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That's a lot like IG2, however despite the fact that you can design dozens (maybe) of different classes of ships it's obvious that the most powerful technology and the biggest ship is going to win, as well as the largest fleet. There aren't any cloaking devices or counter cloaking devices or wormhole generators or anything like that.

We must now discuss the DREAM STRATEGY GAME:

-For me, a Massively Multiplayer game that takes place over the whole of the milky way with 100, 000 stars with at least two planets to colonize, build factories on, and trade with would be great.

-The ability to create user-run factions that could possibly dominate the galaxy eventually. If an empire does this then their original members don't have to pay the MM fee.

-A wide variety of design-able craft with weapons that not only destroy but erase offensive capabilites, defensive capabilites, 'parasite' the craft, etc. I'll add more later I gtg.
Star Craft was good, but it lacked depth. I have Oupost 2, but the objectives were vague. Save your colony from the eruption. I don't think I really gave it a chance.

My current tastes lead me to Age of Empires2 and Empire Earth. I wanted to like civilization 2, but found that too frequently I would just be hitting the the enter key to go the next turn. Alpha Centauri improved this concept a bit. Master of Orion 2 was a good example of how a turnbased strategy game should work.

-For me, a Massively Multiplayer game that takes place over the whole of the milky way with 100, 000 stars with at least two planets to colonize, build factories on, and trade with would be great.

-The ability to create user-run factions that could possibly dominate the galaxy eventually. If an empire does this then their original members don't have to pay the MM fee.

-A wide variety of design-able craft with weapons that not only destroy but erase offensive capabilites, defensive capabilites, 'parasite' the craft, etc. I'll add more later I gtg.
That sounds like Master of Orion 2. Making it multiplayer will add a little depth, but maybe MOO3 will have some of those aspects. I love the games that are open- ended. That would work for a perhaps a diplomatic aspect to the game. Imagine walking in 3d around the capitol of other worlds and negotiating with other planetary overlords. Also consider a fixed set of worlds, that have a hierarchy. President, admiral, captain, and grunt. That would give a feeling of true immersion.
Yeah, I agree Teg, the single player missions on OP2 were laughable at best. For 85% of the missions you had to build up some stuff, then evacuate before the volcano erupted. Multiplayer is the only reason I kept that game.

What I'd like to see in an RTS is to be able to customize your units. For example, take a basic chassis and be able to pick what type of weapons to put on, type of engine, sheilds etc. This would add a level of unpredictability to the game. Also, the ability to research new technologies in real time, and as you research you get more components available to build your units.

The research would have different branches, such as defensive components, engine components etc. The new technologies could then also be applied to buildings if possible, for example sheilds. All this would take place on a single planet with, say, 8 people max for multiplayer. You would then have to compete for the resources of the planet while at the same time try to destroy the other players (or something else, depending on the game style).

This combined with being able to salvage components from a battlefield (sort of like Total Annihalation, except instead of recycling the metal be able to salvage weapons, engine units etc) would make for my dream RTS game.
So far I haven't gotten a turn based strategy game and my pc can't handle Empire Earth (8 mb video card). I'd push for a non-turn based strategy game for Massively Multiplayer games, it would just be way too complicated and huge to have to have the entire galaxy taking turns.
That would be very unenjoyable to have that many people taking turns.

My GeForce2 is x8 the requirement and I still have slowdown issues with Empire Earth, go figure. I think that I fixed the problem finally by shutting down all those pesky background programs. But still, on an AMD 1.4 you would think that slowdown would only occur in the highest resolutions, i.e. 1280x1024. Alas it works, and that is the important thing.
After watching my dad make a lengthy phone call to gateway I suddenly thought of the scene in "Spaceballs" when Lonestar and Puke realize that they can get a million spacebucks. Lonestar shouts: "Gimme paw!!" And they both do this little secret handshake thing while howling at the top of their lungs.

I felt that way because (dundundudnah!) I ordered 256 mb of RAM and a 32mb video card! YES!!!!! It'll be here by next saturday, just in time for vacation. I can finally get back into the loop, finally play deus ex, maybe even tribes 2...
Deus Ex

Quite enjoyable. For some reason I prefer the Sniper route. I love creeping up on unsuspecting guards and whacking them with the hand weapon. Dang if that game isn't hard, though. Also watch out for those access codes.

No One Lives Forever should also be on your play list if you like Deus Ex. That game is criminally fun.

