The Most Offensive Jokes Ever!!!

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Fuck me, I'm tired. I got very little sleep last night. Bloody kids banging on my door all night. I eventually had to get up and let then out...
Dear Jonathan Ross,
Ive actualy shagged your daughter. Not so funny now is it

From Gary Glitter.

Dear Jonathan Ross i've shagged your daughter!
Who's laughing now..
Lots of love, Gary Glitter x

I couldn't get on here quick enough with the Glitter joke! I think everyone in England must've got that over the text at the same time!
Q: What do you call 100 dead babies thrown off a building?

A: A baby shower
What's the difference between a Catholic woman and a Jewish woman?

The Catholic woman has real orgasms and fake jewelry.
Q: What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina?

A: Only some of the things that come out of her vagina are retarded.
Q: What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina?

A: Only some of the things that come out of her vagina are retarded.

Holy weird!!! A friend of mine just texted me that joke, and I was seriously just going to post it!!!!!
Odd thing:
McCain spends 5 years in a Vietnamese jail, comes out a hero and runs for president.
Garry Glitter on the other hand...
Madonna has always said she'd like to immerse herself into British culture. Well, now she's a single mother with three kids, and one of them is black. Job well done, I'd say.
Not sure if this is on here, but this is my first post so here goes.

What do you call a black pilot?

A Pilot, you racist cunt!!!!
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