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Should we organize discussions of President Trump into megathreads?

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Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Just out of curiosity, if we tried to clean up Politics a little by organizing the bazillion Trumptacular threads into megathreads ....

(1) Well, okay, should we? [Poll question]

(2) How would we want to organize those?​

Thank ye.
No, we should not. Because Trump is our president and he deserves better than to be stockpiled into one thread. Obama on the other hand should be stockpiled into one thread so I can just skip it.
Hero worship and your veneration of Trump (or anyone for that matter) is not a good look...

worship? look at DJI, its to record high 21000 and past it. When all the liberals were preaching for "get ready for hell and economy collapse". Now that he is keeping his promises, we got propositions to hide it into one pile, one thread. Nope, see the truth, smell the truth, gaze upon it.
worship? look at DJI, its to record high 21000 and past it.
Which was climbing even when Obama was still in power..

The boost comes from Trump's promises to cut corporate taxes. Don't expect it to last though, as Trump's bully tactics to force companies to remain in the US and not open factories in other countries or face huge tariffs, will lead to that going down.

When all the liberals were preaching for "get ready for hell and economy collapse".
If he keeps going as he is, passing blame to others, building "the wall" (the cost blowout is already insanely huge), his desire to build more nuclear bombs, his promise to build bigger and better roads and infrastructure that will probably bankrupt you further, his spending $11 million in a month in travel expenses, his attempts to abolish health care for millions of people without a replacement, his immigration bans, to name a few, will affect your economy and not positively.

Now that he is keeping his promises, we got propositions to hide it into one pile, one thread.
His promises.. Hmm..

Like his promises to not leave the White House very much, because there's so much work to be done, and he's out flying to Florida every weekend to play golf? Or how about his promises to release his tax returns if elected and he's not doing that either.. His promises to divest himself of his business interests? Nope, not doing that too. His promises to respect the Constitution and is instead, curtailing people's constitutional rights? Want me to go on?

Nope, see the truth, smell the truth, gaze upon it.
Oh we are seeing something, alright. Not to mention smelling it. It's BS. Pure BS.

The truth, youreyes, is that your President is a hack. A lackey to the ultra right and his corporate interests. People such as yourself do not even factor into any equation in regards to what promises he makes or keeps or breaks. The bottom line is Trump is only interested in Trump. Hence why he uses his position to plug his and his children's business interests. And the worst thing is that you, the tax payer, happens to be paying for it. Even worse than that, you lap it up like a kitten laps up milk. You drank the kool aid. So yes, the DJI is up, because the people Trump is doing everything to protect, are the only ones to gain from it. When the costs of goods and services rise, as it all will, when his tariffs against other companies and countries come into play, you can all toast him with your kool aid.. If you can afford to buy it that is. Because kool aid is manufactured in Mexico.. So an American company making stuff in Mexico could face a huge tariff to sell it in the US.. Welcome to #MAGA.
Frankly, I wondered at this not being already done. As to "how to organize", I'm not sure what the options are but is one thread the best answer? Or should there be a few? Offhand subcategory examples: economy, legal and "we're all gonna die by Tuesday"...

\@youreyes - I thought you had a lifetime dream of emigrating to Russia? What, are you happy staying here so long as 'murica emulates Putinland?
\@youreyes - I thought you had a lifetime dream of emigrating to Russia? What, are you happy staying here so long as 'murica emulates Putinland?

Trump made me believe in USA and the justice and liberty.
Frankly, I wondered at this not being already done. As to "how to organize", I'm not sure what the options are but is one thread the best answer? Or should there be a few? Offhand subcategory examples: economy, legal and "we're all gonna die by Tuesday"...


• Trump SocMed/PR ― Social media & PR controversies

• Policy ― Gathered by issue or issue range

• Russia ― The #PutiTrump Papers, as such

• Scandal ― General assembly of scandal notes​

None of which precludes particular threads on various subjects; it's just that every once in a while redundancies should be swept up into reasonable piles.

Here's a conundrum: Maybe petition for a "President Trump" child subforum, except what happens if it's President Pence pardoning the Thanksgiving Turkey?

We should probably wait on the child subforum, for now.

(A general goes here, having something to do with the words singular and plural, but it seems nearly redundant, all things considered.)

(On edit ― Ah, there is a singular in the title. I would, then, point to the plurals in the poll and topic post.)
No, we should not. Because Trump is our president and he deserves better than to be stockpiled into one thread. Obama on the other hand should be stockpiled into one thread so I can just skip it.
I say no also, because we don't want threads on the worst president in American history to be ignored.
worship? look at DJI, its to record high 21000 and past it. When all the liberals were preaching for "get ready for hell and economy collapse". Now that he is keeping his promises, we got propositions to hide it into one pile, one thread. Nope, see the truth, smell the truth, gaze upon it.
He's borrowing from the future. Kind of like a cocaine addict appears productive until they crash.
On the poll question: I wouldn't advise mandating a single megathread. But a few megathreads could be a good way to organise things a bit.

