Email password cracking

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I think SAM's point was that you should have the nous to know beforehand whether your about to marry a cheating philanderer of the first order.

But thats not always easy...both the UK and USA elected two into Office.

I think SAM's point was that you should have the nous to know beforehand whether your about to marry a cheating philanderer of the first order.

But thats not always easy...both the UK and USA elected two into Office.


Nope, my point was after 6 years of living together if you're not communicating and feel compelled to break into the computer to satisfy yourself, just start packing his/your bags already.

As spidey said (and I missed this earlier), its all over but the crying.
Depends if he's trustworthy. Instinct will tell her whether he is or not.

LOL, yeah instinct. :rolleyes:
I think instinct would have told her that a guy she had to date for 6 yrs before he'd marry her...I would have cut him lose after year 2.
The man wanted out, otherwise he wouldn't have given up his password.
Instinct led her to suspect him and to find out more. It's possible that she's suspected him before but believed his explanations - because she wanted to. And only when forced to make the ultimate choice did she decide to find out for sure. (I'm speculating.)

How did she get his password exactly? I think I missed that bit.
Me too, as far as I can work out, and in that case he gave nothing away.

So I want to know how people have come to the conclusion that he did, and 'wanted out'.
I think he gave her the password then changed it the next week. I've lost track of the details
LOL, yeah instinct. :rolleyes:
I think instinct would have told her that a guy she had to date for 6 yrs before he'd marry her...I would have cut him lose after year 2.
The man wanted out, otherwise he wouldn't have given up his password.

How do you know you would have cut him lose. Apparently he just started this behaviour RECENTLY.....

You would cut him lose because he didn't want to get married before 6 yrs?
How do you know it was her who wanted to wait this long?
You don't even know how old they are (could be quite young) what is the big rush?
How do you not know that the time period they set to get married wasn't mutual?
You are assuming alot here....
So you put a specific # of yrs before marriage must take place? Or you are ending it?

The man wanted out? How on earth did you come to this?
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Me too, as far as I can work out, and in that case he gave nothing away.

So I want to know how people have come to the conclusion that he did, and 'wanted out'.

Yeah I am wondering how they have come to this conclusion as well:shrug:

Seems to me they are making up anything to defend this guy......because they were wrong in the first place calling Sonic names. Now they are coming up with any bullshit instead of admitting they were wrong.

Sam said he could have had cold feet, now Orleander is saying he wanted How about they guy was just a lying cheating prick, with NO GOOD EXCUSE to get out of this!
Thats states a Man installed spyware on HIS WIFE's computer. Technically you can install spyware on a computer YOU OWN since the computer is YOUR PROPERTY and you have every right to know how YOUR PROPERTY is being used.

However using keyloggers and then accessing say HOTMAIL is a completely different kettle of fish, since you are ILLEGALLY accessing HOTMAIL's services which YOU personally didn't make any agreements to use. Basically a person accessing HOTMAIL through a keylogger could actually be taken to court by HOTMAIL (Microsoft) and maybe even banned from accessing electronic devices for a number of years.

(In fact technically even your ISP could probably sue you for accessing HOTMAIL illegally, since you are using their services which you've made agreements in terms of use, one of which would be against the "willingly illegal accessing, manipulation or destruction of data housed on systems that you don't personally own."

What if you just say that you are a gifted spiritualist seer who can see in other dimensions, even the one where email is stored?
...Orleander is saying he wanted How about they guy was just a lying cheating prick, with NO GOOD EXCUSE to get out of this!

yeah, well, I don't take it personally and get all riled up when a guy I don't know is mean to a woman I don't know.
yes, I am. She assumed he was cheating (and she proved he was) and I assumed to.
Anything you want to assume??

Oh but aren't you always preaching with SAM how you don't judge people?:rolleyes:
Her assumtions were based on knowing someone intimately for 6 yrs. What do you know about this guy?
to assume he did all this to want out?

BTW you never answered. So you would throw a guy out if he didn't marry you within 2 yrs?:shrug:
yeah, well, I don't take it personally and get all riled up when a guy I don't know is mean to a woman I don't know.

It's not personal to me. Do I get riled? sometimes yes I do, especially when talking with hypocrites and idiots.
Oh but aren't you always preaching with SAM how you don't judge people?:rolleyes:

To judge someone is one thing but to trust someone is totally different. In order to trust someone you have to be able to give up your self to them and that's not judging, that's being loving and trustworthy. If that makes any sense to you.
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