How does it feel to be poor?

cool skill said:
You spend an enormous amount of time doing hard work and labor just to bareley get paid minimum wage $6.15 per hour. Meanwhile rich people such celebrities don't do the least bit of work, and get tons of money.
Seen any movies lately?


Roman said:
What'd you get your degree(s) in?
BS in Biology which allowed me to work as a chemist at a factory and then {believe it or not} as an environmental scientist enforcing environmental regulations for the state of Indiana while my wife finished her degree in education. I did the environmental scientist deal for about six months, and decided it was not for me. Then I went back and got a doctor of Optometry Degree.
Baron Max said:
Can you explain that, Cool Skill? I mean, HOW do the rich do such things to the people?

And how can you explain that some poor people become rich people by hard work, luck or whatever means available? Many, many people start out poor and become rich in the USA, the statistics are available if you know where to look. So how is that possible if the rich own us, control us and enslave us?

Baron Max
Do you not know?
Take a pizza pie. A small amount of people get pretty much the whole pizza.
While remaining have to share a slice.

The very few people that have managed to break free of their poverty is no different from a slave attaining freedom. Nonetheless, the majority still have to do all the work, just to make enough money in order for the to stay alive, and do more work. It's not actual shackle slavery which is even worse.

Some peopel go to work with a suit and tie signifying their robotic obedience. They are not free, but dependent on their "jobs" for income.

Just because a few people have made it out of a terrible situation does not mean that others have not. In fact, there is no logical reason for them to have a terrible situation to make it out of in the first place. The state of the economy is not an accident. The rich ensure that desperation exists in order for there to be people desperate enough to work for the rich. Without desperation, it might not be too easy to get others to do labor for you.
phonetic said:
Nobody owes you shit, cool_skill. The sooner you get that into your head, the better.

Life isn't fair and no, it shouldn't be made fair the way you're talking about it.

If the shoe was on the other foot, you'd worked extremely hard for many years and owned your own business that employed people at a rate you believed to be fair: would you still agree that wealthy people should be stripped of their money?

Would you fuck. You sound lazy and greedy, a nasty combination.
It is easy to see you are not a reasonable individual.
Sounds like crab mentality.

The objective of course is to take back the money that the rich have molested away from the poor for so many years, and give it back to the poor.
Any ideas?
Mr. G said:
So, the tyranny of the inept, incompetent, unmotivated and/or lazy is to forcibly enslave and rob from the ept, competent, motivated and/or industrious because there exists no other possible means by which the inept, incompetent, unmotivated and/or lazy can possibly become the equal of the ept, competent, motivated and/or industrious?

The rich are the ones that are inept.
They are nothing but scumbags that such the resources of the earth using poor people as their vaccum cleaners.
What makes you think these rich assholes are in anyway competent for anything but destruction, ignorance, and stupidty?
Absane said:
Shall we enact laws that prevent people from owning a company and being the boss? Should the janitor be paid just as much as the computer programmer? Hell, the programmer sits on his ass all day.
Of course the Janitor should get paid more. Pay should be based on the desirability of the job. 2 equal individuals. 2 jobs available. Both individuals would probably desire the computer job over the janitor job. Now if we increase the pay of the janitor job really high, they both might want to take the janitor job over the computer job. Either way, the pay should depend on desirability of the job.

The problem is this backwards economy is not progressive, but operates in complete reverse to progress.Everybody should be so well educated that none of these computer jobs would be high in demand and low in supply. Instead, in a progressive city, at pay being equal, undesirable jobs need to get done, and are therefore high in demand. But there is so little of supply of people willing to do them. That is unless you increase the pay rate to meet the demand/supply phenominon. As the pay rate increases for the undesirable job such as the janitor, more people will be willing to go for it.

Of course pay being equal, it is important to ask which jobs less most undesirable, and therefore, increase the pay for such jobs.
cool skill said:
Jet Li.
I got it 2 days ago. It's not even in the theater yet.
Nice movie!
Way to hypocritically buy into some disingenuous marketing ploy. You may have pirated the movie, but you still bought into the Hollywood image. You may be too much of a bum to be a wage slave, but you're still the brainchild of the illuminatus.

Oh, by the way, who are you surrendering your (parents') precious few dollars to for a fat-cat luxury like internet access? Tool. Hypocrite.
baumgarten said:
Way to hypocritically buy into some disingenuous marketing ploy. You may have pirated the movie, but you still bought into the Hollywood image. You may be too much of a bum to be a wage slave, but you're still the brainchild of the illuminatus.

Oh, by the way, who are you surrendering your (parents') precious few dollars to for a fat-cat luxury like internet access? Tool. Hypocrite.
The hypocrite is you. Retards still cannot understand logic on this forum
The state of cool skill is completely irrelevant. I could be the richest person on the planet or the poorest on the planet.
The facts still remain, and like normal idiots of the planet earth that I have no choice but to deal with, have no idea how to actually have a discussion addressing the facts at hand without veering away into either an ad hom attack, an appeal to an authority, appeal to what is commonly accepted. None of these appeals will ever render the information at hand t or f.

