Email password cracking

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I just can't beleive the STUPID things SAM is spewing from her "NON JUDGEMENTAL" :rolleyes: mouth.

That is often how most women treat eachother, it is a shame and i never understood that.:shrug:

Men are not like that...unless the feel they have a shot with the female who cheated on the other guy.
Anti-flag, there are not words enough in the English language for me to illustrate my disinterest in your opinion.

Good day.

I'd be impressed if you ever managed to translate some words from opinions into actually forming a reasonable arguement.:rolleyes:
Can't believe this has gone on 26 pages when Spidergoat answered it perfectly in the fourth post!:p
You guys have way too much free time.
I'd be impressed if you ever managed to translate some words from opinions into actually forming a reasonable arguement.

I'm sorry: who are you again? You must be quite proud, with someone paying attention to you for the moment.

:yawn: This thread isn't a debate about the morality or amorality of spying; it was about helping someone out. If you don't like the outcome, do say so, but please do it in the usual muttering voice you use when you look in the mirror rather than taking the time to write it down.
haven't you become a bit obsessive about this...its like, what, your 3rd post about it.

Not really. It's just that this thread keeps getting bumped to the top of the stack of actual computer threads, so I perpetually feel a sense of "why is this here?". I keep experiencing the strong compulsion to seed the thread with little reminders.
I was telling my partner about this thread last night over dinner.

Maybe it's wrong, but I sometimes half-jokingly tell her how much I'd like a new girl. Which is kind of true. Someone new to spicen up the whole sex thing :D She is of the mind that all men are like this and that's why men are of a lower species of human than women :eek: We're more like an animal.
Maybe she has a point.
Regardless, men in general do want a new girl after awhile of being with only one girl. Not all men - but most men.
She once said to me: Go for it. Which totally took the wind out of my sails, I mean half of the fun is just the mental challenge of "fooling around" right???

Anyway, she passed on a bit of advice to Sonic. She said she'd sue him for all of the costs of the wedding. Stick it to his wallet where it will really hurt the most.

I quite like being an Agony Uncle if there is such a thing long as its not my 'agony'.
So she could fatten them up, for a duck curry.

I live opposite a Duck Pond and I ain't never seen a thin duck yet. They must be the most well fed animals on earth.

My Duck in Oyster Sauce is famed for the succulence of the meat.


.........where do ducks go in Winter?

I'm sorry: who are you again? You must be quite proud, with someone paying attention to you for the moment.
Says he with the far higher post count. Yes, attention, of course that must be what it is about. Linking it with pride too, ingenious. Your reasoning makes less sense the more it continues.:rolleyes:

:yawn: This thread isn't a debate about the morality or amorality of spying; it was about helping someone out.
You don't think morality factors into your decisions when helping someone out? Interesting, I could have gone with your answer had I not factored in the morality and lack of respect and trust shown which is hardly a basis for a relationship let alone marraige; he may have been in the wrong, but it takes someone to be the better person you know; especially given the lack of proof in the opening post and lack of moral ways to obtain it.
However as many people have said it was long over no matter the outcome, and they were right, no need to over-complicate anything, especially by encouraging certain unnecessary activities.
Seeing as yet again you didn't disappoint in failing to form an arguement I'm not interested in continuing anymore as you can't come up with anything.
No doubt however you'll want the last word, probably involving more pathetic insults and baseless assumptions.
Says he with the far higher post count. Yes, attention, of course that must be what it is about. Linking it with pride too, ingenious. Your reasoning makes less sense the more it continues.:rolleyes:

You don't think morality factors into your decisions when helping someone out? Interesting, I could have gone with your answer had I not factored in the morality and lack of respect and trust shown which is hardly a basis for a relationship let alone marraige; he may have been in the wrong, but it takes someone to be the better person you know; especially given the lack of proof in the opening post and lack of moral ways to obtain it.
However as many people have said it was long over no matter the outcome, and they were right, no need to over-complicate anything, especially by encouraging certain unnecessary activities.
Seeing as yet again you didn't disappoint in failing to form an arguement I'm not interested in continuing anymore as you can't come up with anything.
No doubt however you'll want the last word, probably involving more pathetic insults and baseless assumptions.

I agree with GeoffP and also think you are full of shit!
Says he with the far higher post count. Yes, attention, of course that must be what it is about. Linking it with pride too, ingenious. Your reasoning makes less sense the more it continues.:rolleyes:

Yeah. And a person checking up on her suspicious fiancée is a topic - in your estemeed opinon - somehow related to the Iraq war.

Anti, I do you a favour by instructing you to: shut up.

You don't think morality factors into your decisions when helping someone out?

First, you need to illustrate why spying was immoral in this case - when it was clear her fiancée was cheating and lying. Then, you need to illustrate why your own navel-gazing version of morality matters at all. "Lack of proof" - what idiocy.

However as many people have said it was long over no matter the outcome, and they were right, no need to over-complicate anything, especially by encouraging certain unnecessary activities.

They were right by default, which is not at all the same thing. Absurd.

Seeing as yet again you didn't disappoint in failing to form an arguement I'm not interested in continuing anymore as you can't come up with anything.

An argument to what? That I was right? Which I'm going to argue with you while you apply the acne cream by your monitor's glow? Be serious.

No doubt however you'll want the last word, probably involving more pathetic insults and baseless assumptions.

Well, I always kick down my inferiors, when they challenge me. Like dogs.

Shorty, thanks for the support. ;)
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