Don't stop , just keep going
It seems that the self-revealed opposition reserves no discipline for meaningful debate. 'Debate' is taught in many colleges and class-rooms world wide. Cursing, name calling and other distractions are pointless in debate, as may be confirmed by any barrister or magistrate, as well as the confirmation of scientifically inspired inquiry and exchange of valuable ideas and/or qualified information.
Was it you, or origin, who claimed to have read Total Field Theory (over 300 pages) in about 24 hours?
Was it your or origin who said he found it a difficult and 'painful' read; apparently having said this, after I provided the url and described it as a relatively comprehensive and easy read?
I'd provide the url again, here, whereas both you and origin have definitely convinced me that neither of you have read the subjected, accessible book, and that you (plural) won't do so.
Albeit, consequently, your Post (immediate, above) summons up a reiteration of previous redundancies.
The last interrogative in your above Post indicates you've been remiss on your provided homework.
The objective of the Unified Field is to find gravity on or near a gravitational system
(GR - material inertia originated push), and gravity acting at a distance
(SR -light, electromagnetism) to be one and the same (hence - 'Unified Field). This objective is accomplished in the work you are not reading.
Where's your sense of humor?
Gravity and electromagnetism are two apparently unrelated phenomena that actually have the same identity.
Because this expansion is universally applicable to matter as well as space, the uniform expansion goes unrecognized - as regards 'proof' of this: extend any handy obeject at arm's length and release it, observe it 'fall' (A to B) to the floor or ground, and attribute the observed motion to that of the dropped object, rather than realizing that the entire (apparently static) frame of reference (in this case, earth) is expanding, constantly growing larger, causing the illusion that the dropped object is moving from A to B, rather than the converse interpretation (B to A) - that the entire earthly coordinate is constantly moving 'upward' at right angles (fulfilling the definition for the 4th dimension) inertially pinning everything to it's surface, and, overtaking 'free-falling' objects.Fine if you want to discuss this then please explain this further. Are you saying everything is expanding; space, the earth, my eyeball - everything? And futher that the expansion is the cause of what we experience as gravity?
Fine if you want to discuss this then please explain this further. Are you saying everything is expanding; space, the earth, my eyeball - everything? And futher that the expansion is the cause of what we experience as gravity?
origin:.."as the density gets less with expansion (on larger scales)".
That's incorrect,