Star Trek vs Warhammer 40k

This thread is very close to being closed. If this type of worthless rant continues, including insults, I will close it without hesitation.

Grow up and discuss... We aren't here to argue... you can do that on your own time, to people in real life if you wish.

This goes for everyone.

Enough Said

Please, by all means, do close it. It was started by ricrery who I've seen arguing this same way on this ST vs SW youtube page so anyone who wants to put up with his nonsense can just go there.

I vote to have it closed and deleted. I respect this site as being a serious, yet fun exchange of sci-fi related discussion, not some child's personal playground for spewing hater comment and then having swearing temper tantrum attacks when somebody disagrees.
This thread is very close to being closed. If this type of worthless rant continues, including insults, I will close it without hesitation.

Grow up and discuss... We aren't here to argue... you can do that on your own time, to people in real life if you wish.

This goes for everyone.

Enough Said


PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF G-D, close this thread, this guy recr has been insulting everyone here for the past half dozen days, look at page 1
It denoted the most severe of several levels of destruction that could be directed against a center of resistance, and involved laying waste to an entire planet by orbital bombardment, reducing the upper crust of a planet to molten slag or in extreme cases going so far as to atomize the planet's top-soil.

A Base Delta Zero fleet bombardment was regarded as one of the most devastating operations that the Imperial military was capable of, and unlike other Imperial military codes, the designation was not subject to change, so that there was never any confusion when it was issued. Due to its effects, BDZs were considered a last resort.

And the Death Star having a bigger hole in RotJ? Are you smoking crack or something it was UNDER CONSTRUCTION and that hole would have been closed.

Turbolasers are lasers? YOU ARE ON CRACK. It is stated turbolasers are a fucking name damn it. They fucking shoot plasma! Besides your pathetic shitty ships do 100 gigawatts and ISD's do 1.2 teratons per turbolaser. Hey retard, did you ever hear of the word google? An ISD can destroy a planet in less than ten minutes. The DS would destroy your pathetic Federation.
- Recrey
OH MY GOD. How stupid are you? FUCKING RETARD. If you knew shit you'd know that ISD has more firepower than all of the Federation. Hey fucking moron there is a thing called Google, GOOGLE FUCKING BASE DELTA ZERO YOU STAR TREK FAGOLA
- Recrey page 2

These forums are retarded as every faggot LOVES ST and ignores SW's superiority which IS FACT. ST retards even said that ST can beat Doctor Who... WHAT IS WRONG WITH STAR TREK FANS? Are you mentally retarded or something?
Recrey page 2
Ricr, the only way you can say "Look guys!" is when you already have everyone on your side, which is not the case because everyone agrees with my assessment of you which is as an insolant little brat that only wants us to kiss his ass.

Ricr, stop acting superior, as a little pre pubescant boy probably still in middle or even lower school you have got no right to antagonize the members of this forum.

Ricr, anyways your the one pulling crap out of his ass and making up figures that are far to impossibly large, I actually did look up on wookiepedia and after about a dozen different searches it failed to give me any sort of number of how powerful a turbolaser is.
Heh heh, I just thought, as big a geek as you are, you probably havent even gotten to first base with a girl thats actually attractive.

"These ships were armed with 4 heavy torpedo launch tubes; 24 point-defense laser cannons, rated at 6 megatons per shot; and 12 quad turbolaser turrets, each rated at a maximum of 200 gigatons per shot.

Groups of these ships could perform a "Base Delta Zero", an orbital bombardment that would exterminate all life on the planet. The later Acclamator II-class could also serve as star frigates to support their landing groups. In addition to ground landings, Acclamator-class ships were capable of water landings, as displayed at the Battle of Mon Calamari.

The sensor and communications suites were located at the front of the ship's command tower.

The hull armor of Acclamator-class vessels was impregnated with ultra-dispersive neutronium that withstood and spread massive energy blasts. Fusion rockets fired by enemy forces barely made a scratch on the hull as a result."

200 gigatons per turbolaser on 1 30 year old transport ship? That's more than the entire Federation can dish out! One transport ship solos ST and that isn't a joke!
"These ships were armed with 4 heavy torpedo launch tubes; 24 point-defense laser cannons, rated at 6 megatons per shot; and 12 quad turbolaser turrets, each rated at a maximum of 200 gigatons per shot.

Groups of these ships could perform a "Base Delta Zero", an orbital bombardment that would exterminate all life on the planet. The later Acclamator II-class could also serve as star frigates to support their landing groups. In addition to ground landings, Acclamator-class ships were capable of water landings, as displayed at the Battle of Mon Calamari.

The sensor and communications suites were located at the front of the ship's command tower.

The hull armor of Acclamator-class vessels was impregnated with ultra-dispersive neutronium that withstood and spread massive energy blasts. Fusion rockets fired by enemy forces barely made a scratch on the hull as a result."

200 gigatons per turbolaser on 1 30 year old transport ship? That's more than the entire Federation can dish out! One transport ship solos ST and that isn't a joke!

Ric, if you are honestly trying to redeem yourself, give it a rest. I still stand by the fact that I wont have a debate with a child.
Ric, if you are honestly trying to redeem yourself, give it a rest. I still stand by the fact that I wont have a debate with a child.

You have lost sir, because ST ships can't even deliver gigatons, maybe many of them combined can, but it's not anywhere near 200 gigatons. SW >>> ST
You have lost sir, because ST ships can't even deliver gigatons, maybe many of them combined can, but it's not anywhere near 200 gigatons. SW >>> ST

Ric, first off not only is that conversation totally false and off subject, your not off the hook.

Besides the fact that ive gone to wookiepedia and looked up turbolasers and nowhere does it say that turbolasers use plamsa or are nearly as powerful as you claim.