In fact there are some people in this forum and in rl that cannot escape teir primitve thinking. Everytime they are presented with information, without even considering anything, the first thing they do is focus on whoever is providing the info regardless of what the info is. It is not something they think about it is an automatic primitive reflex reaction. Some idiots just don't know how to think.
cool skill said:
The hypocrite is you. Retards still cannot understand logic on this forum
The state of cool skill is completely irrelevant. I could be the richest person on the planet or the poorest on the planet.
In that you have been making moral judgments in this thread, and that your implicit assumption of infallibility is evident in your continual insistence on your own rightness and everyone else's wrongness, your own behaviors necessarily come into question. For if you are perfect and infallible, and yet your behavior contradicts your moral judgments, then your moral judgments, being tested by the example of a perfect being, must be wrong; and if your moral judgment is wrong, then you cannot possibly be infallible. You see, skill, by being a peabrained jack off, you invalidate both your argument and yourself. You're like the suicide squad: Attack the opponent by killing yourself.

Also, you are a little panty-wasting bitch who steals movies and lives in his mommy's basement. Does she buy your underwear, too? 'Cause if you wear that underwear, you're supporting the exploitation of the unimaginably impoverished Taiwanese five year olds who made it by the company (Victoria's Secret, right?) that sells it, making you all the more a disgusting pig.
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cool skill:

The point is that for the most part the rich did not get rich by nefarious schemes but by providing something that other people are willing to pay them for. Presuming you occasionally see a movie in a theater or buy a DVD rather than pirating them you are willingly handing over your money... actively participating in a process that makes the rich richer and you poorer.

That actors, ball-players, and CEOs earn so much more than a teacher or a gardener says something about our societal values rather than something about the individuals.

Raithere said:
The point is that for the most part the rich did not get rich by nefarious schemes but by providing something that other people are willing to pay them for.
This is not relevant.
This is about the way things are set up, and in effect how poor people feel about being poor.

What they did and how they got there is not the problem.
Hey, I am Joe Blow, and I did so and so, and got really rich. Now I live a rich and lavish life. I night even give some of my riches to charities. Yay for me.

The point is it appears that alot of poor people are unaware that they are slaves, and need to buy their freedom. They convince eachother to go out and get a job to be a productive member of society. They are nothing but servants of the rich. Their money does not work for them. They work for their money.
If you are poor doing dirt crap work for barely any pay, it is not even questionable that you are a bloody slave.

Now if you have an idiotic office jon, wear an idiotic suit, and act like an idiotic pleb, you are still a member of the working class. I have alot of respect for the actual hard laborer. These office jobbers are a different story. They are usually highschool or college edumacated retards that feel so great about going to some office to make sales or do some other idiotic duty. They are a flock of plebian dullards that think they are go getters because they made the top of their sales force. Woopy doo hoorah for you.

Raithere said:
Presuming you occasionally see a movie in a theater or buy a DVD rather than pirating them you are willingly handing over your money... actively participating in a process that makes the rich richer and you poorer.
This has nothing to do with the issue, but I do my very absolute best not to purcase DVDs, CDs, or Software. I might have purchased less than a handful of DVDs in my lifetime. Mostly for xmas presents. I think I have purchased 1 video game in the last few years because of my absolte frustration spending hours and hours trying to get my downloaded file to work. I was so frustrated and PO, and it was taking up so much of my time that I just drove as far away as I could from the ghetto to find a video game store to buy a copy.
The most I do is rent a DVD every now and then, but of course, I always rip it directly into my hard drive. I might have purchased less than a handful of CDs since filesharing was invented.

When it comes to actual purchasing of DVDs, CDs, Software, and such. I hate those notes you get in the download that says, if you like this, go buy it in order to support the creators.

1. There is no point in purchasing something that I already got free.
2. It is completely ignorant to support these full profit rich retards. They are my enemy. My objective is to take their money, and use it to support the poor. Those notes are so bloody ignorant. All of my shared files have a note attatched saying whatever you do, do not purchase the product, and support these companies. Intead, support the filesharing community by sharing these assholes's media.

Raithere said:
That actors, ball-players, and CEOs earn so much more than a teacher or a gardener says something about our societal values rather than something about the individuals.
It simply says alot about how totally disfunctional our society is. It is so damn parapalegic. I am pursuing an entertainment career, so I can make a ton money singing and dancing and acting. All knowing full well, that people should actually be paying to do this "work(fun)", much less getting paid to do it, much less getting paid a ton of money to do it. If these assholes of society want to pay artists to sing and dance and such, they might as well pay me the same way.
I guess the point is, I do not see people in poverty or doing all these slave jobs as intelligent when they do not consider themselves slaves. When a person has no choice but to use their time and effort for the profit of some enemy company, and get paid crap in return, they are slaves.

