Resources For Learning About The Jewish People and Judaism


Registered Senior Member
I want to learn more about the Jews and Judaism. I want to learn about their history, language, and culture. I would also like to learn about Israel. I was wondering if members on the forum could recommend books, websites, or articles. Thank you!
One of the reasons why I am interested in learning about the Jewish people and Judaism is because I am a Christian who believes in God and Jesus and I may have some Jewish roots. I also want to learn about the history surrounding the old and new testament in the Christian bible. I understand that Christianity is not based in fact, if you consider the certainty of the truth behind the Big Bang and Evolution, but it feels good to pray, read the bible, go to church, and do good deeds, so I like it.
The major difference when it comes to religious texts, between Judaism and Christianity, is that Christianity has the New Testament and recognizes Jesus as the Son of God.

If you read the book of Isaiah chapter 53 , you will find the description of Yahshua suffering, you can compare the evidence with New testaments gospels like Mathew . Luke or Mark . There are several places written by the prophets about the coming of Yahshua . What happen at that time the ruling Jewish organisation under the Roman empire were expecting the Messiah was going liberate the Jews from under the Roman domination and establish its kingdom in Jerusalem . The coming of Yahshua was to establish a spiritual kingdom , which He did . But the establishment Sanhedrin ( Council ) did not submit to his teaching, and so they decided to get rid of Him , This way they preserved their good position under the Roman empire.
As for the word Son of God , we all are His creation so we are children of God.
No, probably Zoroastrianism.
There is evidence that the roots of Zoroastrianism go back to the second millennium BCE, but the first mention of it in literature, with the trappings of religion, was around 500BCE.

This synchronizes rather closely with the first mention of Judaism in literature. Of course, the Jews were a literate people long ago, and could have written holy manuscripts as easily as the Zoroastrians.

I think we'll just have to say that both of these religions are ancient, and given the culture of the era, we probably may never be able to be more precise.

Of course, the Jewish people and their religion are constantly in the headlines today. The animosity toward them in medieval Europe, culminating in the Holocaust, is rather difficult to ignore, much less forget.

Even today, in the supposedly "modern, civilized" United States, anti-Semitism continues to be the most widespread form of ethnic hatred: more than African-Americans, more than Latin Americans, more than Muslims, more than any of the "Oriental" cultures.

Probably even more than women, although I haven't come across any statistics to support that.
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I want to learn more about the Jews and Judaism. I want to learn about their history, language, and culture. I would also like to learn about Israel. I was wondering if members on the forum could recommend books, websites, or articles. Thank you!

Why not ask the jewish community ?