Why does the evolutionary process exist?

imaplanck. said:
No he is defining believing in a creator as theism.

I never said this interefering force created anything did I ?

It is just that, an interefering force. I do not know anything more than I have observed. Anything else is speculation.

From memory theism from wikipedia suggests belief in deity. If my force is deity then yes I am theist, if not, then no I am not theist. But re creation, I speculate just like everyone else, only difference is I have not settled for an unsatisfactory explanation. I neither believe nor disbelieve anything in that regard. So what does that make me Agnostic? The only and MOST sensible view point.
Theoryofrelativity said:
so you are defining observing life as 'religion' well I guess that makes you religious too then. Tell me something new.

Life has been observed by a great many people, who have yet to see the same 'forces' you purport to see. In fact, you claim to only believe in them; blind faith.

You're a theist, as I said you were a long time ago. You may choose not to accept it, but you'll always be viewed as a theist, by definition. :p
Theoryofrelativity said:
It is just that, an interefering force. I do not know anything more than I have observed. Anything else is speculation.

You OBSERVED those forces?!? What do they look like? There's a Nobel Prize waiting for you.

From memory theism from wikipedia suggests belief in deity.

No, belief in supernatural forces that control human destinies, like your forces.
(Q) said:
Life has been observed by a great many people, who have yet to see the same 'forces' you purport to see. In fact, you claim to only believe in them; blind faith.

You're a theist, as I said you were a long time ago. You may choose not to accept it, but you'll always be viewed as a theist, by definition. :p

No blind faith required, I KNOW what has happened in my life and that of others, and there is no question that intereference takes place, you don't accept it, that is your problem not mine.

I have no need to prove to you how my life works, I am only grateful I have figured out how it works for me so I can use it to my best advantage. It is your loss that you miss the point of everything in your own life and only pay attention to that which has been indioctrinated into you by other humans.
(Q) said:
You OBSERVED those forces?!? What do they look like? There's a Nobel Prize waiting for you.

No, belief in supernatural forces that control human destinies, like your forces.

it's not a force Q, it's a set of circumstances that are being manipualted both to aid me and to teach me, another word for this type of manipulation of events could be 'magic ;) ' . I believe in magic Q, woo woooooooooooooo

or you would probably call it 'coincidence' , VERY odd coincidences, I see attributing everything to 'coincidence' as blind faith Q and FEAR, fear that you are just a small fuck in a very big fuck filled pond.
(Q) said:
Ron, isn't it the effects of a persons actions that determine their destiny in their next incarnation considered "Karma" and not some external force?

It depends how you look at it.

There are monotheistic Buddhist who feel the need for a creator. Others insist that the Buddhist idea is not of "reincarnation", but rather of "re-birth". (don't ask!)

At any rate there is a sense of relationship akin to that with an omnipotent overlord; the Universe actively responds to us.

--- Ron.
(Q) said:
you'll always be viewed as a theist, by definition. :p


I will only be viewed a theist on this board (which I have zero problem with)

But in the rest of my life, no one ever will call me theist as they never did before, why? Because NEVER is religion or belief in God/pink bunnies a topic of conversation in my real world outside of this board. Your obsession is not everyones.
So outside of this board are which kind of people exactly? Maybe you will be called a theist by all atheists and scientifically minded alike.
Theoryofrelativity said:
No blind faith required, I KNOW what has happened in my life and that of others, and there is no question that intereference takes place, you don't accept it, that is your problem not mine.

That's merely your over-active imagination at work. You could never show those forces existed, that is a fact.

I have no need to prove to you how my life works, I am only grateful I have figured out how it works for me so I can use it to my best advantage. It is your loss that you miss the point of everything in your own life and only pay attention to that which has been indioctrinated into you by other humans.

Poor delusional girl. Will you now try and convince us that you have control over those forces? hehe
imaplanck. said:
So outside of this board are which kind of people exactly? Maybe you will be called a theist by all atheists and scientifically minded alike.


Why should this be the business of anybody else at all?

Not since I was a teenage Boy Scout do I recall being obliged to fill in a form to declare a religious belief

--- Ron.

--- Ron.
Theoryofrelativity said:
it's not a force Q, it's a set of circumstances that are being manipualted both to aid me and to teach me, another word for this type of manipulation of events could be 'magic ;) ' . I believe in magic Q, woo woooooooooooooo

First, it's a force, now it's not a force, but a set of circumstances. Make up your mind.

or you would probably call it 'coincidence' , VERY odd coincidences, I see attributing everything to 'coincidence' as blind faith Q and FEAR, fear that you are just a small fuck in a very big fuck filled pond.

So much for the title of Ad Hom Police. Or, are you the police that make sure ad homs are present?
Theoryofrelativity said:

I will only be viewed a theist on this board (which I have zero problem with)

But in the rest of my life, no one ever will call me theist as they never did before, why? Because NEVER is religion or belief in God/pink bunnies a topic of conversation in my real world outside of this board. Your obsession is not everyones.

So, you don't share your delusions with others? Gee, I wonder why? :rolleyes:
perplexity said:
It depends how you look at it.

There are monotheistic Buddhist who feel the need for a creator. Others insist that the Buddhist idea is not of "reincarnation", but rather of "re-birth". (don't ask!)

At any rate there is a sense of relationship akin to that with an omnipotent overlord; the Universe actively responds to us.

--- Ron.

I see. I found this, which seems prevalent to most sources of Buddhism on the net:

" According to Buddhism, this inequality is due not only to heredity, environment, "nature and nurture", but also to Karma. In other words, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate."


Why should this be the business of anybody else at all?

Not since I was a teenage Boy Scout do I recall being obliged to fill in a form to declare a religious belief

--- Ron.

It's not.
When someone states they believe the universe was consciously created though it is useful to regard them as believing beyond the scientific, because according to current data that is indeed what they are suggesting.