And the hull of your ships not only defy physics but are also impossibly weak.

Take the fight against grievouses ship, starts falling out of orbit, so what does Anakin do? He activates hundreds of air brakes, and the air brakes rip the ship in half, the funny part? THERE WAS NO GOD DAMNED AIR!!!
"These ships were armed with 4 heavy torpedo launch tubes; 24 point-defense laser cannons, rated at 6 megatons per shot; and 12 quad turbolaser turrets, each rated at a maximum of 200 gigatons per shot.

Groups of these ships could perform a "Base Delta Zero", an orbital bombardment that would exterminate all life on the planet. The later Acclamator II-class could also serve as star frigates to support their landing groups. In addition to ground landings, Acclamator-class ships were capable of water landings, as displayed at the Battle of Mon Calamari.

The sensor and communications suites were located at the front of the ship's command tower.

The hull armor of Acclamator-class vessels was impregnated with ultra-dispersive neutronium that withstood and spread massive energy blasts. Fusion rockets fired by enemy forces barely made a scratch on the hull as a result."

200 gigatons per turbolaser on 1 30 year old transport ship? That's more than the entire Federation can dish out! One transport ship solos ST and that isn't a joke!

You have lost sir, because ST ships can't even deliver gigatons, maybe many of them combined can, but it's not anywhere near 200 gigatons. SW >>> ST

This is how idiotic you have always shown yourself to be. This is Trek vs Warhammer so why are you mentioning SW?
This is how idiotic you have always shown yourself to be. This is Trek vs Warhammer so why are you mentioning SW?

Because he firmly believes not only that what wookipedia says is second to the word of G-d, but that he is on the winners side even when hes losing badly, he needs to quit while hes behind
Because he firmly believes not only that what wookipedia says is second to the word of G-d, but that he is on the winners side even when hes losing badly, he needs to quit while hes behind

Lol, are you on crack or something? Base Delta Zero requires one ship to scourge a planet through firepower, compare that to 80 ships having to do chain reactions! Plus compare the Feds to SW.... 300 worlds vs hundreds of millions of worlds. ST is fucked, and that is the truth. Act delusional all you want, but SW will laugh at ST. It will one shot your ships. Hilariously in one episode 200 gigawattes of LASER energy that isn't even near 200 gigatons of LASER energy. ST is absolutely pathetic compared to SW. Give up and leave.
Ric, first off not only is that conversation totally false and off subject, your not off the hook.

Besides the fact that ive gone to wookiepedia and looked up turbolasers and nowhere does it say that turbolasers use plamsa or are nearly as powerful as you claim.

And the hull of your ships not only defy physics but are also impossibly weak.

Take the fight against grievouses ship, starts falling out of orbit, so what does Anakin do? He activates hundreds of air brakes, and the air brakes rip the ship in half, the funny part? THERE WAS NO GOD DAMNED AIR!!!

Hey did you know ANY Sci-Fi with FTL travel defies psychics? Besides your ships couldn't even scratch the paint of a ISD. Maybe your ships could fight with Tie-Fighters without losing but that's all you can fight.
Ric, first off not only is that conversation totally false and off subject, your not off the hook.

Besides the fact that ive gone to wookiepedia and looked up turbolasers and nowhere does it say that turbolasers use plamsa or are nearly as powerful as you claim.

And the hull of your ships not only defy physics but are also impossibly weak.

Take the fight against grievouses ship, starts falling out of orbit, so what does Anakin do? He activates hundreds of air brakes, and the air brakes rip the ship in half, the funny part? THERE WAS NO GOD DAMNED AIR!!!

Did I mention Darth Malak ordered a planet to be destroyed without the DS. Give it up!
Hey did you know ANY Sci-Fi with FTL travel defies psychics? Besides your ships couldn't even scratch the paint of a ISD. Maybe your ships could fight with Tie-Fighters without losing but that's all you can fight.

Thats funny you should say that. I think the falcon drove up to the back of an ISD tower and landed on it... and I think it scratched the paint. No weapons needed.
Lol, are you on crack or something? Base Delta Zero requires one ship to scourge a planet through firepower, compare that to 80 ships having to do chain reactions! Plus compare the Feds to SW.... 300 worlds vs hundreds of millions of worlds. ST is fucked, and that is the truth. Act delusional all you want, but SW will laugh at ST. It will one shot your ships. Hilariously in one episode 200 gigawattes of LASER energy that isn't even near 200 gigatons of LASER energy. ST is absolutely pathetic compared to SW. Give up and leave.

or maybe you delusional and quite frankly bordering on psychotic child you should stay on topic not that it would matter because you have pretty much ensured no one gives a fuck what you have to say.
Hey did you know ANY Sci-Fi with FTL travel defies psychics? Besides your ships couldn't even scratch the paint of a ISD. Maybe your ships could fight with Tie-Fighters without losing but that's all you can fight.

scifi defies psychics? how? and actually a hispanic physicist has laid the theoretical ground work for warp speed travel FTL
I... was gonna say something. I just didn't. I had to ponder the idea that the fastest or shortest from point A to point B is a straight line and whether warping, bending, folding space, essentially altering the distance between them is truly traveling faster. 'In less time' isn't always faster, but thats a whole other discussion.
scifi defies psychics? how? and actually a hispanic physicist has laid the theoretical ground work for warp speed travel FTL

Are you trying to say that Warp speed is possible let alone realistic? There have been Trekkies who stated ST technology will become real... you honestly can't agree with them... one said that time travel will work too like in First Contact. :confused: Is this a joke?
Are you trying to say that Warp speed is possible let alone realistic? There have been Trekkies who stated ST technology will become real... you honestly can't agree with them... one said that time travel will work too like in First Contact. :confused: Is this a joke?

lol no of course not. :rolleyes: