Insight from Asian Genes......


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
So... I live in southern British Columbia and here I see and hear asians speak EVERY DAY. :eek:

I was observing them yesterday and for the firts time I noticed something very interesting which gave me some new insights. I notice that the shape of their heads is very peculiar and extremely similar to monkeys (no offense...). Urangutans and chimps seem to be the most common ones...

That's when I started to ask myself why (well, duh!). Maybe they mated so much with each other that their appearance didn't change!? Maybe that's the greatest proof of evolution (or lack of thereof)!. There are other factors that increase my suspicio n on that matter. For instance, they have lots of health problems which could have been caused by trading genes too close (like incest...). Incest is known to cause genetic problems. And that's because their genes are too close to each other. This is also the reason why people from very different backgrounds create very healthy and beautiful babies. Nature likes diversity and evolution rewards it. So maybe asians were "punished" by nature for sleeping too close together...

The other thing that clued me in was their language. Notice that all the asians that have similar languages (that is chinese, japanese and korean) all look alike. That's why they bred with each other. So the language is also very similar. When you go south to india and vietnam, you see different-looking people and their language is also different! So right here I'm implying a causation from this correlation- that is, that those two groups didn't breed much. Then look at the geography! What is between China and India? The largest mountain in the world! Which is why they didn't breed much. The same goes for China and Russia. There's a huge desert between them.

This all suggest that the Chinese, Japanese and Korean people were very much isolated from the rest of the world. That's why their language, their culture and their genes are so peculiar. If technology hasn't made it possible, they would probably have become a different species in a few million years. But now with globalization, it seems that the asians will blend more and more with us, and someday, their problems will hopefully have disappeared.

I think this same kind of logic can be used to infer the history of mankind and the validity of evolution. Also etymology, geography and many other things.
:) ... Sorry, absolutely no help to the topic whatsoever, but that was funny. Bravo.
Most Asians I know look remarkable healthy and beautiful. I think it might have something to do with diet..

The reason they all 'look the same' is because you haven't been trained to see the differences. It's easier to differentiate caucasians when you're around them all day long.
That's not what I said. What I said is that they have significant traits that are very similar amongst themselves and different from others. ;)
But now with globalization, it seems that the asians will blend more and more with us, and someday, their problems will hopefully have disappeared.
Two questions...

1. What 'problems' are you referring to?


2. What the fuck are you on?!
What I said is that they have significant traits that are very similar amongst themselves and different from others.

First, unless you speak the Asian languages, I don't think you're in a position to criticize linguistic diversity. The main difference is that western people talk with their jaws and Asians tend to use more tongue for complex sounds.

Second, what traits are we talking about? Outward things like hair colour or eyes are pretty superficial.
In what way, exactly, do they resemble the heads of monkeys?

I suspect you are seeing the effects of health, not genes. Asian people overall are much more healthy than western caucasians. That is why their heads look different.
I propose we leave this thread to Happeh and TruthSeeker to discuss amongst themselves. It should generate some interesting results.
Oh my God! :eek: There is so much rubbish in that original post I scarcely know where to begin, and I’m certainly not going to waste my time on it other than making these few comments.

I should start of by saying that, genetically speaking, there is no such thing as “race”. There is more genetic similarity between individuals of different “races” than there is between individuals of the same “race”.

TruthSeeker said:
I notice that the shape of their heads is very peculiar and extremely similar to monkeys
Nonsense. Define “peculiar”. I’m sure that Asians think Caucasians have “peculiar” shaped heads and facial features. You’re an adherent of phrenology, I presume?

TruthSeeker said:
Maybe they mated so much with each other that their appearance didn't change!?
I presume this is a derogatory insinuation that Asians are inbred? I’d like you to produce some evidence that suggests that Asian populations are more “inbred” than any other. It’s possible to have an isolated population without inbreeding if the population is large enough. You don't think there was any inbreeding in small isolated European villages?

TruthSeeker said:
For instance, they have lots of health problems which could have been caused by trading genes too close (like incest...). Incest is known to cause genetic problems.
Another derogatory insinuation that Asians are inbred in combination with an assertion that is complete piffle. Do you have any statistics to demonstrate that Asians have more heath problems than Western populations? Of course they don’t. In fact, I seem to recall that Japan has one of the highest average life spans in the world.

