Sexual Desire male/female

im sorry, i have herd the argument that men cheat because they dont care and but that women cheat because they "arnt getting the surport at home" WAY to many times and i find it VERY offencive.

Both sex's cheat for the same reason, they are selfish BASTEDS who dont give a toss about there partners. That being said if you DONT care there are biological drivers which push you to cheat but most people overrule that with there heads (the risk\reward equtions) and there hearts (there desire not to hurt there partner)
im sorry, i have herd the argument that men cheat because they dont care and but that women cheat because they "arnt getting the surport at home" WAY to many times and i find it VERY offencive....

And I've heard that men cheat because they aren't getting any at home and women cheat because they are cold hearted bitches. Either way, its the woman's fault.
orelander, not to dispute you but i have NEVER herd that and i would never agree with it either. If being at home is so bad LEAVE, there is NO EXCUSE for staying and cheating. Though i surpose it could be worse, there is that case in the US where a guys wife and the guy she wanted as a lover bashed the women's husbands head in simply because she didnt want the stigma atached to a devorse

Draqon i honestly dont know what your talking about
I think the desire is for sex between the sexes is the same, but manifests itself in different ways. A lot of it has to do with social conditioning, I think as many people have mentioned thus far, women are taught to practically keep their sexual urges to a non-existent level. It causes psychological issues for many women because they feel the conflict between what they are taught and what they actually want to do. Few people want to feel like slutty freaks of nature so they behave the way that most of society (at least their friends and family) will find acceptable. Some times I think I mentally inhibit my own sex drive because of these standards without even being consciously aware that I'm doing it at the time. I always make up excuses as to why I don't feel like having sex even if I might actually want to.
And I've heard that men cheat because they aren't getting any at home and women cheat because they are cold hearted bitches. Either way, its the woman's fault.

Aha... so it being the woman's fault makes it not true? ok
This isn't really about the sex- bad people cheat and have meaningless sex, good people don't.
umm not all "meanngless sex" makes you a bad person. If your single do what ever you like as well some couples CHOSE to have open marriges ect.

Who are you to judge?
umm not all "meanngless sex" makes you a bad person. If your single do what ever you like as well some couples CHOSE to have open marriges ect.

Who are you to judge?

Who is anyone to judge that sex under any conditions (with adults consenting), even cheating, is bad? You think it's bad but thats just subjective.
actually no, objectivly i can look at the harm it causes the other partner and weigh the harm against the gain. Besides which it wouldnt be called "cheating" if the parties involved think its acceptable behavor
actually no, objectivly i can look at the harm it causes the other partner and weigh the harm against the gain. Besides which it wouldnt be called "cheating" if the parties involved think its acceptable behavor

No I'm not saying that, the parties are aware that they are cheating. Cheating on a spouse or girlfriend/whatever is a definition, the meaning is not subject to opinion.

As for the harm part: what if the person being cheated on never knows that it happened?

Also harming others may not be bad in some peoples opinion therefore its subjective anyway.

Also I think that there are ways that having sex while not cheating can harm some people in the same way. For example where there is a person that has a crush on one of the parties having sex. Is it then also morally bad to have sex?
thats a silly argument, just because im getting some and draqons not isnt a reason to say my sex is bad. Cheating however is breaking a contract if you wish to look at it legally. You have given a commitment to sleep with one indervidual and you have broken that commitment. So where as if draqon (sorry not trying to pick on you, your the only virgin im sure of his) has a problem with me having sex thats his problem. Compare that to my partner having a problem with the same thing? she would have a right to be angry
I think the desire is for sex between the sexes is the same, but manifests itself in different ways. A lot of it has to do with social conditioning, I think as many people have mentioned thus far, women are taught to practically keep their sexual urges to a non-existent level.

women appear to be less sexual because they are less open with their sexual feelings. people often like to blame "society" for that. but i think the actual reason women are less open is simply because they are different than men. men may also not like women who have a lot of sex. i don't know.

if we blame society for something, aren't we blaming ourselves, because society is us.

Few people want to feel like slutty freaks of nature so they behave the way that most of society (at least their friends and family) will find acceptable.

men have a lot of sex, and they don't feel like sluts. or maybe they do, but they don't fear it, because they don't care. they accept what they are.

both sexes should be treated equally, but people often confuse equality with sameness, that men and women have to be the same. the differences between the two sexes are illusions (created by us), but at the same time they are real.

men are open and women are closed (less open). because they are opposites.

women are the gate to heaven and men are the key that opens the gate, that's why they are "open". the more the two sexes spend time together, they more they will become like each other (probably also physically). women will become more open and men will become more like women, sensitive and careful. because both masculine and feminine qualities are good things to have. but not yet...
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women appear to be less sexual because they are less open with their sexual feelings. people often like to blame "society" for that. but i think the actual reason women are less open is simply because they are different than men.

And why? - because we get attacked and called sluts for so much as admitting that we actually have a sex drive, as opposed to the more socially acceptable 'love' drive.
And why? - because we get attacked and called sluts for so much as admitting that we actually have a sex drive, as opposed to the more socially acceptable 'love' drive.

we all choose our own paths. Prostitutes choose to act on their sex drive, people with morality and dignity can control their sex drive and act upon their "love".

Those who fell into their own pleasure trap cannot gain the benefits of true love.
and I was referring to the fact that it is not socially acceptable for a woman to want sex as it is a man. Men are expected to want sex, but if women do, we're sluts. :(
and I was referring to the fact that it is not socially acceptable for a woman to want sex as it is a man. Men are expected to want sex, but if women do, we're sluts. :(

I am a man, I want sex, I do not care what others want me to do...I am my own God.

You are a woman, I am sure you want sex, have you done it? I am sure you have. Have you done it without love, just sex? yes, you have. And that is were you fell. You will never know true meaning of love.