Email password cracking

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To judge someone is one thing but to trust someone is totally different. In order to trust someone you have to be able to give up your self to them and that's not judging, that's being loving and trustworthy. If that makes any sense to you.

Thats not what I meant. I meant that Orleander and Sam always say how they don't judge people. Well SAM did from a few posts on calling Sonic a paranoid freak. Orleander is now judging the whole situation saying this guy wanted out.........based on what?
Yeah I am wondering how they have come to this conclusion as well:shrug:

Seems to me they are making up anything to defend this guy......because they were wrong in the first place calling Sonic names. Now they are coming up with any bullshit instead of admitting they were wrong.

Sam said he could have had cold feet, now Orleander is saying he wanted How about they guy was just a lying cheating prick, with NO GOOD EXCUSE to get out of this!


If he wants out then he should pack his bags and get the hell out.

Its that simple.
....Orleander is now judging the whole situation saying this guy wanted out.........based on what?

THAT'S what you call judging!? I judged a situation?!
I also judge the speed of cars around me.
I also judge if the meat I serve for dinner is spoiled or good.
Oh, you got me good there. I'm a judging fool!! :rolleyes:
THAT'S what you call judging!? I judged a situation?!
I also judge the speed of cars around me.
I also judge if the meat I serve for dinner is spoiled or good.
Oh, you got me good there. I'm a judging fool!! :rolleyes:

Well I am interested in how you have come to this conclusion?
Its not the woman who's untrusting, its the fiance who is untrustworthy.

He is the initiator.
LOL, yeah instinct.
I think instinct would have told her that a guy she had to date for 6 yrs before he'd marry her...I would have cut him lose after year 2.

Well her instincts were right.
As for the rest of your comment do tell?
or part of the house/computer were his and what she did may have been illegal. (not that I think he'd be arrogant enough to try, but considering what else he has done :shrug: )

The house was bought my parents, and it was my laptop, which was purchased by me, I even have the credit card recipt for it somewhere.
LOL, yeah instinct. :rolleyes:
I think instinct would have told her that a guy she had to date for 6 yrs before he'd marry her...I would have cut him lose after year 2.
The man wanted out, otherwise he wouldn't have given up his password.

Ok I started dating him when I was 20, Im now 26. Neither of us wanted to get married when we were like 22!
He didnt 'give up' his password either. I found it using a keylogger.
If he wanted out, surely the decent thing to do would be split up with me, not cheat on me 3 weeks before our wedding day?? :confused:
Ok I started dating him when I was 20, Im now 26. Neither of us wanted to get married when we were like 22!
He didnt 'give up' his password either. I found it using a keylogger.
If he wanted out, surely the decent thing to do would be split up with me, not cheat on me 3 weeks before our wedding day?? :confused:

I don't know why you feel you have to defend your actions, you did the right thing and now you know the truth.
OMG you are flighty, you change your opinions every few posts.

better than being bitchy, I suppose.
And please show where I said she was stupid for having things in her name and now I changed my opinion to say she is smart. Show me where I said I hoped she took it easy on him in court and am now saying crush him.
If you can, that is.

Anyways, so leagally there isn't anythign she can do, but there isn't anything leagally he can do either.
better than being bitchy, I suppose.
And please show where I said she was stupid for having things in her name and now I changed my opinion to say she is smart. Show me where I said I hoped she took it easy on him in court and am now saying crush him.
If you can, that is.

Anyways, so leagally there isn't anythign she can do, but there isn't anything leagally he can do either.

No you basically said, she was stupid with no instincts to have stayed with him for 6 yrs. In your opinion if she was smart she would have left him in yr 2.
Which you still haven't explained:shrug:

Then you went on about him wanting out and giving up his password, which he never even did.... :confused:

Now she is smart ........FLIGHTY
No you basically said, she was stupid with no instincts to have stayed with him for 6 yrs. In your opinion if she was smart she would have left him in yr 2.
Which you still haven't explained:shrug:

Then you went on about him wanting out and giving up his password, which he never even did.... :confused:

Now she is smart ........FLIGHTY

:zzz: Oh, duh. You're one of those women.

When you have such STRONG feelings about something, it's hard for anybody
to convince you that you are wrong. I mean I can be very stubborn when my mind
is made up on a certain topic.....I know its a flaw oh well.
Shorty, you and Orleander are better than watching Pay-Per-View. :D
I need to send both of you thank you e-cards for all the entertainment you have so generously provided.

*runs and grabs some popcorn*
Well here is a quick update- he keeps sending me flowers and putting long letters through the letterbox, I tear them up & throw them back out again. He doesnt seem to get that this is NOT FORGIVABLE :bugeye:
His mother has left me a few messages, and his sister has too. Both saying they are embarrassed about it all & they are sorry. I feel bad for them as I did get on with them, especially his mother. :(
Apparently his office have given him a disciplinary warning for 1- phoning in telling them he had 'chronic tooth ache & am on my way to see emergency dentist' when actually he was going round to his ex's his to have sex
2- 'bringing the company into disrepute' ie damaging the company reputation
His ex has gone away for a few weeks, she was getting quite a lot of grief I hear. Nothing compared to my grief though

As for me, I dont know, sometimes I feel upset, sometimes I feel madly angry, sometimes I feel sad & lonely. I need to put all the memories of us together in a box somewhere where I cant see it all the time. Everywhere there are photos, things we bought together, reminders. I cant take looking at this stuff but I cant throw it away either.
At night I cant sleep, have an image of him with his ex and it makes me really feel sick and so angry :bawl:
My best friend is still here, shes looking after me, my family have been round but I dont want to expose them to my rages & mood swings 24/7 so I will spend more time with them when I feel a bit better I guess
Its quite strange how Im telling all this stuff to a forum of strangers, and its not even a relationship type forum, but it helps just to talk about it I guess, thanks to everyone for listening x
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