Chris_Smith said:Seems to me most people are not answering your questions on a clear logical basis. I'd say that life - organisms don't process life on a logical or conscious basis as we humans do so the decision to stay alive and survive is more of an instinctive one, as if I empathise life as something non-human would my decisions to carry on living are more or less a plus to the none existence I will never know. Hence, on a less sophisticated level within the drive of life's natural instinct to keep going. Bacteria goes by the same principles - it's there and is a catalyst of itself that just builds and builds and builds until it becomes a more complex entity or less complex entity. But I think you're knowing this already... I'm dyslexic to a certain extent so I've probably not covered what you're covering yourself. What I would apply to this 'theory' of evolution, is that if it's left long enough, the combinations of trial and error begin to construct, deconstruct, aid and rewrite itself to adapt to its habitat. This may not necessarily be a plus for it, or make it especially stronger than it was, but it's survival to change, to counteract what ever it doesn't agree with will eventually in time be accomplished... although time itself doesn't exist. I believe somewhere along the scale of things, nothingness itself, is an energy beyond comprehension - How it ever developed life in our dimension (elements, matter, dark matter) I'll never know, but all energy no matter what form it is, comes from the same origin of nothingness to me. Makes me wonder what energy we can't comprehend is forming beyond our senses right now... you know - from microcosms to universes, chain reactions of chain reactions... it continually goes on... it's all part of the same system, hence, theory of relativity? - I'll shut up just for now though...
interesting contribution many thanks 'oh one with something to say that is relevant to thread' a rare 'un indeed!