Registered Senior Member
Dear Kaiduorkhon,
Your quote as referenced below is out of context as I read my translation of Newton's PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA.
“For I am induced by many reasons to suspect that they may all depend on certain forces by which the particles of bodies, by some causes hitherto unknown, are either mutually impelled towards each other, and cohere in regular figures, or are repelled and recede from each other; which forces being unknown, philosophers have hitherto attempted the search of Nature in vain."
A more complete quote is as shown below, the portion in bold being that part you chose to quote...
It is my assessment that the portion you quoted is a reference to the atomic and molecular nature of objects, which at the time Newton nor his contemporaries had any ability to probe to the same extent that he was able to observe and evaluate the motions of astronomical bodies. Still this single quote showed a great deal of insight, in that it can easily by today's knowledge be associated with the electrodynamic interactions of elemental and molecular substances... At the time beyond the technology of his day to probe.
Based on this reading of the quote and when read IN CONTEXT with his (Newton's) preceding commentary, your application of a portion of a sentence and overall comment, to a description of gravity, rather than a possible frustration with limitations in his ability to describe his examinations involving chemistry and alchemy is OUT OF CONTEXT.
Look up the deffinitionof out of context and re-read the whole of his involved statement.
At this point, while I initially thought that the topic held some promise for civil discussion, I will unsubscribe, as it does not appear that younare interested in discussion and civil discourse.
Respectfully, OnlyMe
Dear OnlyMe:
Please review post #23 on page 3 of this thread.
Again I say, I couldn't agree with you more.
Regarding your closing statement in your last transmission:
At this point, while I initially thought that the topic held some promise for civil discussion, I will unsubscribe, as it does not appear that younare interested in discussion and civil discourse.
Combined with the apparent fact that you continue to ignore the import of (my) Post #23 on page 3, it appears to have been your objective (from the beginning of you appearance on this thread) to disagree with me on the empty premise of an issue of 'context', which I fully account for in Post 23, p. 3; that is, apparently you premeditated the construction of a false motive for disqualifying the import of the statement by Newton that I did indeed extract 'OUT OF CONTEXT', as you emphasize - feigning disappointment. As though that nullifies the import of the object lesson conveyed.
Of course I did not recite all of the three page preface to the Principia.
Of course the statement is made 'OUT OF CONTEXT'. This does not subtract one iota from the import of the conveyed example, while you ignore the referenced qualification and forge on to proclaim your 'unsubscription', based on the conspicuously false implication that I am not sincere and straightforward in my presentation.
Again, the element of 'duplicity' has apparently found yet another place in this thread.
"It does not appear that you are interested in discussion and civil discourse."