When I run out of money, and do time in whatever little odd job I can find to accumulate some ends, I know I am not doing so by choice, but because I have to. It is not something I desire to do. It is something I have no choice about. It is not something to be upset over, but in a way it is. The point is, at least acknowledge that you are a slave. Maybe I should not use the term slave because real slaves actually have shackles and get whipped. But it is a sort of slavery, and we should stop being docile morons and thanking these assholes for allowing us this great opportunity to serve them, and be intelligent by acknowledging the fact that we are being used for our time and effort for their profit. And further acknowledge that they are not our friends for doing this to us.
cool skill said:
What makes you think these rich assholes are in anyway competent for anything but destruction, ignorance, and stupidty?
How many inept, incompetent, unmotivated and/or lazy employees do the inept, incompetent, unmotivated and/or lazy actually employ?

Make charitable contributions to?

Pay taxes for?

Are worth robbing by the inept, incompetent, unmotivated and/or lazy?

Why do the inept, incompetent, unmotivated and/or lazy consider the ept, competent, motivated and/or industrious to be assholes?

Because they aren't fellow inepts, incompetents, unmotivateds and/or lazies?
A day's work for a day's wage. The working class built this country and were rewarded by the pinkie fingered fatcats. Their jobs went to India and Honduras. America has a growing poor population. Good people with hardworking roots with no access to the trickle down wealth of corporate barons. What is wrong with American workers making a good wage? Cuts into pinkie finger profits. The ruling 1% see no difference between hard working citizens and slum dwellers in Bangalore. This elitism came back and bit them in the mid 20th century. With more & more citizens now holding low paying jobs or finding themselves unemployed at 45 it is apparent we are due for a 2nd lesson. All it takes is a health problem and a layoff and a citizen can join the poor too.
Why must a person only rent themselves to their masters?

Why shouldn't a person be their own master?

If you can't provide for yourself, why should anyone else have to suffer your burden and their own, too?

Just because you exist in fact doesn't mean the rest of us have to support your sorry ass when you can't support any of us in return, let alone yourself.
Mr. G said:
Why must a person only rent themselves to their masters?

Why shouldn't a person be their own master?

If you can't provide for yourself, why should anyone else have to suffer your burden and their own, too?

Just because you exist in fact doesn't mean the rest of us have to support your sorry ass when you can't support any of us in return, let alone yourself.
Why do you assume I am incapable of providing for myself? Do you think so lowly of the American worker? Am I not my own master? Whom is suffering because I make 30k per year? I think you are confusing the 3% that abuse the social safety net with the rest of working America. That net keeps our poor from being like Africa's poor. I would rather my taxes go to better American workers than to destroy 3rd world countries, collect rocks on Mars or bail out a corrupt corporation.
Genji said:
Why do you assume I am incapable of providing for myself? Do you think so lowly of the American worker? Am I not my own master? Whom is suffering because I make 30k per year? I think you are confusing the 3% that abuse the social safety net with the rest of working America. That net keeps our poor from being like Africa's poor. I would rather my taxes go to better American workers than to destroy 3rd world countries, collect rocks on Mars or bail out a corrupt corporation.

It's not so bad, theres unemployment benefits, WIC for the poor, social security, hospitalization for the poor. midicaid etc. etc. By and large being poor is being invisible....but the American govt. doesn't round up the poor and persecute them, they say "come on in, it's not paradise but it's better than where you left".

Could you imagine the millions of poor immigrant's coming to U.S yearly, weather legal or not would go into Canada or a country in Europe instead?
Genji said:
Why do you assume I am incapable of providing for myself? Do you think so lowly of the American worker? Am I not my own master? Whom is suffering because I make 30k per year? I think you are confusing the 3% that abuse the social safety net with the rest of working America. That net keeps our poor from being like Africa's poor. I would rather my taxes go to better American workers than to destroy 3rd world countries, collect rocks on Mars or bail out a corrupt corporation.
30K is a wage, not an owner's shareholder distribution.

You're a well-paid drone employee, not an employer.

A teet sucker, not a teet provider.
Mr. G said:
30K is a wage, not an owner's shareholder distribution.

You're a well-paid drone employee, not an employer.

A teet sucker, not a teet provider.
And I am proud to be a worker. I'm good at what I do, pay taxes and keep a clean home. I enjoy a vacation once a year and can afford to have a few amenities as well. To sink to the level of a parasite, sucking wealth out of the labor of others would be against my own personal moral code. You celebrate the parasite class, I celebrate the majority that built this nation. Do you spit on construction workers? Laugh at waitresses? All this from someone nowhere close to being a member of the pinkie fingers brigade. A wannabe capitalist. I hope you are young. Otherwise you really are in for a lonely, sad life of hating those that made everything you touch.