That's already been pointed out to you.
Alluding to the BB - is that not the complexion of a 'beginning'; also having an 'end'? The quasi 'explosion' that is unlike explosion?
Not necessarily as anyone knowing anything about the BB would realise.
The BB/Inflationary model of Universal evolution, was an evolution/beginning of space and time "AS WE KNOW THEM" Matter/energy came later.
The "AS WE KNOW THEM" is in my opinion very Important.
The herd has proven itself many times to be an insecure sanctuary - in the case of many segments of the contemporary scientific status quo - the real problems have been inadequately 'resolved'; as in your aversion to defending or reinforcing 'string theory' and/or the herd 'modification' of the Law of Conservation of MassEnergy'. The uncertainty of 'Dark matter', etceteras.
These are specific issues, not 'everything since 1905 is 'rubbish' ".
I don't need to defend the herd. The herd as you so cynically put it, has of course been wrong on occasions and will probably be wrong again, on other occasions, although it certainly won't be the BB/Inflationary model. Even a future observable validated QGT will most probably incorporate the BB as we know it.
And of course the anti mainstream and alternative theory pseudoscientific supporters, are wrong 100 fold more then mainstream science could ever be, although there is the odd occasion they may come up trumps. Galileo was of course an example of that.
Oh and with my mis-spelling of Galileo previously, what can I say....mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

And of course for any other typographical/spelling mistakes I may make...mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa again.
String theory of course has not been observably validated, but what little I do know about it, it does present a mathematically beautiful picture.
My personal feelings.....I'll wait until more verification/observation before my confidence in it, as a strongly supported theory akin to the BB for instance is forthcoming.....The same goes for the many string theory derivitives such as M theory etc.
DM originally was a fudge factor so to speak, but a serendipitious one as it turns out. We have plenty of evidnce for its existence at this time, the famous Bullet Cluster anomaly being one of them.
But again, if and when any evidence comes to fruition invalidating DM, I sure that also will be taken into account, just as the scientific methodology dictates.
You and your acolytes are 'modifying' my (preceding) statements, as you do whatever else you capriciously deign to transform. This is not science (refer ColloquialClusterfork).
Incidentally, a person of your allegory distinction is generally expected to know how to spell Galileo -who was not laughed at and about so much as he was apprehended for independent thinking instead of clinging to the incumbent 'belief system', i.e., science is not a democracy.
Galileo - and others like him - was rejected: because he was correct: because he was 'different'.
Sort of like Rudolph the reindeer.
Science in itself did not laugh at Galileo, as I dare say you well know. So you need to be a bit more up front an honest. The church was the supreme ruling body and did the pursercution.
But what a weird comparison, Galileo and Rudolph! How old are you?
You have a problem with your unexplained (what I fecetiously call) 'firecracker'? Indeed you do.
I'm actually finding it rather difficult to discertain your fecetious statements, and serious statements from some of the derision of modern science that you are making.
Perhaps you and your unnamed 'others' are bound to identify themselves, or be identified; along with a briefing on their collective belief system(s)?
Has 'the scientific community' whipped up and/or spun-out another 'flavor'?
Might you and yours share it with 'others'. LifeSavers, perhaps?
See what I mean?