Why does the evolutionary process exist?

Chris_Smith said:
Seems to me most people are not answering your questions on a clear logical basis. I'd say that life - organisms don't process life on a logical or conscious basis as we humans do so the decision to stay alive and survive is more of an instinctive one, as if I empathise life as something non-human would my decisions to carry on living are more or less a plus to the none existence I will never know. Hence, on a less sophisticated level within the drive of life's natural instinct to keep going. Bacteria goes by the same principles - it's there and is a catalyst of itself that just builds and builds and builds until it becomes a more complex entity or less complex entity. But I think you're knowing this already... I'm dyslexic to a certain extent so I've probably not covered what you're covering yourself. What I would apply to this 'theory' of evolution, is that if it's left long enough, the combinations of trial and error begin to construct, deconstruct, aid and rewrite itself to adapt to its habitat. This may not necessarily be a plus for it, or make it especially stronger than it was, but it's survival to change, to counteract what ever it doesn't agree with will eventually in time be accomplished... although time itself doesn't exist. I believe somewhere along the scale of things, nothingness itself, is an energy beyond comprehension - How it ever developed life in our dimension (elements, matter, dark matter) I'll never know, but all energy no matter what form it is, comes from the same origin of nothingness to me. Makes me wonder what energy we can't comprehend is forming beyond our senses right now... you know - from microcosms to universes, chain reactions of chain reactions... it continually goes on... it's all part of the same system, hence, theory of relativity? - I'll shut up just for now though... :)

interesting contribution many thanks 'oh one with something to say that is relevant to thread' a rare 'un indeed!
(Q) said:
Anyone can submit an article, which means kooks can submit them also.

The difference is being able to discern such, which you obviously failed to do. Instead, you saw the word, 'neutrino' and jumped right on the bandwagon without having a clue.

But, thanks for the hilarious laugh! Damn, it was funny!

why are you happy to say Philica allows kooks to contribute and their ratings are invalid when you then delete the post , threaten a ban and lock the thread for what was your own comments copied from here to there? Do you not stand by your word?

I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari-Kari rock. I need scissors! 61!


COnsidering the total and complete incapacity for scientists to thus far validate Dark Matter, many are abandoning the search and instead looking for (I say far more fruitful) avenues of inquiry.

One must truly ask: When a system gives oneself a 90 percent indiscrepancy with the results and the theory, how scientific is it to go, "Gee-whiz, I guess we must find some theories to patch this gigantic hole in our theory, which is wildly off experimental data's findings!"
Prince_James said:

COnsidering the total and complete incapacity for scientists to thus far validate Dark Matter, many are abandoning the search and instead looking for (I say far more fruitful) avenues of inquiry.

One must truly ask: When a system gives oneself a 90 percent indiscrepancy with the results and the theory, how scientific is it to go, "Gee-whiz, I guess we must find some theories to patch this gigantic hole in our theory, which is wildly off experimental data's findings!"

I don't know
Prince_James said:
COnsidering the total and complete incapacity for scientists to thus far validate Dark Matter, many are abandoning the search and instead looking for (I say far more fruitful) avenues of inquiry.

That is entirely incorrect. There is evidence for dark matter and scientists are not abandoning their research.
Theoryofrelativity said:
If I dream up the same nonsense as experts I can't be that stupid can I?
May I suggest Q you stick to what you know and leave the not knowing but wondering to the real thinkers.

Who is the expert? Apparently he isn't an expert but a crackpot.

You dream up the same thing as a crackpot, how stupid can you be?

Chris_Smith said:
What is the point to all this mindless competitive nitpicking?
The dumbness of this question approaches infinity.

If the nipicking is competitive, then clearly the objective is to win. It is thus a concrete example of the theoretical concepts that lie at the heart of the thread.
Ophiolite said:
If the nipicking is competitive, then clearly the objective is to win. It is thus a concrete example of the theoretical concepts that lie at the heart of the thread.

hmmm interesting indeed.

Are we in a perpetual state of competition I wonder, subtly if not overtly?
Ophiolite said:
The dumbness of this question approaches infinity.

If the nipicking is competitive, then clearly the objective is to win. It is thus a concrete example of the theoretical concepts that lie at the heart of the thread.
Not as much competitive Ophiolite - my nitpicking comment was to emphasise the lack of direction to this thread, although, I'm just as guilty too. :)
I support the process of evolution, we are able to observe and study it and see it in action BUT I have the following questions regarding it origin and purpose:

How did the first life forms to appear, do so with an ability to replicate themselves?

Or did they not, did first life just die and then new life would keep springing up from 'nothing' (nothing being the 'soup')

With out replication how did the evolutionary process BEGIN?

How was the information about genetically unconnected life forms 'shared' to ensure the improved adaptability/survival of the next?

WHY WAS adaptability and survival important, why did the evolutionary process NEED to occur at all? Why didn't life from the soup just arise and die, arise and die, arise and die? Why and HOW did it desire to survive and mechanisms evolve accordingly? WHY are we designed to survive?

How did we ever get from living without replication to living with the ability to replicate?

Why haven't we observed life springing up from'nothing yet?
(nothing being the 'soup' of course)

How did the first life form appear with the ability to pass knowedge of it's envirnment' to it's progeny?

As evolution is a process that takes a VERY long time , how did the first life forms survive in the absense of the features required for its survival?

seems we are getting closer to a more satisfactory answer:

I was doing some reading re myspace blog on viruses and evolution and the link I was looking at contained these words:

"Equally exciting is the realization that viruses have a fundamental role in the biosphere, in both immediate and long-term evolutionary senses. Recent work suggests that viruses are an important repository and memory of a community's genetic information, contributing to the system's evolutionary dynamics and stability. "

Viruses might affect a change in our genotype in the longterm, if a large enough population were increasingly subject to a detremental virus and then that population evolved an immunity to it. And we might see something like this in our lifetime with HIV? However, the article that you site goes way too far overboard by suggesting that: "The uselessness of the species concept is inherent in the recent forays into metagenomics — the study of genomes recovered from natural samples as opposed to clonal cultures."

Bad timeframe. Aristotle started classifying plants and animals 2,000 years ago and our taxonomical classifications that started with him have given us tremendous insight into Linnaeus's species ever since. Where would we be today if we were no longer able to classify species in the Latin binomial system. There's no way we or our posterity will ever live long enough to outgrow the benefits we will reap from this excellent methodology system.