Proposal for creation of Sciforums Volunteerism Hour?

Could a Sciforums Volunteerism Hour be useful to Sciforums?

  • No

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Maybe???????

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Dennis Tate

The Worgl, Austria local money experiment conducted during the Great Depression that was applied in over a thousand communities in the USA during the time of FDR could in theory set up Sciforums to magnify your influence over world events to a truly unusual and perhaps rather shocking level?

One of the possible risks that must be factored into the formula is that Alternative Currency Units are taxable...... so.... the payment of income tax on them must be factored into the full formula.

City in Austria Printed Local Currency
Worgl, like many other European towns and cities, was hit hard by the Great Depression. There was mass unemployment; four of the five local factories had closed, and the people were starving in the streets. Nobody had any money to buy anything. One of the features of an economic depression is that there is not enough money in circulation to ensure that people can meet their basic needs, and in the 1930s, the shortage of currency in many countries of the world became catastrophic.

The mayor of Worgl, together with local businessmen, decided to try to break this economic impasse by creating their own local currency. They printed and issued 60,000 Austrian shillings worth of local currency. These shillings could only be spent in Worgl, so they remained in the local community and were exchanged over and over again.

The positive impact was immediate and surprising to everyone. In only six weeks, unemployment disappeared, all the factories had reopened and everyone had food. For the inhabitants of Worgl, the economic depression was gone. This dramatic transformation became known as the “miracle of Worgl.” Surrounding towns, inspired by the success of Worgl, immediately started printing their own local currencies.

Sadly, the miracle did not last long. When the Austrian Central Bank heard about Worgl’s local currency, they initiated legal proceedings against the mayor and local businessmen. According to Austrian banking law, it was illegal for anyone except the Austrian Central Bank to issue money. The bank won the court case, and the mayor was ordered to shut down the local currency, which he did, under threat of imprisonment. The town then returned to the devastating economic depression of the 1930s, with all the human pain and suffering associated with this catastrophe. Factories closed, and once again, the people starved.

Alternative Currency in the U.S.

Irving Fisher, an American professor of economics at Yale University, visited Worgl before the local currency was suppressed and witnessed the ‘miracle’ firsthand. When he returned to the United States, Fisher spread the word by traveling and lecturing across the country, advocating the use of the Worgl ‘scrip’ everywhere. Inspired by his vision, hundreds of communities began issuing their own currency, and by 1934 there were over 1,000 local communities using ‘scrip’ throughout the U.S.

Every one of these communities experienced a tremendous rejuvenation of their local economies. They thrived while others suffered. Fisher then met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, proposing the implementation of government-sanctioned local ‘scrip’ in every community in America. When FDR consulted with his top financial advisors and bankers, however, he was advised to shut all the ‘scrip’ systems down, which he did. Instead, he borrowed large amounts of money from bankers, at interest, and used it to pay for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the other work-creation projects, which collectively came to be known as the ‘New Deal.’ So ended the last widespread use of a local currency within the U.S.

This pattern of economic collapse and re-emergence of local currencies has occurred thousands of times in many parts of the world. When these currencies have failed or have been suppressed, banks have not always been to blame. Sometimes, local currencies fail because they have been badly designed or implemented. Sometimes, people lose interest in them when the mainstream economy recovers. But they have always returned in one form or another during times of economic failure.

Our present world situation is uniquely different. Despite a relatively prosperous and stable world economy, a quiet monetary revolution has been occurring around the globe over the last 20 years. Awareness is growing about the flaws in our current monetary system, and people are re-creating viable alternatives. We are witnessing for the first time the worldwide creation of money systems designed by the people who use them, instead of by central banks." ( by Francis and Lia Ayley
The Truth About Money: The Money System—Isn’t There a Better Way?)
This article fills in a few details on how this might potentially work......

Local currencies: 'In the U.S. we don't trust'
By Blake Ellis@CNNMoneyJanuary 27, 2012: 11:13 AM ET

Now, even state governments are exploring the option. Lawmakers in more than 10 states, including Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, Idaho and Tennessee, have been circulating proposals to introduce alternative currencies -- many of which would be issued in the form of gold or silver coins.

