Is Life a Dialogue or a Monologue?


Valued Senior Member
Being that we are all conscious beings from the same source, being that Earth, Cosmos or Life, would it be reasonable to view our interactions as a monologue rather than a dialogue? Sure, we disagree, but are we not consciousness conversing with consciousness?
Being that we are all conscious beings from the same source, being that Earth, Cosmos or Life, would it be reasonable to view our interactions as a monologue rather than a dialogue? Sure, we disagree, but are we not consciousness conversing with consciousness?
I'm such a selfish brain in a vat I couldn't care less.
Being that we are all conscious beings from the same source, being that Earth, Cosmos or Life, would it be reasonable to view our interactions as a monologue rather than a dialogue? Sure, we disagree, but are we not consciousness conversing with consciousness?
That would be a monologue if each consciousness were a cell withing a single, all-encompassing consciousness.
We have not seen it demonstrated that that is the case. So far, my subjective experience has been of self and not-self rather than self and more self.

(PS I wish you'd put out that damn cigarette; it's making me salivate.)
Sure, we disagree, but are we not consciousness conversing with consciousness?
Consciousness conversing with consciousness is still a dialogue between distinct entities.

I do not know what you are thinking unless you tell me. I cannot let you know what I'm thinking unless I tell you. That's a dialogue.
Being that we are all conscious beings from the same source, being that Earth, Cosmos or Life, would it be reasonable to view our interactions as a monologue rather than a dialogue? Sure, we disagree, but are we not consciousness conversing with consciousness?
How can I even be sure you are conscious?
Can I suggest that awareness is the same in all, only our concepts ideas differ?

(PS I wish you'd put out that damn cigarette; it's making me salivate.)
Smoking is my thing. If I can find cheese burger and fry image, I will change the image.
Can I suggest that awareness is the same in all, only our concepts ideas differ?
You can suggest it. So can revered dead philosophers. But you can't make the rest of us experience it.

Smoking is my thing. If I can find cheese burger and fry image, I will change the image.
Thank you. Smoking was my thing, and I still miss it. The cheeseburger, I can take or leave.
You can suggest it. So can revered dead philosophers. But you can't make the rest of us experience it.
I'm not twisting any arms, just a random post for your consideration.:)

Thank you. Smoking was my thing, and I still miss it. The cheeseburger, I can take or leave.
I've given up on the idea of quitting. The cheeseburger and fries are another favorite, so I can go with those too.
Being that we are all conscious beings from the same source, being that Earth, Cosmos or Life, would it be reasonable to view our interactions as a monologue rather than a dialogue? Sure, we disagree, but are we not consciousness conversing with consciousness?
If a god created all and is everything as some believe...Then wouldn't it be this god that is having the ''monologue''. Believing in itself and not believing in itself at the same time?
A schizophrenic god, muttering to itself as it shambles along, tripping on entrophied universes? I like it!
If a god created all and is everything as some believe...Then wouldn't it be this god that is having the ''monologue''. Believing in itself and not believing in itself at the same time?
I think that is the idea. A God at play with itself, experiencing itself as other.
I think that is the idea. A God at play with itself, experiencing itself as other.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me: We are God (yet acknowledging what bumbling fools we are). Doesn't make God look very appealing either.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me: We are God (yet acknowledging what bumbling fools we are). Doesn't make God look very appealing either.
If you are God, does anything in this world really matter? What's the consequence of an imperfect world for a perfect being? Does even death have any significance?
From SpiderGoat Post 5
How can I even be sure you are conscious?
Either I assume that others are conscious or I am unique due to being the only conscious person. I admit to being a bit arrogant, but not that arrogant.
If you are God, does anything in this world really matter?
What about the converse? If things in this world DO matter, can we be God?
What's the consequence of an imperfect world for a perfect being?
Why would God be a perfect being? If we are God and we are clearly not perfect, then God can not be perfect.
Does even death have any significance?
Extinction would be significant. It would be the death of God.
What about the converse? If things in this world DO matter, can we be God?

In an ever-changing world, what is it that lasts forever? Your life is a passing cloud, as is mine.

Why would God be a perfect being? If we are God and we are clearly not perfect, then God can not be perfect.
I suppose we would need look at your definition of perfection. If you could die and still exist, would that not be perfection.

Extinction would be significant. It would be the death of God.
It would be the death of mankind, but not God.
In an ever-changing world, what is it that lasts forever? Your life is a passing cloud, as is mine.
But why do you assume that the passing cloud doesn't "matter"?
If you could die and still exist, would that not be perfection.
If I can die at all, it isn't perfection. Death tends to be ugly.
It would be the death of mankind, but not God.
If God "is" just our collective consciousness, how can He survive our extinction?
Perhaps the universe formed it's consciousness through the lifeforms it nurtures and now has a case of disassociative identity disorder with uncountable personalities
But why do you assume that the passing cloud doesn't "matter"?
Because it is impermanent. Just like everything else in this world, they come and go. How many of your ancestors do you remember?

If I can die at all, it isn't perfection. Death tends to be ugly.
Death is the natural conclusion to life.

If God "is" just our collective consciousness, how can He survive our extinction?
We would have to conclude that that aspect of ourselves is omnipresent, despite the worldly experience. In other words, God exists regardless of humanity. We are simply an expression.