Not necessarily concludes that there is no God, no. I have not made such a conclusion. Many self-proclaimed atheists on this site have not concluded as such.
Why haven't you made a conclusion?
Are you optimistic that one day you will realise God.. Personally I think that is smarter than simply accepting that God doesn't exist. But it is only a mindset.
The notion of holding out to see if suitable evidence becomes available, is like a dangling carrot constantly placed about two feetfin frontt of you. You think each steps gets you closer. But it never does. When eventually you get the carrot, it kind of seems likelit isn't worth the time and effort you put in.
Speaking for myself, I was a theist for a while. Then entered a prolonged period of skepticism while still believing, then became atheist.
What was your relationship to GodGoG whilewyou were theist?
Atheism can be either effect or cause,
How so?
My atheism, as cause, led me to this website. My questioning of what I had been told led to my atheism (effect).
That only shows that its not significant, and certainly not a cause. Atheism can't make you do anything. You are atheist, and every thing you do, say, and think, expresses that. If you become more accepting of God, you will find that it permeates through your expression, without having to think about it. IOW, you will change.
Do you feel that atheism is a religion? If so, on what basis?
But neither is theism.
I'm not creating anything: I am describing a distinction that is already there. But that is neither here nor there with regard what I wrote. Or perhaps you can explain why you wrote this?
Traditionally it is accepted that people who believe in God, are religious. For example, If i go into the town centre, and publicly start speaking about the benefits of accepting God, most people will voew me as religious because I would talking about God.
If an atheist does the same, but talk obout the benefits of secularism, it would be no different, bar the subject matter.
Religion is everywhere, we just Don don't see it in that way.
When you join a religion, you are expected to change your lifestyle How you dress, what you eate drink. What music you listen to. Where you go, the company you keep, etc. It is exactly the same in secular land.
If there is no action resulting from the change then it is just lip service. If nothing changes in action then there will be no change in belief. And I am not referring to merely the trappings of a religion.
If you decide to stop commitingc adultery, you will see change. It doesn't mean you have to fake any kind of belief. You may have to communcommu with your wife more. But how is that taking bad thing. IfIeveryoneIstopped committing adultery, the change in the world would be immense.
Society is already fairly well based upon those, Jan.
No it's not. It relies on elements tjat are bad for living beings, for it to progress.
For example, there is no real need for mass animal slaughter, as itidoesinot benefit mankind. But it does so. Even destroying futile land.
In ignorance
In yourself.