The other sites I like don't give infractions unless you say something really bad.
Hi Sandy.
The other sites I like don't give infractions unless you say something really bad.
The other sites I like don't give infractions unless you say something really bad.
that used to be the same here.
get off it. why dont you show Sandy what you had underneath your avatar last night.
don't be tempted by satan and spread hate. Embrace Jesus as your saviour.
Jesus loves science?
don't be tempted by satan and spread hate. Embrace Jesus as your saviour.
Sandy! Will you be my saviour?
Come and sit here while I savour ya. Not!, ya great fuckin' imposter, not that I even think your avatar is remotely attractive. I'm sooo gorgeous ( chin like Fred Flintstone!)
Hmmmm , lets see how many left , why did they leave ? We all have an idea why .Who are the people that you miss seeing on sciforums?
Here is my provisional list:
1. Dr Lou natic
2. ToR
3. Ron Harvey
4. Kebabomatic
5. Paul Samuel
6. IceAgecivilizations
7. Sandy
8. Dreamwalker
9. The devil Inside
10. Swedishfish
11. ...
Isn't it interesting that some of the most interesting members of sciforums have been banned, leaving all you boring, moronic dolts comfortably safe within sheltering mediocrity?Ex-members fates:
1. Dr Lou natic BANNED
3. Ron Harvey BANNED
4. Kebabomatic BANNED
5. Paul Samuel KNOBROT
7. Sandy BACK
8. Dreamwalker NO IDEA
9. The devil Inside HISSY FIT
10. Swedishfish NEVER HEARD OF HIM
11. ... ??