Well I suggest that the irony is that you, the supporter of the fantasy makes such demands whilst still not completing the first step of giving a reason why you offer
My theism is only a fantasy from an atheist viewpoint. As such there is no need to contradict.
Are you seriously suggesting that because I cannot offer proof of God, that is suitable for atheists to accept, there is no God?
Silly question. Of course you are.
I laid it out and you missed it. What
It's sad that you have come down to this.
What proof do you refer to ..crying statues, pan cakes with a burn that folk fantasize is JC...
All that stuff is so much like UFO accounts...
Really? That's what you got from Google?
OK given there is so much proof why is it you never offer any?
I offer good explanations, and they go clear over your head.
You're not ready, or suited to these types of discussions.
If you have anything go ahead but I certainly wont hold my breath.
This thread is proof that God does not exist. You've offered absolutely nothing that can be called proof. I've offered more than you have in that regard.
But I will stop badgering you about proof, because obviously it is impossible.
I was just pulling your chain all along.
You really did miss it didnt you...already proved.
The onus nevertheless still remains with you to prove your made up fantasy.
Yes I am a familiar with the emperors new clothes.
It's interesting to see how long you can keep this up for. Let's see if you can add anything new.
The onus nevertheless still remains with you to prove your made up fantasy.
Can't you see that if I could offer such proof, you wouldn't accept it because as far as youyou concerned, God IS a fantasy. It is a classic case of not seeing the forest because of those pesky trees.
That is an interesting approach to getting your own way ... change that tactic when you notice
Err yeah! Because I really meant it.
You must envy such but you to could be reasonable by not expecting others toaccept your delusions as fact.
Let's assume that what you refer to as my "delusion", is nothing more than the fact I am a theist.

Where have I expected you, or any atheist on here, to accept my theism as a fact.
I remember saying things like both theists and atheist are correct in their respective positions.
Just ask yourself ..is it reasonable to make something up and then present it as fact as you do with a made up God...the answer is...certainly not reasonable.
Have you stopped eating your neighbours pooh?
That is a demonstrationdof your illogic, Alex. I thought I'd mention that in case you don't get it, and accuse me of making wild assumptions.
Talking about google..I searched for strange practises in the past for religious folk...so hete is some trivia for you...believers would lick the wounds and eat the scabs off sick folk in the belief they were doing a good deed...that merely indicates that belief sometimes be very wrong.
But how about that just showd how ignorant folk can be I guess.
Alex Alex Alex! I have to shake my head.
This isn't good material to say the least.