It's too bad that Grand Theft Auto 3 has yet to be translated to PC. It is the best game yet made. That may sound like an infatuation, but no matter how much I delve into I always come back within a days time. That's after 3 months of play. That reminds me...I have to get back to my war against the Columbian Cartel. Immersive worlds have never been so evil.
Yes, Teg, NOLF is a great game and I've played it three times now, I install it every couple of months but my system isn't quite powerful enough to handle it so every twenty or thirty minutes it freezes and I have to control+alt+delete it.

Does anyone have tribes 2? Can they tell my how it runs with their hardware? I read an old review with pcgamer and they said a 32mb card was recommended.
Pollux V, if you thought NOLF was great before, wait for the graphical boost. The game is beatiful and best yet, it doesn't all! I think I am currently well above the 60f/s standard. Deus Ex is another story. No matter which utility I run it under it always looks ugly and runs poorly. Does anyone have a reccomendation? I've tried everything and one would think that a GeForce 2 would be able to handle Deus Ex. The official site told me to get new drivers for my GPU. When I got the latest Nvidia drivers, my card started acting improperly. That teaches a good lesson: drivers are not the be-all end-all solution that magazine editors and game manufacturers make them out to be.
I have 3Dfx voodoo 3 2000 16Mb and Deus-Ex runs beautifully!
I really think tht you have a driver problem.
I for one can't wait for jedi knight 2, now that I'll be able to enjoy it the game looks like it will be exceptionally fun, and raven has an unbeatable track record with all of its games.
I have 3Dfx voodoo 3 2000 16Mb and Deus-Ex runs beautifully!
I really think tht you have a driver problem.
I think it is a problem with the game. All of my other games run perfectly in OpenGl, Direct3D, and any other standard. This one has graphical artifacts in OpenGl and runs really bad under Direct3D. It has this weird haze effect also. This is slowdown in 640x480 @32bit-color. Yeah something is amiss. I tried to download a patch for the game, but the site won't let me. I guess I'll try Fileplanet.
Isn't voodoo sort-of an outside graphics card that doesn't really run well with some games because the people creating the games don't take voodoo cards into account and focus more on nvidia and ATI?
looking at it right now....avatar ur right this place is pretty awsome! I'm dl the star wars screensaver:)
We need to get this thread going again, my international friends! Some news:

I estimate that I'll be able to legally play on my updated PC in under three days and am itching with excitement because today I got an hour-and-a-half oppurtunity to try out Tribes 2, Deus Ex, and Red Faction (with a much higher resolution). I love them all! I was skeptical with Deus the first time I played it because in the beginning I couldn't find the crowbar and open anything up, leaving me with only several rounds of ammunition. But let me tell you Tribes 2 is something else, my god it is fun, piloting fighters and speeders around in such a complex world, arrr its just STUPENDOUS! I haven't played it online yet...I had to patch it but for some reason I dl a bad copy of the patch so I wound up having to get another and that's when my window *closed.*

Has anyone else bought anything new? Any online battle stories...which reminds me of a broodwar one that maybe I'll talk about later that was very, very engaging and...dramatic. I recorded it, so maybe if anyone else had the game they could watch it...anyway, see all of youse later!
I've recently Purchased :

Final Fantasy 9 for the Station of Play! (Playstation ;)

Okay so it's to some daunting because no matter how many markups they do on these type of games they never put a SKIP SCENE button up during those long played out animations.

Okay the first time you see it, force the player at Light-gun point to watch it, but for fudge sake let us skip the poxy scene after the ..nth time or something... lol

As for the game contents... okay it's still cool, again merging difference from the others but with the common similarities. (Like the games within game)

I still wish they concentrate on something similar to FF7's gold saucer, perhaps having not just a package with loads of small arcade games, but an actual game of being stuck in an arcade with a (quarter/ Twenty pence) lol.
I never played the games as I lack a ps2 or ps1, but I did see the movie.:)

And right now I have that horrible deus ex intro theme song in my head...arrr it's so BAD.
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The world has left them long ago
We are the future
Aquinas knew when he was talking about the mystical city on the hill.
Soon it will be a new a world
And we will be its crowned kings
Or better than kings.......GODS

You speaking about tht movie Pollux?
Well I liked the text, but the graphics were awful
Worse thn actually they are in the game.
But Deus Ex is game No1 for me
FF7 is 2nd
FF8 is 3rd'

I have bought a new game. It's called STRONGHOLD.
there you have to defend yor medieval castle from attacks.
the graphics are beautiful-> management is logical and interesting also. to get bread for instance . you have to grow wheat, mill it and then bake it to get bread.

I really like the game, but smtimes selecting your units may give a headache, especially in an intense battle.
I'll tell more when get back from school, runnin'now, Bye!
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