UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

It has nothing to do with me feeling better about myself. It's a sensible question that ought to arise after one has observed years of river's posts to this forum. He can barely manage to compose a one-line post, and what he produces in such posts usually reflects such a low level of competency in the subjects being discussed that one has to wonder what his everyday life is like.

Putting people down has everything to do with feeling better about yourself. It makes you feel superior and more intelligent and a judge over other people. And noone would do it so much like you do unless it was something they need for some reason. Only it doesn't make you more superior and intelligent like you think. It only reduces you to a hateful bully demeaning and belittling people who disagree with you.
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Putting people down has everything to do with feeling better about yourself. It makes you feel superior and more intelligent and a judge over other people. And noone would do it so much like you do unless it was something they need for some reason. Only it doesn't make you more superior and intelligent like you think. It only reduces you to a hateful bully demeaning and belittling people who disagree with you.
That is one possibility. Another more likely possibility is he, like most of us, get fed up with childish stupidity.
Sounds like a personal problem to me. It doesn't justify him condescendingly insulting other posters.
The solution, of course, is that River stop posting nonsense.
He has an responsibility to police his own behavior: resisting posting about things he knows nothing about - but moreso - abiding by a minimum level of cohesive thought to communicate with others.

What he's getting is feedback that he is not policing his own behavior. Frankly, JamesR, et al, are being quite generous with River's self-recognizance.

Also, you have no business complaining about insulting posters. You've demonstrated that it's a perfectly cromulent tactic for you, so you'd be a hypocrite.
Also, you have no business complaining about insulting posters. You've demonstrated that it's a perfectly cromulent tactic for you, so you'd be a hypocrite.

That's just you never passing up a chance to call me something low and immoral. It's what you get off on. Doesn't bother me a abit.
That's just you never passing up a chance to call me something low and immoral. It's what you get off on. Doesn't bother me a abit.

Thanks for providing a textbook example right here - I didn't even have to go looking.
You manage to make a personal insult at me - right in the above quote - while complaining about personal insults.

And since you are demonstrably something you consider low and immoral - and I have merely drawn attention to that extant fact - your insult is unwarranted.
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Thanks for providing a textbook example right here - I didn't even have to go looking.
You manage to make a personal insult at me - right in the above quote - while complaining about personal insults.

That's a hypocrite.

There it is again. Does repeating the insult make it seem more true to you?
Truth is a valid defense. It's not an insult if it's stating a fact.

Go ahead: deny that you make personal insults. You just made one. Go ahead.

It never ends with you. Just the same insult over and over again repeatedly getting you off in your own sick way. You and James are two peas in a pod. No wonder you always rush to his defense.
Truth is a valid defense. It's not an insult if it's stating a fact that even you can't deny.

Now, back on-topic.
It's not an insult if it's stating a fact that even you can't deny.

An insult is an insult whether it's true or not. It's an insult to call an overweight person fatty. It's an insult to call a common looking person ugly. It's an insult to call a crippled person a gimp.
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An insult is an insult whether it's true or not. It's an insult to call an overweight person fatty. It's an insult to call a common looking person ugly. It's an insult to call a crippled person a gimp.
OK, so by inference, you acknowledge that it's true that you're a hypocrite.

Which is fine, but you're way off-topic for a page of posts now, and wasting valuable phosphor.

Back on-topic.
An insult is an insult whether it's true or not. It's an insult to call an overweight person fatty. It's an insult to call a common looking person ugly. It's an insult to call a crippled person a gimp.
Not disagreeing, but we are still in cyberspace.
Magical Realist:

Putting people down has everything to do with feeling better about yourself. It makes you feel superior and more intelligent and a judge over other people. And noone would do it so much like you do unless it was something they need for some reason. Only it doesn't make you more superior and intelligent like you think. It only reduces you to a hateful bully demeaning and belittling people who disagree with you.
Sounds like a personal problem to me. It doesn't justify him condescendingly insulting other posters.
How about we bring this back to the facts for a minute?

Is it true or false that river mostly posts semi-coherent one-line posts to this forum? This, you will recall, was my observation.
Is it true or false that river displays in his posts to this forum a low level of understanding of and ability to engage with scientific thinking (to single out just one field that he has touched on in various discussions)?

You might potentially disagree with me, and assert that, on the contrary, your perception of river is that he is an intelligent and erudite individual with deep insights to offer on a number of different topics. I'd say you'd be hard pressed to find any examples to support that thesis on this forum, but I'd be very happy to be proven wrong if you have any.

The next step is to consider what I should and shouldn't be allowed to post as my personal opinion based on my own observations about river and the general quality of his posts.

