Star Trek vs Warhammer 40k

Pfft. Obvious trekkie.


Aside from the very simple fact that Warhammer is probably only marginally better than AoC, and that's bad in every sense of the word, he's taking it a tad obsessively, don't you think?
OH MY GOD. How stupid are you? FUCKING RETARD. If you knew shit you'd know that ISD has more firepower than all of the Federation. Hey fucking moron there is a thing called Google, GOOGLE FUCKING BASE DELTA ZERO YOU STAR TREK FAGOLA!

Rice, a very wise man once said that the first one to bring violence to a debate obviously cedes victory to the other side.

In case your infantile cranium cant handle words with more than 2 syllables Ill put it to you this way:

Cry babies lose, you lost, end of story.
Rice, a very wise man once said that the first one to bring violence to a debate obviously cedes victory to the other side.

In case your infantile cranium cant handle words with more than 2 syllables Ill put it to you this way:

Cry babies lose, you lost, end of story.

So somebody who was too stubborn to look up Base Delta Zero is really talking? God, your ignorance baffles me. Well, back to Spacebattles, I lose respect for these forums when I saw threads where ST was actually getting votes against SW.
So somebody who was too stubborn to look up Base Delta Zero is really talking? God, your ignorance baffles me. Well, back to Spacebattles, I lose respect for these forums when I saw threads where ST was actually getting votes against SW.

Ricery, I do not engage in intelligent debates with people whom have not yet gone through puberty, so long.
Can you believe he would be fool enough to assume his respect means anything? :shrug:

Anyone who has read the SW novels would know that they can scourge a planet in less than 20 minutes if they only use one ISD, and they have better FTL travel, oh and they control 60% of 3 galaxies.
Anyone who has read the SW novels would know that they can scourge a planet in less than 20 minutes if they only use one ISD, and they have better FTL travel, oh and they control 60% of 3 galaxies.

"Star Trek vs Warhammer 40k"

Star Wars trivia doesn't really help in this debate.
Is that your type of a threat? That won't scare me, there many more forums I can go to.

Just how many other forums have you been on where you got your ass kicked off of?

Ricrery you do not impress nor frighten me, if you wanna be a jack ass, than go somewhere else.
Just how many other forums have you been on where you got your ass kicked off of?

Ricrery you do not impress nor frighten me, if you wanna be a jack ass, than go somewhere else.

Uh no, because those forums aren't full of fanboys who can't look things up.
Ohmigod really?!!1!

yes rillly!!1!one!!


I had forgotten about that.:D

Bah. All lies. Conspiracy against me. It's always a shame when a moderator, no less, has to resort to inventing posts and writing whole threads for the purposes of embarrassing others.

Anyway, writing a story isn't the same as actually picking up the cardboard broadsword and marching off into the dusty horizon. So there.
yes rillly!!1!one!!

Bah. All lies. Conspiracy against me. It's always a shame when a moderator, no less, has to resort to inventing posts and writing whole threads for the purposes of embarrassing others.

Anyway, writing a story isn't the same as actually picking up the cardboard broadsword and marching off into the dusty horizon. So there.

Of course dear.