The Constitution prohibits individual states from printing and issuing paper money as legal tender, but they are allowed to use coins as currency, said Gatch. Individual communities, however, are able to create their own currencies -- including paper notes. Anyone can do it -- as long as the money is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars and values are tied to the U.S. dollar so that income remains taxable.

Fear factor: Francis Ayley, the founder of Life Dollars, a currency started in Bellingham, Wash., in 2004, said fear of a shortage of U.S. dollars and frustration with the growing wealth gap in the country are driving more people to his currency. Since a majority of the transactions occur online and funds are directly transferred between members, the supply of Life Dollars is unlimited, he said.

The number of people or businesses signed up to use the currency, or members as Ayley refers to them, had remained relatively stable at 250 to 350 for years. But in the past two years, membership has doubled to more than 700. The currency's use has expanded beyond Bellingham to Seattle, too, where 75 new members have signed on in the past six months. Ayley estimates that more than $1 million worth of transactions have been made so far.

The Ithaca Hour is one of the most famous alternative currencies in the USA....
Calgary Dollars is one of the most successful alternative currencies here in Canada.
Although the fact that a Sciforums Volunteerism Hour or Dollar would need to be tied in value to the USA dollar.....
... (my suggestion would be one hour = the highest minimum wage in America but.........
the supply of Sciforums Volunteerism Hours hours, should in my opinion probably be kept quite low..... partly in order to decrease the amount of income tax payable that they might generate)?!
The Constitution prohibits individual states from printing and issuing paper money as legal tender, but they are allowed to use coins as currency, said Gatch. Individual communities, however, are able to create their own currencies -- including paper notes. Anyone can do it -- as long as the money is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars and values are tied to the U.S. dollar so that income remains taxable.

Excluding Washington, D.C.'s $15 hourly minimum wage, California has the highest in the country at $14 per hour. Washington and Massachusetts are close behind, with $13.69 per hour and $13.50 per hour, respectively.

at least I can leave you with:

Calgary Dollars (C$) is a local and complementary currency. This means Calgary Dollarsare only used in Calgary, and can be used to help purchase goods and services from businesses
and other users. Local currencies like Calgary Dollars aim to help foster stronger community connections by facilitating and encouraging local consumption.
I guess this explanation for Calgary Dollars would hint that using a Sciforum Volunteerism Hour or Dollar only for Sciforums... would be logical.


The Ithaca HOUR is a local currency formerly used in Ithaca, New York and was one of the longest-running local currency systems, though it is now no longer in circulation.[1] It has inspired other similar systems in Madison, Wisconsin; Santa Barbara, California, Corvallis, Oregon;[2] and a proposed system in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania.[3] One Ithaca HOUR is valued at US$10 and is generally recommended to be used as payment for one hour's work, although the rate is negotiable.

Current One HOUR note developed in 1994

Ithaca HOURS is a legal currency system generally specific to Ithaca, New York. This system was started in 1991 by Paul Glover, based on similar currency plans in the Great Depression as an alternative to Federal currency during the 1991 recession.

Glover began printing these HOURS and, with the help of local merchants and laborers agreeing to accept these HOURS as payment for goods, Ithaca HOURS took off. By 1996, Ithaca HOURS had an advisory and governing board and became a company by 1999 to ensure regulation. Today millions of Ithaca HOURS have been in circulation and are accepted by Ithaca residents and businesses.

To comply with U.S. tax code, Ithaca HOURS are taxable when used or exchanged for professional goods or services. The premise of this system is to introduce an additional incentive to favor local businesses and workers and help Ithaca’s economy. The Ithaca HOUR’s value is pegged to ten dollars, to represent one hour of work. Despite this, the Ithaca HOUR is not secured by the U.S. government, nor can it be exchanged to U.S. dollars. The Ithaca HOUR is backed only by its acceptance within the local community.
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Could this currency buy me a "Get out of Banned Free" card?

Mr. Bill Gate's favourite card game was Hearts... at the time that he
developed most of his Microsoft operating systems.........

I could present a challenge to all moderators and all posters on Sciforums and sell you "Non-exclusive rights to a concept for a series of reality plus semi-reality science fiction film projects for one dollar Canadian"..... that I believe could so grab his attention that he perhaps donates a million dollars to website hosting for Sciforums .... or for back up financing for the proposed "Sciforums Volunteerism Hour" and / or "Sciforums Volunteerism Dollar"......... that would be connected to a variation of the game of Hearts that my ex wife and I and our friends developed....... before my second separation and divorce!

