UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

There are three fundamental sources of UFO's

If the cause of UFOs is currently unknown, and if we don't know how many unknown explanations the category of the 'unknown' might contain, then we arguably can't say how many hypothetical explanations UFOs might have.

intelligent beings far older than ourselves

We don't know that the explanation for UFOs is "intelligent beings", let alone how old those purely hypothetical beings might be. (They may be younger, but got off to a quicker start.) UFOs might be some kind of unknown physical phenomenon and have nothing to do with intelligence. We don't really know that UFOs are technology, machines in our current conceptualization. They might be alive in their own right, organisms of some unknown sort.

Those are just science-fiction speculations and nothing more than that. But they are useful for expanding the possibility space in our own imaginations, the source from which our proposed explanations come.

World war two technology from the Germans

I'd give that one an exceedingly low likelihood. The Germans had very early ballistic missiles and jet planes, but nothing like the technology that the 'tic-tacs' display, assuming that they are indeed technology.

and last but not least , government black ops research .

Yes, that's my preferred option. I do have plentiful doubts about it though.

To add , understanding speed per second matters , for example ;

At 2500mph means that per second this craft is moving at , 0.69 miles per second. Think about that .

At 5000mph is 1.38 miles per second . And so on .

This calculation of speed per/second is a calculation that nobody considers .

My point is , is when any craft seems to come from another dimension because it "blinks out or disappears " , this observation is more about speed / second ; Than about " another dimension(s) " .

That might explain how an object can seemingly instantaneously dissappear from the field of view. But it would seem to suggest instantaneous acceleration. No known propulsion technology can achieve that. And the G-loads would be tremendous. That in turn would suggest that, assuming that the observed accelerations are real, that either a) what is observed is robotic, or at least isn't organic as we understand it (subject to being squished), or b) that somebody/something has an inertia dampening field. The latter is a science-fiction possibility that's way beyond anything contemplated by present-day physics. Very unlikely in my estimation.

Another viable possibility is that the performance of these things has been mischaracterized. Dave offered up that one earlier regarding the 'tic-tacs' and I can't dismiss it.
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To add , understanding speed per second matters , for example ;

At 2500mph means that per second this craft is moving at , 0.69 miles per second. Think about that .

At 5000mph is 1.38 miles per second . And so on .

This calculation of speed per/second is a calculation that nobody considers .

My point is , is when any craft seems to come from another dimension because it "blinks out or disappears " , this observation is more about speed / second ; Than about " another dimension(s) " .

That might explain how an object can seemingly instantaneously dissappear from the field of view. But it would seem to suggest instantaneous acceleration. No known propulsion technology can achieve that. And the G-loads would be tremendous. That in turn would suggest that, assuming that the observed accelerations are real, that either a) what is observed is robotic, or at least isn't organic as we understand it (subject to being squished), or b) that somebody/something has an inertia dampening field. The latter is a science-fiction possibility that's way beyond anything contemplated by present-day physics. Very unlikely in my estimation.

Anti-gravity technology would do it just fine . To negate any acceleration forces . No G-forces expertienced .

And it is a known technology from the late 1920's , T.T.Brown .
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Mod Note

I spend a fair portion of each day with my feet one foot higher than my head. What's your excuse?
That's nice..

But the question remains...

Why are you even participating in this thread? Considering you have not actually posted anything in regards to this thread's topic but instead, you resort flaming one liners that amount to trolling, despite being warned to stop.

One off's is one thing. This is a constant stream and it's just flaming and trolling to get a desired response.

If you keep doing this, I'll just stop you from posting in this thread altogether.

You want to debunk him? Use science.

Because what you are doing now just signals an inability to actually debunk any of it and resorting to what you think is humour to deflect your inability to debunk his beliefs and hope no one notices.
Anti-gravity technology would do it just fine . To negate any acceleration forces . No G-forces expertienced .

