Q I know this is hard for you , so I'll make it brief, I don't need to be in demand I am self sufficient.
With regards to the ad hom thing, I got bored of retards like you thinking Ad hom meant insult and whining about insults as you have again here promoting your stupidity again yawwwwwwwwwwn, look up Ad hom in wikipidea you may learn something. Though I doubt it.
Back to my donut now........yummmmmmm
here we are for all other Q's out there
"An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin, literally "argument against the person") involves replying to an argument or assertion by attacking the person presenting the argument or assertion rather than the argument itself. It is a logical fallacy.
In Logic
An ad hominem fallacy consists of asserting that someone's argument is wrong and/or he is wrong to argue at all purely because of something discreditable/not-authoritative about the person or those persons cited by him rather than addressing the soundness of the argument itself. The implication is that the person's argument and/or ability to argue correctly lacks authority. Merely insulting another person in the middle of otherwise rational discourse does not necessarily constitute an ad hominem fallacy. It must be clear that the purpose of the characterization is to discredit the person offering the argument, and, specifically, to invite others to discount his arguments. In the past, the term ad hominem was sometimes used more literally, to describe an argument that was based on an individual, or to describe any personal attack. However, this is not how the meaning of the term is typically introduced in modern logic and rhetoric textbooks, and logicians and rhetoricians are in agreement that this use is incorrect."
Thus attacking the argument and insulting at same time is NOT Ad hom.
Unless you have something intelligent to say, do not say anything Q. Stick to star gazing.