It sounds a lot like you're arguing that I should never say anything negative about anybody here, Magical Realist. It sounds like you think that all members are delicate snowflakes whose feelings might be hurt if I give my personal opinion about the value or lack thereof in their posts. It sounds like you think I'm bullying poor little river, who should be coddled and protected from me on the grounds that... well, on what grounds, exactly? On the grounds that he's not able to stand up for himself, so that he needs you to step in and do it for him? On the grounds, perhaps, that you doubt his ability to construct a reply in refutation to what I posted about him and his posts?

Then we come to the real reason you're stepping up to defend river, as I see it. You don't like it when I express my opinions about the value or lack thereof in your posts to this forum. The complaints I level against river - the lack of supporting argument or evidence in his posts, to take one example - apply to you, to a slightly lesser degree. You figure that the best way for you to avoid criticism or review is to stridently oppose the posting of considered criticism of anybody's posts to this forum. That's it, isn't it?

The fact is, Magical Realist, river chooses to come here and post, as do you. If you're a fragile flower who gets all riled up at any criticism of the content of your posts to this forum, I'd say that, probably, this is not the best place for you to hang around. Your posts here will be subjected to critical analysis. You will be expected to support your claims with arguments and evidence. These are not just my principles, as applied to this forum. This has been part of the general ethos of this online community from the start.

I understand that it is in your interests to promote a conceptual buffer between yourself and people like me on this forum, in the hope that I might focus more on the inanities of people like Spencer666 or river and less on your abject failure to make a good case for any of your woo beliefs on this forum. I also understand that it is very much in your interests to try to dumb down the forum and to promote a culture in which intellectual criticism is considered bullying.
Magical Realist:

How about we bring this back to the facts for a minute?

Is it true or false that river mostly posts semi-coherent one-line posts to this forum? This, you will recall, was my observation.
Is it true or false that river displays in his posts to this forum a low level of understanding of and ability to engage with scientific thinking (to single out just one field that he has touched on in various discussions)?

You might potentially disagree with me, and assert that, on the contrary, your perception of river is that he is an intelligent and erudite individual with deep insights to offer on a number of different topics. I'd say you'd be hard pressed to find any examples to support that thesis on this forum, but I'd be very happy to be proven wrong if you have any.

The next step is to consider what I should and shouldn't be allowed to post as my personal opinion based on my own observations about river and the general quality of his posts.

It sounds a lot like you're arguing that I should never say anything negative about anybody here, Magical Realist. It sounds like you think that all members are delicate snowflakes whose feelings might be hurt if I give my personal opinion about the value or lack thereof in their posts. It sounds like you think I'm bullying poor little river, who should be coddled and protected from me on the grounds that... well, on what grounds, exactly? On the grounds that he's not able to stand up for himself, so that he needs you to step in and do it for him? On the grounds, perhaps, that you doubt his ability to construct a reply in refutation to what I posted about him and his posts?

Then we come to the real reason you're stepping up to defend river, as I see it. You don't like it when I express my opinions about the value or lack thereof in your posts to this forum. The complaints I level against river - the lack of supporting argument or evidence in his posts, to take one example - apply to you, to a slightly lesser degree. You figure that the best way for you to avoid criticism or review is to stridently oppose the posting of considered criticism of anybody's posts to this forum. That's it, isn't it?

The fact is, Magical Realist, river chooses to come here and post, as do you. If you're a fragile flower who gets all riled up at any criticism of the content of your posts to this forum, I'd say that, probably, this is not the best place for you to hang around. Your posts here will be subjected to critical analysis. You will be expected to support your claims with arguments and evidence. These are not just my principles, as applied to this forum. This has been part of the general ethos of this online community from the start.

I understand that it is in your interests to promote a conceptual buffer between yourself and people like me on this forum, in the hope that I might focus more on the inanities of people like Spencer666 or river and less on your abject failure to make a good case for any of your woo beliefs on this forum. I also understand that it is very much in your interests to try to dumb down the forum and to promote a culture in which intellectual criticism is considered bullying.

lol I can always tell I hit the mark when James goes into a long rambling post justifying his shitty treatment of people. Nuff said I think.
Ah yes. The nervous "lol" that is characteristic of Magical Realist when he can't think of a good response to a post. Followed inevitably by him ignoring the entire thing and repeating the point that was just addressed at length.

Really, MR, have you no integrity at all? Is this really the best you're capable of?
Not much in the last 3 pages of this thread has anything to do with aliens or UFOs. Maybe it would be better to post such complaints in Site Feedback?