Is Life a Dialogue or a Monologue?

Bowser, two quotes from you in other threads... When asked ''what is God'' your reply was: Check that quote out for yourself.
So, when you ask me here :According to you, we are your god. So, wouldn't that be, ''Do I god love or hate myself?''
Remember everything according to you is a god.
I don't recall ever seeing the question asked if God has a conscience and if so, how does he justify his "Will be done"?
I don't recall ever seeing the question asked if God has a conscience and if so, how does he justify his "Will be done"?
It seems Bowser's god can't make up its mind and is forever experimenting. ''A God at play with itself'' in Bowser's words.
I think that is the idea. A God at play with itself, experiencing itself as other.
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Bowser, two quotes from you in other threads... When asked ''what is God'' your reply was: Check that quote out for yourself.
So, when you ask me here on this present thread :According to you, we are your god. So, wouldn't that be, ''Do I god love or hate myself?''
Remember everything according to you is your god.
I'm not trying to convert you. I'm still trying to fully appreciate the implications. The mind ego is one thing, reality is quite another.
It seems Bowser's god can't make up its mind and is forever experimenting. ''A God at play with itself'' in Bowser's words.
Absolutely, much like this thread. Are you enJOYing your self?
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I'm a big fan of Marilyn Monroe too but that doesn't answer the question. What IS imperfection, such that it gives our world motion and enables our existence?
What are people always grasping for that they can't have: Security, Certainty, Permanence.
What are people always grasping for that they can't have: Security, Certainty, Permanence.
What has that got to do with imperfection? How does their grasping make the world turn and enable their existence?
What has that got to do with imperfection? How does their grasping make the world turn and enable their existence?
Bob, what is it that I need to define, a word, an idea, a concept? Okay...
: the quality or state of being imperfect; also : fault, blemish
- Merrium Webster
As an example, the roof on my home is imperfect, which will force me to replace it in the near future. If it was perfect, there would never be a need to replace the roof.

Here's another, my body is imperfect. It cannot sustain itself without nourishment. If it were perfect, there would be no need to eat.

I don't know why you are splitting hairs over a word, but if you insist.
Bob, what is it that I need to define, a word, an idea, a concept?
You're the one who brought it up. Hopefuly, you would know what you were referring to.

Here's another, my body is imperfect. It cannot sustain itself without nourishment. If it were perfect, there would be no need to eat.
How then is that imperfection necessary for your existence?

I don't know why you are splitting hairs over a word, but if you insist.
It looks to me like you're just throwing random phrases around without actually thinking about what you're saying.
You're the one who brought it up. Hopefuly, you would know what you were referring to.
I do. I thought the implications were self-evident. My apologies for not clarifying it from the beginning

How then is that imperfection necessary for your existence?
Would you prefer a stagnant world?

It looks to me like you're just throwing random phrases around without actually thinking about what you're saying.
I'm kind of surprised it was necessary that I explain the point. Again, my apologies. It is an imperfect world.
It seems Bowser's god can't make up its mind and is forever experimenting. ''A God at play with itself'' in Bowser's words.
Actually that is a nice metaphor for self-assembly into patterns. A perfectly probabilistic evolutionary process, not in any way suggesting a divine origin.