkification", and will lend a hand if possible. Your vehemence though, pissed me off, so I was harsh with the words. I don't bottle my annoyance. I express it.

I do not apologize for cursing at your annoyingly frustrating ass. But if you think about it for a minute, you'll realize that you cannot annoy me. I can only be annoyed by you... so any frustration I vent at you is MY problem. You're making it yours. I understand people can push, but it's when you hold onto it that to me, is a problem. Kind of stands in contradiction of your hippy wannabe thing, just for the record.

anyway, get over yourself, ass. hehe. don't you see that you're projecting your shit all over the place!!?!?! we all are. you see the world through your disgust of bullies. it colors anything you allow it to, which apparently any time something doesn't go your way, it becomes an immediate candidate for a fresh new spray paint of the lovely, xenophobic "I don't have to respect that piece of trash, so now I'm free to hurt IT (not him or her)", kind of color.

i see the world through this big balance thing that's hard as hell to explain because it's one massive inter-related whack job of a reality. i'm fascinated by lots of stuff. I'm fairly confident about what I do and how I'll be recieved by people. I'm wrong sometimes and forgive myself for it. I bask in the beauty of my flaws and those around me. I bask in how perfect it is, the grand balance. too fucking cool how it all seems to work to me. sometimes it's tragic as fuck too.

I figure you have a choice though usually.. since the choice between beauty and tragedy is often arbitrary, when possible... choose beauty - but don't bullshit yourself about it the fact that tragedy could be an unfortunate event away.
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I also think the closer you are to seeing life as a tragedy, the harder you need to look to figure out why you're missing the beauty. The world as you relate to it is an extension of yourself. Can you project the beauty inside your mind, that which is espressed in your attitude towards life... onto those bullies without having to bully them into accepting it? Can you do it to everything you see?
Even with the bullies as a problem, it's just common sense. You come on like a jackass and defend it, then I think you're a jackass. No prior negative experiences necessary. Try to stop insulting my intelligence.
DING DONG the witch is back, the wicked witch, the mean old bitch, Ding dong the witches witch is back... Hi hoe, (I love being a hoe) the wicket witch..... etc....

Some how I don't think that was how the actual song went, but sounded good to me Damnit.

So... I slit my wrist... then I pulled all the stitches out, then was stapled gunned to Death.
I suppose I freaked out? (ya Think).....

I am Miserable. I have lost every thing. Except from a good friend.... but still, things I wished I had not lost I lost.

It all goes back to those bull shit consequences does it not? I should have taken my own advice.... Instead I am stapled up like Franken Freak. I hate it. I hate it all...
The Psychosis was more then I could deal with on my own I guess... But they gave me a LOT of drugs... Now I just have to show I am not manic (HA) butt fuckers.... I am Way manic...
But alas... I did lost a lot.. starting with my kids. I am no better then my Father. My Son saw all the blood all ov er the bathroom, and walls and the bloody prints out the door. Now he has to go to counseling.
Yes, I lost my children for now to family... its a bitch I hate it... WTF? ya know? I reach out for help, here, but more importantly the real world. And I was shut down as it "being a phase"... this shit was no Phase... at least not one that I could have over come with out help....
Im a Wreck you guys... I hate my self, and there is this piece of me that can understand why I did not succeed?
Gods funny like that. You make your own bed, evenif it's full off clotting blood, and you have to sleep in it.

SO.. I am out of the cook farm now at least. I was a Good girl. Naughty, but goood...
I can sweet talk my way into and out of shit.. but maybe i wasn't ready. Not till the CPS worker showed up.. Thought she was nice and understanding, she gave me her OWN horror stories... terrified the hell out of me, and I cried like a little bitch...
I am SO FUCT up... My GOD man.. what have I done?
I hate my self, severely. I don't think those thoughts will be gone any time soon. Though I am afraid of attempting suicide again, because I failed so miserably.... I know they will hold me down and keep me longer then I want.... FUCK that... Fuck them and their BULL shit help. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........
So, in order to NOT slip into Psychosis again, I slit myself up in hope it would give me clarity that I was still alive... but it was too "deep".... so much going on...
Im Reaching out now... Help me with your advice. I trust you guys.. and I have to attempt to grow the fuck up.... Please help me, Just with advice... Im not asking for any thing else... You don't know how much I care For MEta Brent QQ , Duendy and Invert... So... please.... tell me to Fack off if you have to just, show me you know I am here... that all I want...
