Insight from Asian Genes......

We don;t have weak teeth in Brazil.
1. Demonstrate that Asian teeth are weaker than Caucasian teeth. Instead of flapping your hands about, some rock hard evidence would be nice.

2. Demonstrate that this weakness is a result of genetic differences, instead of environmental factors. For example, I doubt that dental care and hygiene would be 1st priority in some 3rd world Asian countries. I also doubt that they would fluoridate their water.
TruthSeeker said:
Well, of course I meant Japanese too. But what I said is that they are the ones that preserve most of those genes.

Which genes?

TruthSeeker said:
Here. Since you cannot seem to understand me, I will provide you with a diagram showing how close their genes resemble monkeys compared to other people...


No. I'm proposing that they preserved more of those genes that we did due to their geographical isolation.

This is quite radical I must say. Are you saying geographical isolation actually conserves genes and interbreeding let genes evolve?

So man evolved in africa. They moved to asia and europe. Then african and white people evolved, but chinese didn't. Because they didn't interbreed with europeans and africans?

Help me out here. This is so radical I do not understand. Spell it out for me.

TruthSeeker said:
See above diagram.
It's funny you never bring up a picture of an asian with high cheeck bones, which is one of the main features I'm talking about.

My apologies, I just picked a random picture. I didn't know which characteristics you were looking for so I couldn't manipulate the data to correspond with your views.
Do the apes have high cheek bones?
And are high cheeck bones your only criteria?

can you point out the similarities in cheek bones please and all other similarities
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TruthSeeker said:
We don;t have weak teeth in Brazil. ...
Do you live in Brazil also? Fact that you mention "Corinthians" makes me think you may also live in SP.

At your infromation file, your home is stated as "Candyland," which is perfect for the comment I now make about why poor Brazilians do not have "weak teeth." Most of the 40+ year olds, working in the pastures and cane fields no longer have a significant number of teeth. State medical clinics just pull if there is a complaint or the teeth drop out naturally while eating hard candy etc. Few use tooth paste and brush, when a well chewed twig is free.

The "better classes" are probably second or third generation Italians in the SP area, but most in all of brazil are some form of "transported europeans".
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TruthSeeker said:
I was saying that to DwayneD.L.Rabon. That was pretty darn obvious.

I ask that to you!

Thanks! That was the answer I expected.

Your game would be more accurate if you had responded to my original question. "Exactly what way do asian people resemble monkeys".

Continue on with your mockery. I like for people to have fun. If this thread gives you pleasure, I am Happeh to be of assistance.
mountainhare said:

1. Demonstrate that Asian teeth are weaker than Caucasian teeth. Instead of flapping your hands about, some rock hard evidence would be nice.

2. Demonstrate that this weakness is a result of genetic differences, instead of environmental factors. For example, I doubt that dental care and hygiene would be 1st priority in some 3rd world Asian countries. I also doubt that they would fluoridate their water.
I never said it was genetic... :D

I can distinguish a Brazilian from a German. Or a French from a Middle Eastern

Unless of course, its a German whose last 5 generations lived in Brazil, or and Arab born and raised in France.

Sometimes even a Canadian and an American! And of course I've been able to distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese or Korean.

Not a chance!
What's the deal TruthSeeker? In your furious back-peddling and side-stepping you’ve actually lost track of what you’re trying to assert! So, you actually want to claim......

TruthSeeker said:
I never said it was genetic... :D
after having said.....

TruthSeeker said:
Maybe they mated so much with each other that their appearance didn't change!?
TruthSeeker said:
which could have been caused by trading genes too close (like incest...).
TruthSeeker said:
Incest is known to cause genetic problems.
TruthSeeker said:
And that's because their genes are too close to each other.
TruthSeeker said:
their genes are so peculiar.
TruthSeeker said:
they would probably have become a different species in a few million years.


Yeah, good one mate. Keep up the good work. <img src=""><P>
(Q) said:
Unless of course, its a German whose last 5 generations lived in Brazil, or and Arab born and raised in France.
If you are born in France, then you are French. If you are born in Germany, then you are German. The background is irrelevant- specialy after many generations.