We could find a fairly serious issue that tends to divide most Sciforums posters......
and one group could go with the "Sciforums Volunteerism Hour" whereas those who lean to the other side of the question could back up the "Sciforums Volunteerism Dollar???"

I am using the word "non-exclusive" because this idea might accomplish essentially NOTHING here on Sciforums ... .but be adopted by some other group or groups for a somewhat different set of reasons / motivations?????
Could this currency buy me a "Get out of Banned Free" card?

In theory.... this proposed alternative currency unit could be used to pay off the national debts of the USA, Canada, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and The Netherlands......... but I admit that this is a long shot and will not be easy.

One way would be for it to be used to begin to raise financing for some private sector variation on:
"Would an intelligently financed UBI be dangerous for the environment?"

Any serious plan to finance a UBI could alter the way that science is financed!

Scientists of the year 2029.... could be appealing to ordinary red necks like myself, (Deplorables), as opposed to having to appeal to government bureaucrats...... if and when a truly significant UBI is put into motion.
I am not opposed to paying a stipend to volunteers, but IMO, all of this moderation of intolerable behavior can be avoided by adhering to this list of on-line etiquette.

The principles are represented by the acronym WINGS.

Braver Angels members are expected to wear their WINGS whenever they engage in online conversation. Failure to observer these principles may result in removal from the group (at the sole discretion of the moderator).
W – Write respectfully, with an openness to the idea that other opinions might be valid It’s fine to have strong opinions, but express them respectfully. To be a part of Braver Angels Facebook discussions, you should keep an open mind and not degrade or discount others’ points of view. Work to maintain a “learning posture” that acknowledges there may be an angle to the discussion you’re not seeing. Be sure to read an entire post and comment thread before weighing in, so you understand the context of the conversation you’re entering and people don’t need to repeat prior comments. That’s how we’ll all learn and grow together.
I – Use “I” statements for your own viewpoints, and don’t question or doubt other people’s lived experiences. Braver Angels members strive to represent their own viewpoints, rather than insisting that their statements speak for a whole group. We also recognize that each person’s lived experience is unique. If someone is telling you that certain statements or posts in the group make them feel a certain way, take that as presumptively valid.
N – No gotchas; assume good faith. People join Braver Angels because they want to have honest, open discussions about our political divide. Engage with another’s best arguments, not just their weakest or most extreme. If someone posts something that seems ignorant or combative (or downright offensive), take a deep breath, assume that person meant well and has expressed themselves inartfully and a) work to engage them respectfully, or b) ignore it and move on. If you feel the post has truly crossed the line and violates the spirit of our community as outlined here, please contact the group administrator. Don’t publicly question whether the person should be in the group, etc.
G – Get to common ground to keep the conversation going.
We should always welcome opportunities for respectful engagement with those who hold different views. When we disagree with one another, we should strive to do so accurately— avoiding exaggerated disagreement—and to recognize common ground. Even when our name is on our profile, it’s easy to don the mask that social media provides and get carried away with casting our fellow citizens as “others” and overemphasize our differences.
S – Sarcasm doesn’t translate on Facebook. Don’t use it when engaging in an open, honest discussion.
Enough said.

Perhaps we may all consider this approach. It sounds positive to me.........B-)
I am not opposed to paying a stipend to volunteers, but IMO, all of this moderation of intolerable behavior can be avoided by adhering to this list of on-line etiquette.

The principles are represented by the acronym WINGS.

Braver Angels members are expected to wear their WINGS whenever they engage in online conversation. Failure to observer these principles may result in removal from the group (at the sole discretion of the moderator).
Enough said.

Perhaps we may all consider this approach. It sounds positive to me.........B-)

I could be wrong.....
I often am... but many who have made it to the top of nearly any branch of science may tend to
lose some of the sense of humour that they had as children and teenagers..........

...... I am possibly more of an aspiring volunteer comedy writer than much of anything else........
and some of you may begin to smile as you smell the wood burning and get hints of what I am probably
attempting to set up over here.......... in this discussion that I believe could lead to something that a Sciforums Volunteerism Hour could
be linked to... .that could cause a discussion of Sciforums to go viral..... and propel some of the posters here up against the metaphorical
"Goliath of Fame." Fame is a two edged sword.... and can turn into infamy so easily?!

