People who are missed

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and ellion.

yeah, he was nice. i liked his avatar.

For the record. I am not senderizi or whatnot.
I am Not that person.. I thought he/she was darksidzz/iz.

Hey you're right. Sorry 'bout that the cognac got me confused.

So, what scared you about my responses to your PM's, or rather, the outcome of your responses to my PM's? (what does that mean?)
He tried to help me 2 years 'ago-.

You want help as well, ... don't you *psychic reading*
Hey you're right. Sorry 'bout that the cognac got me confused.

So, what scared you about my responses to your PM's, or rather, the outcome of your responses to my PM's? (what does that mean?)

We can really discuss this at private.

But just the scared truth that what I am going to do is going to scare me.
Hard to describe ya know.

Just scares me
5. Paul Samuel KNOBROT - paulsamuel then. He was chased away by wellcookedfetus. He was an actual biologist.

10. Swedishfish NEVER HEARD OF HIM - her
I was only number 7?:confused: WTF? I have NEVER been a 7. :(

I'm busy trying to keep people safe/get them to church/God.

And I stroll other boards where there are lax rules, lax mods, and lots of fun. I don't get threatened and banned either. :D

Hi Sandy!

Where is LucifersAngel? And is EmptyForceofChi in jail?

Last time I spoke to Lucifer, she is Very Sick

Hi Lucy, welcome back!

EmptyForceofChi I guess is busy with his new born baby girl.

Btw, does anybody see one_raven?
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