It is like saying that a person who is born in the US is actually British just because he has British background 500 years ago... :bugeye:

Not a chance!
Bite me!
I was capable of distinguishing spuriousmonkey's pictures, wasn't I?
Hercules Rockefeller said:
What's the deal TruthSeeker? In your furious back-peddling and side-stepping you’ve actually lost track of what you’re trying to assert! So, you actually want to claim......

after having said.....


Yeah, good one mate. Keep up the good work. <img src=""><P>
Whatssup with all this nonsense?

I didn't lsoe track of what I'm trying to assert. Spurious monkey got it very clearly. Geographical isolation conserves genes while interbreeding creates new ones. That is my whole assertion.

My assertion has anything to do with asians, monkeys or high cheeck bones. That is not the point of the thread. The point is that evolution works through diversification.
Billy T said:
Do you live in Brazil also?
No. I live in Canada. I even have a kid here. :eek:

Fact that you mention "Corinthians" makes me think you may also live in SP.
Where do I mention that?
No. I was born in Rio.

At your infromation file, your home is stated as "Candyland,"

which is perfect for the comment I now make about why poor Brazilians do not have "weak teeth." Most of the 40+ year olds, working in the pastures and cane fields no longer have a significant number of teeth. State medical clinics just pull if there is a complaint or the teeth drop out naturally while eating hard candy etc. Few use tooth paste and brush, when a well chewed twig is free.
That is situational. Are you implying that the condition of the chinese teeth is purely situational?

The "better classes" are probably second or third generation Italians in the SP area, but most in all of brazil are some form of "transported europeans".
Well, of course! The same goes to US and Canada! Most of us have European background...

But poor brazilians also have European or African backgrounds...
For the past 20 years my research has focused on differences between the three major races, commonly termed Orientals (East Asians, Mongoloids), whites (Europeans, Caucasoids), and Blacks (Africans, Negroids). Roughly speaking, Orientals are those who have most of their ancestors from East Asia. Whites have most of their ancestors from Europe. And blacks have most of their ancestors from sub-Saharan Africa. In the main,I have not addressed the many other groups and sub-groups.

What I've found is that in brain size, intelligence, temperament, sexual behavior, fertility, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability, Orientals fall at one end of the spectrum, blacks fall at the other end and whites fall in between. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, and less sexually active, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the opposite end in each of these areas. Whites fall in the middle, often close to Orientals.

Of course, these three-way racial differences are averages. Individuals are individuals. However, I've found that this three-way pattern is true over time and across nations. That the same three-way racial pattern occurs repeatedly on some 60 different biological and behavioral variables is profoundly interesting and shows that race is more than "just skin deep." The international data come from the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and Interpol.
(Q) said:
Sometimes even a Canadian and an American! And of course I've been able to distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese or Korean.
Not a chance!
Get real. The Chinese don't carry golf clubs.
Seriously, the differences are reasonably clear. Perhaps you need new glasses.
Truthie, I did not expect this from you. Is this what marriage has done to you? She made you do drugs, hasn't she? Leave her, Truthie, save your mind!
J.B said:
For the past 20 years my research has focused on differences between the three major races, commonly termed Orientals (East Asians, Mongoloids), whites (Europeans, Caucasoids), and Blacks (Africans, Negroids). Roughly speaking, Orientals are those who have most of their ancestors from East Asia. Whites have most of their ancestors from Europe. And blacks have most of their ancestors from sub-Saharan Africa. In the main,I have not addressed the many other groups and sub-groups.

What I've found is that in brain size, intelligence, temperament, sexual behavior, fertility, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability, Orientals fall at one end of the spectrum, blacks fall at the other end and whites fall in between. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, and less sexually active, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the opposite end in each of these areas. Whites fall in the middle, often close to Orientals.

