How does it feel to be poor?


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
You spend an enormous amount of time doing hard work and labor just to bareley get paid minimum wage $6.15 per hour. Meanwhile rich people such celebrities don't do the least bit of work, and get tons of money.
cool skill said:
You spend an enormous amount of time doing hard work and labor just to bareley get paid minimum wage $6.15 per hour. Meanwhile rich people such celebrities don't do the least bit of work, and get tons of money.

I earn less than that ....and I'm perfectly happy and content. My food bill is just over $2 per day. My entertainment bill is $39 per month for the Internet connection ...the library is free, so I read novels for free.

Just so you know, I was raised poor, so I know a little bit about it. And ya' know, interestingly, I was one of the happiest, most content kids in the whole school. All the rest of 'em seemed so concerned about getting a car, or going to the movies, or buying new clothes, or .....any of millions of things that they thought would make them happy. None of it ever did.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I earn less than that ....and I'm perfectly happy and content. My food bill is just over $2 per day. My entertainment bill is $39 per month for the Internet connection ...the library is free, so I read novels for free.

Just so you know, I was raised poor, so I know a little bit about it. And ya' know, interestingly, I was one of the happiest, most content kids in the whole school. All the rest of 'em seemed so concerned about getting a car, or going to the movies, or buying new clothes, or .....any of millions of things that they thought would make them happy. None of it ever did.

Baron Max
Do you think it is fair that you do all the labor, and get paid next to nothing while others do next to nothing or live a highly abundant life, and get paid everything?
cool skill said:
Do you think it is fair that.....

Who or what said that life is supposed to be fair? Where did you get that silly-assed notion? And let me ask you this; Why should it be fair?

Baron Max
cool skill said:
You spend an enormous amount of time doing hard work and labor just to bareley get paid minimum wage $6.15 per hour. Meanwhile rich people such celebrities don't do the least bit of work, and get tons of money.
It's a free market, dude.

You're worth want you're paid.

Minimum wage is a weak acknowlegement that you even exist. If you want to earn more, you have to be worth more to the free market.

It's a rude awakening, no doubt, but there it is.
not true. when my brother was working for his old engineering firm, they were charging $40 an hour for his labour, and paying him just over the minimum wage of $9.15 at the time. that other $30 goes into the pocket of the owner. the rich leech from the labour of the workers.
vslayer said:
not true. when my brother was working for his old engineering firm, they were charging $40 an hour for his labour, and paying him just over the minimum wage of $9.15 at the time. that other $40 goes into the pocket of the owner. the rich leech from the labour of the workers.
Dude, your bro wouldn't have even been paid the 9.15 if it weren't for someone else's ability to bring to life a firm able to offer product to a market willing to pay the firm's asking price which the firm was willing to share with him for drone work.

If your bro wants to earn more than 9.15, more like 40.00, all he has to do is form his own firm able to command 40.00 from the free market.

If he can't do that, he's worth only the 9.15 he's so far been able to negotiate in trade.
cool skill said:
Do you think it is fair that you do all the labor, and get paid next to nothing while others do next to nothing or live a highly abundant life, and get paid everything?
What are you, a communist? You don't like being poor? Get a better job. Or maybe get an education so you can get a better job.

I've been poor. When I was supporting a wife and kid and working my way thru college. I did yard work, worked at seven-eleven, worked at a factory, even worked for the government. Most of the time I had more than one job in addition to being a full time student.

I paid my dues, and now do quite well. You could do the same. Stop bitching and get to work.
madanthonywayne said:
I've been poor. When I was supporting a wife and kid and working my way thru college. I did yard work, worked at seven-eleven, worked at a factory, even worked for the government. Most of the time I had more than one job in addition to being a full time student.
Ha! I'm in the same situation right now...
Except that the govenrment won't allow me to work and will separate me from my wife and child if I try to work... :bugeye:
Minimum wage(at $6.15 an hour) is like $750 a month after taxes, that's not really what I consider poor, closer to lower-middle class. My moms has supported 8 kids from $402 a month and uber food stamps for like 5 years now. If you're unhappy with life, either learn a little about real estate, save up and invest, or save your money, go buy a pound of (insert random drug here), and flip it. Keep doing that until you have enough money to buy a gas station or something. If that's too hard for you, go to school.
It's been demonstrated many times that "poor" people only feel bad when they begin thinking of themselves as unfortunate. And this generally only happens in times and places where there is a large disparity in prosperity so the "poor" have "rich" people to observe as a reference standard. In times and places where almost everyone is not only "poor" but actually less prosperous than the people who are perceived in modern America as "poor," they tend not to be as dissatisfied.

Poverty is, then, a state of mind rather than an economic condition.
Fraggle Rocker said:
It's been demonstrated many times that "poor" people only feel bad when they begin thinking of themselves as unfortunate. And this generally only happens in times and places where there is a large disparity in prosperity so the "poor" have "rich" people to observe as a reference standard. In times and places where almost everyone is not only "poor" but actually less prosperous than the people who are perceived in modern America as "poor," they tend not to be as dissatisfied.

Poverty is, then, a state of mind rather than an economic condition.
I love you, Fraggle... :p
original said:
Baron Max, I've got to ask: How do you keep your food budget at $2 per day?
I wanna know that too!!

Maybe all that he eats is Kraft(tm) food! :D
TruthSeeker said:
Ha! I'm in the same situation right now...
Except that the govenrment won't allow me to work and will separate me from my wife and child if I try to work... :bugeye:
Do you mean you're on welfare? I was never on welfare, although my wife signed up for WIC without telling me.