This is over in the SciFi and Fantasy forum which seemed like an appropriate place for this......

When I used the phrase "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems" over in another discussion..... I was not merely being pedantic.... (but yes.... that is an issue with me)........( which is a tendency made even more annoying by my being merely a janitor who reads a lot)......... yes... I plead guilty........ I am terribly argumentative and I think that I could drive a significant percentage of 'scientists" so far around the bend that if the discussion was in person...... they might be tempted in the direction of mayhem or even murder...... (my first two ex -wives both attempted to strangle and strangle and strangle me but a certain amount of power is required to be able to effectively strangle somebody who worked at forestry for a couple of decades)??! ...... (Amazingly enough to me is the fact that my third wife...... has never attempted to kill me yet..... not even once..... which to my thinking adds significant value to Jesus having somehow told her twenty one years ago that I was going to be her husband????)?!
It is a rather serious thing for an aspiring Canadian politician to write a message to the forty fifth President of the USA. I could NOT actually post the following message due to my not having a USA address but I did forward this on to several of my American friends one of whom will surely forward my message including their comments on how long they knew me for.

My all time record for being kicked out of Christian churches is two back in 1991 and I have to admit.... .if my
point of view is so opposed to the prevailing attitude on Sciforums .com then you may well as well ban me now and get it over with.......
because it is possible to build up some pretty good friendships on these discussion forums so it can be better for all concerned if
my time here is ended previous to some of us becoming somewhat attached.

In your opinion.....
what is incorrect about the following message that I could not actually send off to 45office .com?

Dennis Tate
Central - Nova, N. S., B0J3C0, Canada
April 20, 2021

Mr. Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States of America:

Re: Proposal for the Creation of a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Hour" and / or "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Dollar."

Dear Mr. President:

I myself attempt to do one thousand hours annually as a volunteer writer all over the internet troubleshooting serious problems. I taught English as a Second Language in Quito, Ecuador in 2001 and 2002 and some of what I write has my former students at La Escula del Futuro and Universidad Technologica de Israel de Quito in mind as I write but YOU SIR ARE IN MY OPINION THE NUMBER ONE VOLUNTEER ON THIS EARTH at this critical time in history!!!!!!!!!

Last Saturday my wife had me listening to Prophet Robin Bullock and he predicted NEW MONEY because the old money had "cobwebs on it!"

Dr. Cindy Jacobs predicted that the time was coming when the USA dollar and the Canadian dollar would go to par value.

.... "The Constitution prohibits individual states from printing and issuing paper money as legal tender, but they are allowed to use coins as currency, said Gatch. Individual communities, however, are able to create their own currencies -- including paper notes. Anyone can do it -- as long as the money is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars and values are tied to the U.S. dollar so that income remains taxable." (Blake Ellis, CNN Money, Local Currencies in the USA We Don't Trust, January 27, 2012).

Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 :
... "Jesus said that this unbelieving world is not going to accept you, but He said, “Do not fear, for I have overcome the world.” What is it that is bothering you today? You might not think that you have access to the Father, but it has been provided to you. You might think that you cannot just go to the Father and ask Him for something. The first thing you should ask the Father is to open your eyes. Your relationship with God is going to drive out fear. You have to grasp that God is not limiting you. He has never limited you. The Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost and took the ceiling off. You can go as high and as far as you want.

If you would believe, God would give you the ability to completely pay off our national debt. God has a way of paying off our debt in our country. There is a way to do it. God knows that secret. But instead of focusing on our country, what about focusing on your bills? What does the Holy Spirit want to tell you by pulling back a veil that will cause you to be debt-free within the year? That will happen if you believe. The Holy Spirit has so much more for you, but you have limited Him. Because you have limited Him, He can’t speak to you. Because of that, people that are prophetic can’t come to you and confirm what God has said because you won’t hear it.

You can trust God. Relationships that you are having trouble with can be resolved tomorrow morning. If you accept what God is saying, the Spirit of God will enforce a blessing in your life to the point where you will see your family members and friends start to respond. " (Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 )

This message will be going out to dozens of your support groups all over the internet soon and it is important to know that I believe that this must be accomplished from the nation of Israel for many reasons. More information on this can be found at:

"After the Abraham Peace Accord turn deserts green..."
on politicalforum .com by DennisTate.

