Why does the evolutionary process exist?

Prince_James said:

I find myself increasingly delighted, though often we might disagree in part, of not only what you bring to the table, but how you bring it. Stand and do not falter.

Oh and (Q), come now, let us not become a parody of ourselves, shall we?

Can you quantify either one of those statements? Are you actually pleased the way ToR turns science into a mockery?
(Q) said:
Can you quantify either one of those statements? Are you actually pleased the way ToR turns science into a mockery?

"Serious people have few ideas. People with ideas are never serious."

Paul Valery

"Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth, more than ruin, more even than death....Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man."

Bertrand Russell

"The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity."

Dr. Robert Anthony (Author)

"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you."

Don Marquis

"If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn't thinking."

General George S. Patton

"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought."

Matsuo Basho

" Q You wish you were me, for I am free"
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Theoryofrelativity said:
you can blame the lame ad hom squad for that swivel, they can't stick to the point

anyway what do you know about sterile neutrino's, did they have something to do with the big bang or Origin of life?

sterile neutrino's? Never heard of 'em.

Do tell....
Theoryofrelativity said:
"Serious people have few ideas. People with ideas are never serious."

Paul Valery

That is a crock.

"Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth, more than ruin, more even than death....Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man."

Bertrand Russell

It appears to apply to women, too.

"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you."

Don Marquis

When will YOU begin to think, ToR?

"If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn't thinking."

General George S. Patton

Thinking and dreaming up nonsense from your imagination are two different things. You've shown only the latter.

" Q You wish you were me, for I am free"

No one wishes to be an idiot.
(Q) said:
No one wishes to be an idiot.

"Through zeal, knowledge is gotten, through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost; let a man who knows the double path of gain and loss thus place himself that knowledge may grow."


you have no zeal Q, you just post here to squash everyone elses

I pity you, really I do.
Theoryofrelativity said:
you have no zeal Q, you just post here to squash everyone elses

I pity you, really I do.

Your eagerness to be an idiot is rather over-zealous. Poor me, I'm pitied.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I asked Super what sterile neutrino's had to do with big bang and origin of life on Earth, he replied thus:

“ Originally Posted by superluminal
You mean as opposed to fertile neutrinos? I would say that sterile neutrinos would have very little to do with the origin of life. Unless these so-called sterile neutrinos are actually asexual budding entities. If an asexual "sterile" neutrino could bud off a baby neutrino then we'd have something. But this has not been shown in any conclusive way. The fertile neutrino, now, that's another story. Never been detected, but it could nicely explain the origin of life on earth and the universe. They would be able to penetrate deep into anything they encountered and thus spawn life almost anywhere.

Those are my ideas. ”

My reply:

you are winding me up, never mind

I just found this:


"Neutrinos are invisible, uncharged, nearly massless particles that, unlike other kinds of radiation, speed through the universe unhindered by planets, stars, magnetic fields or entire galaxies. The particles are emitted by phenomena scientists believe can help them understand the origins of the universe. "

and this for your reference re 'sterile' neutrino's

"The possibility of sterile neutrinos — neutrinos which do not participate in the weak interaction but which could be created through flavor oscillation (see below) — is unaffected by these Z-boson-based measurements, and the existence of such particles is in fact supported by experimental data from LSND. The correspondence between the six - currently known - quarks in the Standard Model and the six leptons, among them the three neutrinos, provides additional evidence that there should be exactly three types. However, conclusive proof that there are only three kinds of neutrinos remains an elusive goal of particle physics."

They are a 'missing ingredient' of that I am sure.

So anyone have any ideas re these sterile neutrino's in relation to either big bang or origin of life (and yes I do know they are diffrent hence the use of both expressions not just one).

