Pathetic Pathos: The Incel Hour

Missed edit time...
It does not happen now.
Police must record something.
Men will blame women even more, for what they would see as a system that is geared towards favouring women - remember, men who commit such crimes already believe this, so you would be buying into that ideology.
I think you are right.
Hmm, for some reason, it won't allow me to change the link to my usual blue colour.. Ah well..
Don't worry I can sense your frustration.
Anywho, are you also suggesting that making DUI a capital crime would effect faster change? Despite the tonnes of research that shows the death penalty is not a deterrent....?
That is my view. I have had more than a fair share of exposure to criminals and hearing speathat bags openly speak as to how they hate their ex etc..cull them.
And once again, your solution, if you will, will only drive more hatred and blame towards women, meaning more violence towards us. You would not be saving lives, because you would not be tackling what drives these crimes to begin with, nor would you be tackling the attitudes towards women. You would just be creating, or enhancing a culture, where these men already exist in blaming women for all that ails them..
You have a good point.
It is a matter that frustrates me and so I reach for a big stick approach.
Nice post thanks.
You seem to be fixated on religion and Hollywood to a lesser extent, without recognising that religion and the film industry or Hollywood, if you will, is simply a representation and reflection of society's attitudes.
Yes it is very sad..
Instead of addressing what drives incels and to a different degree, domestic violence and abuse, as well as sexual violence, you seem to be applying one broad brush, while ignoring the complexities..
Yes I am desparate.
But what is really a turn off is that you seem so flippant about it.
True. It is hard to manage and so...
Simply going 'meh, just cull them all', is simply ensuring that women continue to be treated as commodities and will continue to be pushed into a little box of how society views us.
Well you know I want the opposite.
It's a fight fire with fire approach again from frustration and dispair.
These types of men aren’t insane, although a few might be. They’ve just learned to hate women, and view women as owing them sex and anything else they wish. Misogyny is not a variation of insanity, no more than racism is. It’s a form of hate and I’m not quite sure how to eradicate it.

Jordan Peterson, a modern day “philosopher” and controversial political activist, who prides himself on trying to empower men who have issues with women, has been noted recently as saying our culture should “enforce monogamy and marriage” (arranged marriages?) and this would somehow curb the violent tendencies of some single men, who would stop being violent if they are getting laid on a regular basis.

Can’t make this stuff up.
Speaking of making things up, have you heard about Ice's new rock band? PeeWee and the Bandar-logs. I think it will do well. I assume that it's a punk band.
Speaking of making things up, have you heard about Ice's new rock band? PeeWee and the Bandar-logs. I think it will do well. I assume that it's a punk band.
you [expletive deleted] !!! I damn near pissed myself laughing!
I spit coffee all over the place and woke up the wife!
literally ROTCLMFAO
Incels are dishonest in that they think that only males can be incel,

But the fact is that there are plenty of obese and ugly/deformed females who can't get a date and sex from males either. Yet the incel movement apparently never mentions those incel women.

Women can be incel too not only males yet the incel movement is too prejudiced to see that.
Incels are dishonest in that they think that only males can be incel,

But the fact is that there are plenty of obese and ugly/deformed females who can't get a date and sex from males either. Yet the incel movement apparently never mentions those incel women.

Women can be incel too not only males yet the incel movement is too prejudiced to see that.
Being ugly doesn't mean that you are an incel. Being a loser helps.
I disagree. Being a loser has a lot to do with looks, your economic/financial situation and maybe also your genetics.
It's in your head. Look around. Find someone else who looks, more or less, like you who is handling things a lot better. Better girlfriend, better job, better mental outlook. It's not hard to do.

When you put the excuses away, things improve.
I disagree. Being a loser has a lot to do with looks, your economic/financial situation and maybe also your genetics.
And with your personality, your drive, your intelligence, your outlook on life, your humor, your educational level, your courtesy etc etc. You can change most of those if you want.
And with your personality, your drive, your intelligence, your outlook on life, your humor, your educational level, your courtesy etc etc. You can change most of those if you want.

No you can't.

You can't change your intelligence if you're born mentally retarded. Most of these things can only be changed if you have money AND if you are healthy and have good genetics.
No you can't.

You can't change your intelligence if you're born mentally retarded. Most of these things can only be changed if you have money AND if you are healthy and have good genetics.
No one is arguing that if you are mentally retarded that you can change that. You can't change that with money either.

Are you healthy and of normal intelligence?
Pluto, what happens when you approach women that you desire to date? Are you legit rejected over and over or are you afraid to approach women and create this story in your head that has become a self fulfilling prophecy?