God bless you and keep you Sir!

Shalom from Nova Scotia, Canada.

Dennis Tate

p. s. Other than for the aspects of this that will be done from the nation of Israel much of this can be accomplished from the two cities of Edmonton and Calgary Alberta..... and Red Deer, Alberta that is pretty much in the middle between these two cities. Sir.... please consider you and Mr. Michael J. Lindell producing a semi-reality science fiction film series set in the time of Premier Bible Bill Aberhart?
Not sure if something like this would work involving sci forums (or any forum) on a grander scale because it sounds like it would have the potential of breaching members’ anonymity and privacy, no?
Not sure if something like this would work involving sci forums (or any forum) on a grander scale because it sounds like it would have the potential of breaching members’ anonymity and privacy, no?

That is an excellent point......
I believe that it is impossible to set in motion a new branch of time......
.... "Applied Multiverse Theory" set for example in 2015, April 20.....
that could save the lives of a million people or more in this new time line......
without risking our own lives........

and back in 2004 after I did my first campaign for public office I began to go online as DennisTate or Dennis Tate because
I felt that I should toss the wonderful option of anonymity to the wind and risk so pissing somebody off that they
decide to put me in an early grave.

Back in 2003 on ezboard .com I was tate4242
based on my yahoo .com e-mail but I soon went all out and
invited full fledged hatred if somebody were to disagree with my opinions vehemently.

On the plus side life in the backwoods of Nova Scotia is pretty calm and peaceful and whoever would risk landing at Stanfield International Airport and then rent a car and come down to where I life to shoot me.....
would likely end up being caught and would spend some time in jail and get a criminal record and likely be unable to go to an airport again after shooting me!

(Does that sound a little "paranoid" to you?????)
Could this currency buy me a "Get out of Banned Free" card?

Here is me attempting to explain how this general concept could in theory set in motion a series of events that could lead to Canada, the USA, Israel and Australia having a balanced budget rather quickly and soon begin to pay down their national debts with amazing rapidity.

But..... as in everything that I write... this is flawed... due to my ignorance of relevant and important variables that would need to be well known before this could actually be pulled off?????

Not sure if something like this would work involving sci forums (or any forum) on a grander scale because it sounds like it would have the potential of breaching members’ anonymity and privacy, no?
Good point......
writing something like I wrote back on April 20 puts me on certain CIA and / or NSA lists?????

Theoretically a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Hour" and / or a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Dollar" and / or a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Shekel" could be used to pay off the national debts of both the USA as well as Israel.

..... Dennis Tate
Central - Nova, N. S., B0J3C0, Canada
April 20, 2021

Mr. Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States of America:

Re: Proposal for the Creation of a "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Hour" and / or "Donald J. Trump Volunteerism Dollar."

Dear Mr. President:

I myself attempt to do one thousand hours annually as a volunteer writer all over the internet troubleshooting serious problems. I taught English as a Second Language in Quito, Ecuador in 2001 and 2002 and some of what I write has my former students at La Escula del Futuro and Universidad Technologica de Israel de Quito in mind as I write but YOU SIR ARE IN MY OPINION THE NUMBER ONE VOLUNTEER ON THIS EARTH at this critical time in history!!!!!!!!!

Last Saturday my wife had me listening to Prophet Robin Bullock and he predicted NEW MONEY because the old money had "cobwebs on it!"

Dr. Cindy Jacobs predicted that the time was coming when the USA dollar and the Canadian dollar would go to par value.

.... "The Constitution prohibits individual states from printing and issuing paper money as legal tender, but they are allowed to use coins as currency, said Gatch. Individual communities, however, are able to create their own currencies -- including paper notes. Anyone can do it -- as long as the money is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars and values are tied to the U.S. dollar so that income remains taxable." (Blake Ellis, CNN Money, Local Currencies in the USA We Don't Trust, January 27, 2012).

Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 :
... "Jesus said that this unbelieving world is not going to accept you, but He said, “Do not fear, for I have overcome the world.” What is it that is bothering you today? You might not think that you have access to the Father, but it has been provided to you. You might think that you cannot just go to the Father and ask Him for something. The first thing you should ask the Father is to open your eyes. Your relationship with God is going to drive out fear. You have to grasp that God is not limiting you. He has never limited you. The Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost and took the ceiling off. You can go as high and as far as you want.