And it is a known technology from the late 1920's , T.T.Brown .
This will probably be a futile effort. Nevertheless.....
Last para under that heading reads:

"A physicist invited to observe Brown's disk device in the early 50s noted during the demonstration that its motivation force was the well known phenomenon of "electric wind", and not anti-gravity, saying “I’m afraid these gentlemen played hooky from their high school physics classes….”[10] Scientists who have since studied Brown's devices have not found any anti-gravity effect, and have attributed the noticed motive force to the more well understood phenomenon of ionic drift or "ion wind" from the air particles, some of which still remained even when Brown put his device inside a vacuum chamber"

Are you prepared to let go on 'electrogravitics?
Dude, River thinks the Moon's low gravity is due to its low rotation and that "cold energy" is conducted between galaxies. Good luck getting him to be logical about anything.
Yes the odds are small but just maybe he has only ever read pro Townsend articles (or YouTube vids) i.e. misrepresentations. This is a once off effort.
This will probably be a futile effort. Nevertheless.....
Last para under that heading reads:

"A physicist invited to observe Brown's disk device in the early 50s noted during the demonstration that its motivation force was the well known phenomenon of "electric wind", and not anti-gravity, saying “I’m afraid these gentlemen played hooky from their high school physics classes….”[10] Scientists who have since studied Brown's devices have not found any anti-gravity effect, and have attributed the noticed motive force to the more well understood phenomenon of ionic drift or "ion wind" from the air particles, some of which still remained even when Brown put his device inside a vacuum chamber"

Are you prepared to let go on 'electrogravitics?

( You know that T.T.Browns' research was stolen by the military .... and improvements could have been made to his research ) .

Not yet , it was an early start . I understand what your saying .

I'm sure alot more research has been done by now and on going , on anti-gravity technology . And many more theories as to how it could be done .

These craft are doing extremely quick accelerations and hover . Right now the minimum technology that would explain this ability , would be anti-gravity .
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( You know that T.T.Browns' research was stolen by the military .... and improvements could have been made to his research ) .

Not yet , it was an early start . I understand what your saying .

I'm sure alot more research has been done by now and on going , on anti-gravity technology . And many more theories as to how it could be done .

These craft are doing extremely quick accelerations and hover . Right now the minimum technology that would explain this ability , would be anti-gravity .
Like 'Nazi Bells' for instance? Strange indeed that no airforce anywhere has replaced their conventional aircraft with 'game-changing antigravity tech' that would give them a huge strategic advantage. Ditto for commercial airlines.
Like 'Nazi Bells' for instance? Strange indeed that no airforce anywhere has replaced their conventional aircraft with 'game-changing antigravity tech' that would give them a huge strategic advantage. Ditto for commercial airlines.

And you can understand the secrecy in not divulging this technology . For the military .

The petro-camps , would not like this technology common place for their obvious self interest monantary reasons .
And you can understand the secrecy in not divulging this technology . For the military .
It's an oft repeated theme but won't wash. Any nation possessing such tech would have to rapidly develop it and deploy it. Because foreign intelligence agencies are very good at stealing info. THAT is a proven fact. Hence arms race in 'antigravity tech' would inevitably follow and it could not remain hidden. Clinging to conventional jet and rocket tech would be particularly stupid.
The petro-camps , would not like this technology common place for their obvious self interest monantary reasons .
I will translate that as meaning fossil fuel industry. Nope. Same general competitive advantage pressures will apply.

And you can understand the secrecy in not divulging this technology . For the military .

It's an oft repeated theme but won't wash. Any nation possessing such tech would have to rapidly develop it and deploy it. Because foreign intelligence agencies are very good at stealing info. THAT is a proven fact. Hence arms race in 'antigravity tech' would inevitably follow and it could not remain hidden. Clinging to conventional jet and rocket tech would be particularly stupid.

Any Nation that has the funds and freedom to develope this technology .

And that race for superior anti-gravity technology would be held secret . Between each country that can .
The petro-camps , would not like this technology common place for their obvious self interest monantary reasons .

I will translate that as meaning fossil fuel industry. Nope. Same general competitive advantage pressures will apply.


There are billions if not trillions of dollars wraped up in reaserch and exploration in the petro industry .

To your last statement ;

Why and how ?
Does saying shit like that make you feel better about yourself?
It has nothing to do with me feeling better about myself. It's a sensible question that ought to arise after one has observed years of river's posts to this forum. He can barely manage to compose a one-line post, and what he produces in such posts usually reflects such a low level of competency in the subjects being discussed that one has to wonder what his everyday life is like.
It has nothing to do with me feeling better about myself. It's a sensible question that ought to arise after one has observed years of river's posts to this forum. He can barely manage to compose a one-line post, and what he produces in such posts usually reflects such a low level of competency in the subjects being discussed that one has to wonder what his everyday life is like.

I see

Interesting , more when the full context is revealed . And the question .

No post # , just gossip .