Please moderators if Q or any other troll replies here JUST to flame and to attack me personally please delete their flame posts as they are clutterring the thread and preventing others posting as they can't see what the topic is about. Of course if they address the topic then that is relevant and appreciated. Many thanks
Theoryofrelativity said:
So anyone have any ideas re these sterile neutrino's in relation to either big bang or origin of life (and yes I do know they are diffrent hence the use of both expressions not just one).

spuriousmonkey said:
'Origin of life' and 'origin of the universe' are not synonyms.

Then don't use them the same way.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Please moderators if Q or any other troll replies here JUST to flame and to attack me personally please delete their flame posts as they are clutterring the thread and preventing others posting as they can't see what the topic is about. Of course if they address the topic then that is relevant and appreciated. Many thanks

You are the troll. Report yourself to the administrator asap.
So anyone have any ideas re these sterile neutrino's in relation to either big bang or origin of life (and yes I do know they are diffrent hence the use of both expressions not just one).
So anyone have any ideas re these sterile neutrino's in relation to either big bang or origin of life (and yes I do know they are diffrent hence the use of both expressions not just one).
So anyone have any ideas re these sterile neutrino's in relation to either big bang or origin of life (and yes I do know they are diffrent hence the use of both expressions not just one).
Do a google. You will find your own thread on No 2 considering the origin of life. All the other hits are just accidents that relate to the origin of the universe.


Yes, I do have an idea.

'Sterile' Neutrinos have nothing to do with the origin of life.
So anyone have any ideas re these sterile neutrino's in relation to either big bang or origin of life (and yes I do know they are diffrent hence the use of both expressions not just one).

Meanwhile the absence of research does not mean the absence of the articles not researched or the absence of 'relationship' 'cause and effect' so on and so forth. Pure stupidity to suggest as much.

If no one here knows about sterile neutrino's fine. Not a problemo.
Disappointing though.
Does anyone have any ideas regarding the influence of fertile bozo particles on the origin of life or the universe.

Maybe nobody has researched them in relation to the origin of life, but that doesn't mean they don't exist or have no influence.
" from web"

Neutrinos: The answer to life, the universe and dark matter?

Cosmology has undergone a revolution in recent years; going from a gentleman’s world of rampant speculation to a science which can make accurate, testable statements about the evolution of the universe. This slow gestation has given cosmologists plenty of time to work on their models and come up with a fairly firm idea of what is out there and what it should look like. Unfortunately there are several areas in which cosmologists have difficulty reconciling their work with observational data and the rest of the physics community. The most obvious of these is dark matter, however others include explaining the unusually high velocity of pulsars, the amount of energy released during supernova shock and the recent WMAP evidence that star formation occurred quite early in the universe’s history. The recent discovery that the neutrino must have mass coupled with some recent theoretical work suggests that all these phenomena may be explained by the existence of other neutrino types.

The neutrino is a neutral particle that comes in three flavors;* electron, muon and tau neutrinos. Although we have known about their existence for sometime, it was only in the last 10 years or so that we have discovered that they must have mass. A consequence of the known neutrino types having mass is that there must be a fourth type of neutrino, one that has even weaker interactions with ordinary matter and has been dubbed the sterile neutrino. Biermann and Kusenko have done some calculations to show that if the sterile neutrino has mass within a certain range it can help explain some anomalous cosmological observations. They chose to use a mass and interaction range which would allow the neutrino to be dark matter and then examined the effect of this particle on other cosmological phenomena.

They found that the sterile neutrino can decay, releasing x-rays in the process. X-rays catalyze the formation of molecular hydrogen, cooling gas clouds and aiding star formation, thus helping explain earlier-than-expected star formation. They also show that these neutrinos would be produced during the first second of a supernova and that they increase the amount of convection occurring during that time, adding energy to the supernova shock, which brings supernova calculations into better agreement with observation. That same second of sterile neutrino production is also sufficient to explain why pulsars have an anomalous velocity range.

Is the sterile neutrino the answer to life, the universe and dark matter? Well, only time will tell, but if the initial results are borne out by more experimental evidence then “two out of three ain’t bad.”


I am not alone it would appear in asking this question.

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