Of course, these three-way racial differences are averages. Individuals are individuals. However, I've found that this three-way pattern is true over time and across nations. That the same three-way racial pattern occurs repeatedly on some 60 different biological and behavioral variables is profoundly interesting and shows that race is more than "just skin deep." The international data come from the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and Interpol.
Thank you. Finally some more relevant information....
whitewolf said:
Truthie, I did not expect this from you. Is this what marriage has done to you? She made you do drugs, hasn't she? Leave her, Truthie, save your mind!
Huuumm... I actually started taking oxicodon once I broke my elbow in half....
But what is really making me use drugs is the freaking Canadian government... :bugeye:
TruthSeeker said:
Thank you. Finally some more relevant information....
Jesus H Christ on a bicycle. :eek:

Just when I thought TruthSeeker's position couldn’t get any more silly! Now he's thanking a biased, prejudiced, contemptible racist bigot for (so-called) "relevant" information.

Like all racist crackpots, J.B. mentions his years of “research” and tries to impart a veneer of scientific legitimacy to his statements by claiming that his facts come from reputable sources, and then proceeds to reference some other crackpot’s personal webpage full of unsupported biased rubbish. :rolleyes:

I suspected all along that this was the sort of material you were interested in, TruthSeeker. :bugeye: <P>
Hercules Rockefeller said:
Jesus H Christ on a bicycle. :eek:

Just when I thought TruthSeeker's position couldn’t get any more silly! Now he's thanking a biased, prejudiced, contemptible racist bigot for (so-called) "relevant" information.

Like all racist crackpots, J.B. mentions his years of “research” and tries to impart a veneer of scientific legitimacy to his statements by claiming that his facts come from reputable sources, and then proceeds to reference some other crackpot’s personal webpage full of unsupported biased rubbish. :rolleyes:
Oh really? Ok. If he is not unbiased, could you actually bring any relevant evidence to the table confirming on disproving the hypothesis that evolution works by diversification of genes whether then continuous isolation?

I suspected all along that this was the sort of material you were interested in, TruthSeeker. :bugeye: <P>
The only material I'm interested in is any material which would support the hypothesis contrary to mine (that is, that evolution works through isolation of species) or any evidence that my hypothesis is actually correct.
Hercules Rockefeller said:
...Like all racist crackpots, J.B. mentions his years of “research” and tries to impart a veneer of scientific legitimacy to his statements by claiming that his facts come from reputable sources, and then proceeds to reference some other crackpot’s personal webpage full of unsupported biased rubbish.
Commentng on:

Which I went to, and found creditable, but Hercules know much more about this subject (all of biology) than I do.

In any case, Herculus, please tell some of the things you believe to be false in the paper.

I am never impressed by the IQ data*, but the article does claim many "facts" like:
The relative rate of two egg ovulation in the three "races" described 16:8:4/1000 births.
This "fact" ,if true, does support the claims of the article and can not be the result of current generation cultural effects. There are many other such "supporting facts" cited, related to brain volume, hip sizes, etc., that are difficult to infer from cultural influences instead of genetic causes.

Which of these “supporting fact” is false?
*While active in the civil rights movement many years ago, I took an IQ test, called the "chittlen test." - It was made from standard IQ tests, in which some useful background knowledge that is common in the white community had been replaced by corresponding knowledge, common mainly in the Black community. I did rather badly on it. (As I recall, "chittlens" are small pieces of fried pig intestines, and my failure to know that caused me to miss a question or two.) I no longer recall the corresponding question in the standard IQ test, but it may have been something like:
Which member of the following set is different from all the others:
(apples, figs, grapes, oranges, pears)
with the only change in the chittlen test being that these five became:
(Greens, grits, chittlens, beets, peas)
But I am still too ignorant to make the dificulty clear as "beets and peas" were also all replaced by common black food names that did not refer to meat. Until you take a "Chittlen IQ test" you do not appreciate how much back ground knowledge most common IQ tests require. For example, in above you must know that "figs" grow on trees to select "grapes" which do not, instead of guessing "figs". I only knew what two of the Chittlen test foods were, so I had to guess.
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