If you would believe, God would give you the ability to completely pay off our national debt. God has a way of paying off our debt in our country. There is a way to do it. God knows that secret. But instead of focusing on our country, what about focusing on your bills? What does the Holy Spirit want to tell you by pulling back a veil that will cause you to be debt-free within the year? That will happen if you believe. The Holy Spirit has so much more for you, but you have limited Him. Because you have limited Him, He can’t speak to you. Because of that, people that are prophetic can’t come to you and confirm what God has said because you won’t hear it.

You can trust God. Relationships that you are having trouble with can be resolved tomorrow morning. If you accept what God is saying, the Spirit of God will enforce a blessing in your life to the point where you will see your family members and friends start to respond. " (Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 )

This message will be going out to dozens of your support groups all over the internet soon and it is important to know that I believe that this must be accomplished from the nation of Israel for many reasons. More information on this can be found at:

"After the Abraham Peace Accord turn deserts green..."
on politicalforum .com by DennisTate.

God bless you and keep you Sir!

Shalom from Nova Scotia, Canada.

Dennis Tate

p. s. Other than for the aspects of this that will be done from the nation of Israel much of this can be accomplished from the two cities of Edmonton and Calgary Alberta..... and Red Deer, Alberta that is pretty much in the middle between these two cities. Sir.... please consider you and Mr. Michael J. Lindell producing a semi-reality science fiction film series set in the time of Premier Bible Bill Aberhart?
The government can start a "GoFundMe" site.

An online buddy of mine named Sigmund Ivarsson asked me one time to send him a bit coin......
I checked out the price of a bit coin and it was around eight hundred dollars back then.....
Sigmund has gone on to the hereafter again but I am really glad that I read his Petra Project proposal.....

... I thought that it was kind of brilliant.....

it was a nine meter wide tunnel from somewhere near Tel Aviv going down and down and down about a thousand feet or more to take sea water to the Jordan River Valley so that the water could be desalinated there and what is left over from the desalination process could flow into the Dead Sea and help to restore its levels to normal ....... Sigmund wanted there to be seven hydroelectric generation facilities on the project... and for it to branch somewhat like a menorah.......
You've pushed the same message about the desalination plants in Israel and the menorah underground tunnels in multiple threads.

Enough already. And it's not even on topic.

It's spamming. As is multiple posts responding to the exact same sentence.. 5 posts responding to the exact same sentence. At least one response was an off topic plug for another of your threads.

Although the fact that a Sciforums Volunteerism Hour or Dollar would need to be tied in value to the USA dollar.....
... (my suggestion would be one hour = the highest minimum wage in America but.........
the supply of Sciforums Volunteerism Hours hours, should in my opinion probably be kept quite low..... partly in order to decrease the amount of income tax payable that they might generate)?!

That is an excellent point......
I believe that it is impossible to set in motion a new branch of time......
.... "Applied Multiverse Theory" set for example in 2015, April 20.....
that could save the lives of a million people or more in this new time line......
without risking our own lives........
What does any of this have to do with this thread?

(Does that sound a little "paranoid" to you?????)
The problem I am having and so too would all those churches you got kicked out of, is I fail to see how you connect voluntarism to virtual currency.
What has bit coin got to do with voluntarism?
Your letter to Trump is (for example)...uhm... dissassociative (?)
Please explain?
The problem I am having and so too would all those churches you got kicked out of is I fail to see how you connect voluntarism to virtual currency.
What has bit coin got to do with voluntarism?

Please explain?

One possible variation on this would be twenty or fifty or more concerned citizens in an area who would like to
form a film production cooperative and they volunteer their time to create footage and put the first segments out on
youtube for free...... which could build momentum for their project.......

.. then over time they draw more and more people into being interested in what they are doing which could lead to
their films becoming economically viable......
which could be used to further some variation of research and define it as "art?"

For example..... a lot of people might be interested in volunteering to take Vitamin D to see if their group has a greater
immunity to COVID 19 over the next three years?

That is just one possible concept that volunteerism by a group of people could greatly increase their effectiveness
to reach a larger audience.... and actually find out useful information under our circumstances.