TruthSeeker said:
And that's because their genes are too close to each other. This is also the reason why people from very different backgrounds create very healthy and beautiful babies. Nature likes diversity and evolution rewards it. So maybe asians were "punished" by nature for sleeping too close together...
Yet another derogatory insinuation that Asians are inbred. Define “background”. All Asians are the same “background”, are they? So a German man and a woman living a few miles away aren’t the same background? If they have a baby it will be “healthy and beautiful” whereas two Chinese people from different regions constitutes inbreeding? You don’t think there has been any inbreeding in European history?

TruthSeeker said:
The other thing that clued me in was their language.
This is where it starts getting really stupid. :rolleyes:

TruthSeeker said:
Notice that all the asians that have similar languages (that is chinese, japanese and korean) all look alike. That's why they bred with each other. So the language is also very similar.
So Latin, French, Italian, German, Spanish and English aren’t similar to each other? I put it to you that these European languages are just as similar to each other as the Asian languages. I learnt Chinese (Mandarin) for 6 years. There is no doubt that the Asian languages have a very different syntax and grammar to European languages, and that their written language is very different as they use whole-word characters rather than individual letters. But I can assure you that there is a lot of difference between the Asian languages. I would bet there is a greater difference between Asian languages than there is between European languages. Furthermore, I’ll also bet you cannot distinguish between Italians and French and Germans and English etc etc. who all speak very similar languages. Get the point?

TruthSeeker said:
That's why their language, their culture and their genes are so peculiar.
Define “peculiar”. Give examples. (This should be amusing.)

TruthSeeker said:
I think this same kind of logic can be used to infer the history of mankind and the validity of evolution.
Dude, "logic" is the last word I would associate with your post. :rolleyes: <P>
spuriousmonkey said:
Which genes are we talking about? And what is so peculiar about them?
Can't you tell an asian from a black or caucasian person....!? :rolleyes:
Xerxes said:
First, unless you speak the Asian languages, I don't think you're in a position to criticize linguistic diversity.
Who is criticizing? I speak fucking Portuguese for f*** sake... :bugeye:

The main difference is that western people talk with their jaws and Asians tend to use more tongue for complex sounds.
Well, yeaaaah...

Second, what traits are we talking about? Outward things like hair colour or eyes are pretty superficial.
All their traits.

Has anyone here ever studied evolution!?!? :bugeye:
Like remember... geographic isolation- what the heck does it create!? Why? :bugeye:
Happeh said:
In what way, exactly, do they resemble the heads of monkeys?
Well, it doesn't really matter. What is important for the argument is that it is different. I was just saying that because apparently we have all evolved from monkeys and I noticed that people that tend to blend more with each other for centuries look less and less like monkeys. That was basically my point.

I suspect you are seeing the effects of health, not genes. Asian people overall are much more healthy than western caucasians. That is why their heads look different.
Huum.. in what way they are healthier?
Their food is definetely healthier. Comparing McDonalds and asian food it is obvious why americans are so unhealthy...... :rolleyes:
I was observing them (Asians) yesterday and for the firts time I noticed something very interesting which gave me some new insights. I notice that the shape of their heads is very peculiar and extremely similar to monkeys (no offense...).

I was just saying that because apparently we have all evolved from monkeys and I noticed that people that tend to blend more with each other for centuries look less and less like monkeys.

So, wtf are you saying?
Hercules Rockefeller said:
Nonsense. Define “peculiar”. I’m sure that Asians think Caucasians have “peculiar” shaped heads and facial features.
By that I meant that comparing all races together, the two things that distinguish asians is the shape of the head and the eyes. In the same way, the color of the skin and the full lips is what distinguish the balck. And what distinguish the caucasian is the extremely poor food habits.
No, just kidding. That is only true to americans...;)

You’re an adherent of phrenology, I presume?
What is that?

I presume this is a derogatory insinuation that Asians are inbred?
There's nothing derrogatory in my post. When you look at the geographical features of asia, you will see that the chinese, japanese and korean are all defined within a certain geographical area in which assess both ways is very difficult. Notice that according to evolution, this geographic isolation tends to create a more distinct gene pool because they cannot breed with those outside of the geographical area.

