Email password cracking

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Well here is a quick update- he keeps sending me flowers and putting long letters through the letterbox

Hey orleander this sure sounds like a guy who WANTED OUT lol Good Call :crazy:
Shorty, you and Orleander are better than watching Pay-Per-View. :D
I need to send both of you thank you e-cards for all the entertainment you have so generously provided.

*runs and grabs some popcorn*

Put lots of butter on it, then CHOKE ON IT :p
..Hey orleander this sure sounds like a guy who WANTED OUT lol Good Call :crazy:

lol, well, lol, I'm ASSUMING he doesn't want her back as much as he doesn't want everyone mad at him, so that is why there is begging and flowers. lol. And JUDGING from his cheating and lying, I think those actions spoke louder as to his wanting out. lol lol
Ahhhhhhhhh yeah whatever you say:crazy:

There really is no point with you.
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lol, well, lol, I'm ASSUMING he doesn't want her back as much as he doesn't want everyone mad at him, so that is why there is begging and flowers. lol. And JUDGING from his cheating and lying, I think those actions spoke louder as to his wanting out. lol lol

Not necessarily; I have met men who don't consider sex with an ex as betrayal. Besides, it does not follow that he wanted out, he may love sonic. Some men have difficulty seeing sex as a big deal (when they are the culprits, that is; doesn't hold true when the woman is, of course.)

He sounds like he's not mature enough for marriage.
I agree with GeoffP and also think you are full of shit!

In that case it must be true then.:rolleyes: Coming from someone I wouldn't trust, your opinion means nothing.
I'll note you didn't provide an arguement either, but if your spat with sam is anything to go by then that's hardly unusual.
For now I'll continue to agree with sam (and spiders) original arguement;
Nope, my point was after 6 years of living together if you're not communicating and feel compelled to break into the computer to satisfy yourself, just start packing his/your bags already.

As spidey said (and I missed this earlier), its all over but the crying.
Quite right too.
Not necessarily; I have met men who don't consider sex with an ex as betrayal. Besides, it does not follow that he wanted out, he may love sonic. Some men have difficulty seeing sex as a big deal (when they are the culprits, that is; doesn't hold true when the woman is, of course.)

He sounds like he's not mature enough for marriage.

some men, yes. But not all. If it was all, I could agree with you, but....
And he knew it was a big deal. Otherwise he wouldn't have lied to her and his job. He jeopardized both for something that wasn't a big deal?
some men, yes. But not all. If it was all, I could agree with you, but....
And he knew it was a big deal. Otherwise he wouldn't have lied to her and his job. He jeopardized both for something that wasn't a big deal?

He knew it was a big deal for her; doesn't translate to being a big deal for him. As for work, what do you suppose he could have said. Thats just equal to sneezing into the phone to sleep in on Monday mornings.:p
When women rape kids they are given very light sentences but the other way when men have sex with kids they get the chair! Talk about hypocrisy.
Yeah. And a person checking up on her suspicious fiancée is a topic -
To which advice was given that she should get out. See above.
in your estemeed opinon - somehow related to the Iraq war.
Related to? Your reading comprehension is letting you down again. It's called an analogy, if you'd bothered to read the post as a whole rather than reading single words you'd realise that.
First, you need to illustrate why spying was immoral in this case - when it was clear her fiancée was cheating and lying.
Clear or not doesn't change morality. Clear is also subjective(see below).
There COULD have been other reasons for his behaviour, people act strangely sometimes, for all manner of reasons, or are you going to deny that?
We only had one side of the story. She COULD have been paranoid and exaggerating, no need to jump to any conclusions.
As I pointed out suspicion is subjective. You encouraged her actions without considering she may be wrong, I quote my first post; "Lets be honest here, if she'd have been wrong you'd still have said she did the right thing. So the majority attitude hardly has any regards for ends and means does it?"
Care to be honest? Had she been wrong would you have forgiven the guy for ditching her over being rash and untrusting?
Then, you need to illustrate why your own navel-gazing version of morality matters at all. "Lack of proof" - what idiocy.
Something wrong with the attitude of "do unto others?". Care to explain what exactly? If I got caught going through someone's private emails I'd expect consequences, from a partner that would likely include ending the relationship due to lack of trust and foundation for a strong relationship.
So in such situations I advise against such actions.
They were right by default, which is not at all the same thing. Absurd.
Well with the question in mind of "is the relationship over" the answer was a resounding yes before she'd even taken any action. Cheating or not became irrelevant, as did the pointless actions taken.
An argument to what? That I was right?
Right she should end it yes, but we all agreed on that. Right she should check up? I think many people would debate that. It was fruitless, amongst other things.
I'm not interested in your attitude of "I'm right you're wrong nanana", it shows your immaturity. I and others have provided reasons as to why it can be seen as wrong.
You've yet to even state if it's right to check up given any small suspicion(which is of course subjective), and if it would still be right to have checked even if the outcome is that you were wrong to suspect anything.
Which I'm going to argue with you while you apply the acne cream by your monitor's glow? Be serious.
Considering I've not resorted to your childishness that sentence is somewhat ironic.
Well here is a quick update- he keeps sending me flowers and putting long letters through the letterbox, I tear them up & throw them back out again. He doesnt seem to get that this is NOT FORGIVABLE :bugeye:
His mother has left me a few messages, and his sister has too. Both saying they are embarrassed about it all & they are sorry. I feel bad for them as I did get on with them, especially his mother. :(
Apparently his office have given him a disciplinary warning for 1- phoning in telling them he had 'chronic tooth ache & am on my way to see emergency dentist' when actually he was going round to his ex's his to have sex
2- 'bringing the company into disrepute' ie damaging the company reputation
His ex has gone away for a few weeks, she was getting quite a lot of grief I hear. Nothing compared to my grief though

As for me, I dont know, sometimes I feel upset, sometimes I feel madly angry, sometimes I feel sad & lonely. I need to put all the memories of us together in a box somewhere where I cant see it all the time. Everywhere there are photos, things we bought together, reminders. I cant take looking at this stuff but I cant throw it away either.
At night I cant sleep, have an image of him with his ex and it makes me really feel sick and so angry :bawl:
My best friend is still here, shes looking after me, my family have been round but I dont want to expose them to my rages & mood swings 24/7 so I will spend more time with them when I feel a bit better I guess
Its quite strange how Im telling all this stuff to a forum of strangers, and its not even a relationship type forum, but it helps just to talk about it I guess, thanks to everyone for listening x

First don't drop him, use him now. Take him for all you can get! Try to butter him up and asking for EXPENSIVE things then after a few months of him giving you whatever you want, drop him and see how he likes it.
First don't drop him, use him now. Take him for all you can get! Try to butter him up and asking for EXPENSIVE things then after a few months of him giving you whatever you want, drop him and see how he likes it.

Hmm and this proves what? That she can sink as low as he can?:confused:
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Hi Sonic,

I would just pack most of that stuff away (letters and stuff) and then in years to come you'll be good to decide what to do with it then. Rent your house and go backpacking across Europe for a year. Not only will this be the time of your life, you'll also be in a great head space when (or if) you return.

OK, you're from England, yeah I forgot, maybe South America, the USA and Asia then? That'd be fun :)
Hi Sonic,

I would just pack most of that stuff away (letters and stuff) and then in years to come you'll be good to decide what to do with it then. Rent your house and go backpacking across Europe for a year. Not only will this be the time of your life, you'll also be in a great head space when (or if) you return.


That's a good idea; a change of scenery does wonders for perspective.
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