Stuff about the general 24 hour new cycle, for example, could go into a single thread. Trump says or does something controversial and/or outrageous most days, but then it quickly blows over and we're on to the next thing. Discussions of that kind of thing could go into one thread. It's difficult to keep everything in one place like though, because some issues have an indefinite half-life, some become more significant over time, some have wider policy implications and so on.
Isn't this supposed to be a science discussion board? Aren't its participants located all around the world? Why is so much time and effort devoted to moralizing and 'virtue signalling' regarding the domestic politics of one particular country?

It's divisive and it makes lasting enemies of those who might have been friends in better circumstances.

My suggestions:

1. Open 'Cesspool' to posting by regular participants, not just moderators. Rename it (Almost) Anything Goes and allow it to proceed without any moderation, except for removing spam and posts that might represent a legal threat to the board. Move all the idiot flame-threads there, so that they can continue if people want to continue them but where they are out of sight/out of mind for more mature and intelligent posters.

2. Eliminate the 'politics' and 'ethics/justice' fora entirely. I don't think that there's any valuable intellectual content in those fora, just endless posturing, fighting and virtue-signalling. They certainly have next to nothing to do with science. Move their content to (Almost) Anything Goes. Any eruptions of that kind of stuff, including just about anything regarding politics generally, social-issues or Trump specifically, should be moved to that unmoderated forum.

3. If you are going to move anything, then move entire threads. Allow the new (Almost) Anything Goes forum to have multiple threads with assorted topics. Don't just snip posts out of threads because a moderator happens to disagree with the views expressed. That destroys the continuity of the thread where the posts were removed. If the snipped posts from many threads all go into a single thread, that thread is guaranteed to be incomprehensible (which is the intention, isn't it?).
Isn't this supposed to be a science discussion board? Aren't its participants located all around the world? Why is so much time and effort devoted to moralizing and 'virtue signalling' regarding the domestic politics of one particular country?

Only the first 10 forums of the home page fall under the Science category. The others are variously listed under Philosophy, World, Fringe, Life, etc. I wouldn't want to see these forums deleted in the name of science. I like a general exchange of ideas on many subjects and appreciate the passionate debating of ethics, religious, and political issues. As if posturing and moralizing doesn't occur just as often in the science forums...
Observations and responses, in reverse order...
It's divisive and it makes lasting enemies of those who might have been friends in better circumstances.
Are you implying that this should be a "friendlier" venue? Circumstances are what they are, for better or worse. Maybe you have Sci confused with Tinder...
Why is so much time and effort devoted to moralizing and 'virtue signalling' regarding the domestic politics of one particular country?
Possibly because the members want to devote their time and effort towards this? Or is some sort of coercion in play here?
Aren't its participants located all around the world?
Yes. That was an easy one...
Isn't this supposed to be a science discussion board?
It is a "science discussion board." It is just not limited to science only. Why should it be? Isn't it possible that science is but one facet of the community we call SciForums? After all, "Only the first 10 forums of the home page fall under the Science category." (MR). As far as I know, the popularity of the various fora is determined by, well... the popularity. Right?

If the semantic dissonance annoys you perhaps the domain could be changed from to - that would solve the concern you are expressing, right?


Note: I think you may have cast your vote in the wrong box. Based on your elaboration it would seem to be that you meant "Yes" to the Trump threads being consolidated, not "No" - the difference being that you would like them consolidated to the Cesspool. Because you don't find these threads interesting. Or you consider them to be "Other" and not worthy of discussion. Or maybe you are just annoyed by the amount of attention the members seem to be giving to fora you don't care for:
Eliminate the 'politics' and 'ethics/justice' fora entirely.
I would think it possible for a person that feels this way to just avoid reading and posting in these subfora, no? Is there some force compelling you to do otherwise? I mean, really - is that so hard?
Trump made me believe in USA and the justice and liberty.

So a guy who openly advocates for torture as a means of interrogation believes in "justice and liberty"? Hmm...well let's hope America never gets there. It sounds to me your vision of "justice and liberty" fits in nicely with Putin's vision. For your sake, if you move to Russia you had better hope you never change your mind. But, hey, you won't have enough money to pay your rent or heating bills, but at least you will have cheap vodka. Who needs a shelter and food when you can have cheap vodka? :) You will fit in nicely comrade.
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2. Eliminate the 'politics' and 'ethics/justice' fora entirely. I don't think that there's any valuable intellectual content in those fora, just endless posturing, fighting and virtue-signalling. They certainly have next to nothing to do with science.
Science and politics are inseparable, and always have been.
Inquiry (form): What if we were to start with a primary thread for the Trump/Russia issue, because that mess just ranges.

There would obviously be aspects that warrant their own threads, but we could certainly dump a bunch of stub or fragment threads in.


Inquiry (perspective): I'm of the opinion that much of the twitshow Twitter problem in the White House generally orbits the Russia question. Clearly, this isn't the whole of it, but the idea frames a more subtle issue: How do we want to deal with the tweetery compared to the various issues it might seem to attend?
I just came upon this thread. It's amusing that a site with 4 posts a day is worrying about how to "organize" everything. There are more moderators in this thread than there are posts on the site.