I feel like I'm teaching evolution, now.... :bugeye:

I’d like you to produce some evidence that suggests that Asian populations are more “inbred” than any other. It’s possible to have an isolated population without inbreeding if the population is large enough.
Sure. What I said is that they bree with each other, not within their own families.

You don't think there was any inbreeding in small isolated European villages?
Well, DUH! Look at Switzerland- a perfect example! Look at how many german dialects they have! Language and genes behave in very similar manner...

Another derogatory insinuation that Asians are inbred in combination with an assertion that is complete piffle.
Where is the "derrogatory"? Oh, I forgot. We live in a sick world, therefore you cannot make natural comments. :bugeye:
I mean, if I would say anything about gay people, you will say the same thing- even if I would just say gay people are nice. This is so stupi. Just stick to the rational discussion, eh?

Not only that, but I didn't say they have a lot of incest there (which is perfectly possible given the long history of isolated farms). What I said is that incest causes health problems, which goes hand in hand with the theory that when species breed close together, they decrease their diversity and their ability to survive better.

In fact, that reminds me that they don't necessarily have "health problem". Basically, they have very similar traits that would make it hard for them to survive on adverse situations. Well... you know what I'm talking about if you have any idea what evolution is. But it seems that you don't so, oh well...

Do you have any statistics to demonstrate that Asians have more heath problems than Western populations?
Actually, no. That was just infered from evolution.

Of course they don’t. In fact, I seem to recall that Japan has one of the highest average life spans in the world.
And also a huge national income. America has too. But 2/3 of them are obese. What does that tell us?

Yet another derogatory insinuation that Asians are inbred.
I never insinuated that they breed within their families. What I said is that they have bred only with each other for a very long time due to geographical isolation. That's all.

Define “background”.
I'm brazilian. My wife is Canadian. We are from two different backgrounds. We were born 11,000 kilometers away.

All Asians are the same “background”, are they?

So a German man and a woman living a few miles away aren’t the same background?
Yes, they are.

If they have a baby it will be “healthy and beautiful” whereas two Chinese people from different regions constitutes inbreeding?
No. I see you have no idea what I'm talking about.
First of all, I made a stupid mistake assuming that chinese are unhealthy just because they are geographically isolated. I should have assumed that they simply have a less chance of survival under different circumstances, just as austalians have a high incidence of skin cancer because they are caucasians living in a different environment that they were originally born in.
Second, I didn't define backgrounds.

So to answer your question, no, if two Chinese people from different regions mate, they are obviously not inbreeding.

You don’t think there has been any inbreeding in European history?
Well, I'm sure there was...

So Latin, French, Italian, German, Spanish and English aren’t similar to each other?
Yes, they are. That's my point....

I put it to you that these European languages are just as similar to each other as the Asian languages.
Well, duh. I didn't say other wise.

I learnt Chinese (Mandarin) for 6 years.
I did it for one.

There is no doubt that the Asian languages have a very different syntax and grammar to European languages, and that their written language is very different as they use whole-word characters rather than individual letters.
I know that very well.

But I can assure you that there is a lot of difference between the Asian languages.
Just like Latin is very diffent from Portuguese. Still their are more similarities between them then between them and asian languages, or middle eastern.

I would bet there is a greater difference between Asian languages than there is between European languages.
Well, I don't know. That's irrelevant to the discussion anyways.

Furthermore, I’ll also bet you cannot distinguish between Italians and French and Germans and English etc etc. who all speak very similar languages. Get the point?
Yes, I can distinguish between them just as I can distinguish between asians. You don't get my point.

Define “peculiar”. Give examples. (This should be amusing.)
A characteristic which stands out. It depends on what you compare to.

Dude, "logic" is the last word I would associate with your post.
Go study evolution and etymology, please....
(Q) said:
I was observing them (Asians) yesterday and for the firts time I noticed something very interesting which gave me some new insights. I notice that the shape of their heads is very peculiar and extremely similar to monkeys (no offense...).

I was just saying that because apparently we have all evolved from monkeys and I noticed that people that tend to blend more with each other for centuries look less and less like monkeys.

So, wtf are you saying?
I'm agreeing with evolution, monkey.... :rolleyes:
Why did I ever assume anyone here knows about evolution? Or ANYTHING for that matter... :bugeye: