Female Sexual Fantasies

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oh dear
that was just rude
lemme extend this here olive branch

Boys are Stupid -- Throw Rocks at Them
Boys Lie -- Poke Them in the Eye
Boys are Goobers -- Drop Anvils on their Heads
Boys Lie -- Make Them Cry
Boys are Smelly -- Throw Garbage Cans at Them
Boys are Full of It -- Fling Poop at Them.
....but I can definitely attest for unwarranted and unwanted physical contact. It still elicits a physical response, but I was not enjoying the moment.

wanna expand?
kinda like ...on the one hand .....but on the other
the apparent conflict and mode of resolution
lemme in to your inner workings :)
dear visceral

you could alternately report me to the authorities for kiddie molestation, coed rape and wife battering. work that imagination, hon

axes and chainsaws are soooo yesterday!
never used it
repression and cognitive dissonance is for retards

check you out
little visceral playing hide and seek

you clicked to expand
i wont tell

Dreaming about being raped, i would say, is related to the hormone-imbalanced chemicals residual in one's body. Ever wondered why, after masturbation, one feels more at calm????
Dreaming about being raped, i would say, is related to the hormone-imbalanced chemicals residual in one's body. Ever wondered why, after masturbation, one feels more at calm????

I feel sleepy. And why exactly do you feel like that, I vaguely remember you release some hormone, but I forget what it is called...?
They are of four sets, within one strand of DNA. Human, that is. If any of these are any sorted or displaced, then we might have a configuration which is less than what appears natural.


Dolche makes everyone a sex object.....

hmmmmmm what are they actually selling here...;)


you two outta switch on a brain cell or two
as far as guys are concerned, fear and loathing do not a hard on make


Hmmmmmmm is that what the average rapists look like? It doesn't look all that
horrifying to me. :D

/evil grin
i'll get to that

lemme ask you this first
can a bitch rape you?
would you ascertain before a judge that you had an involuntary erection and you resisted all the way despite your hard on?

you took an oath, maggot
do not lie

I don't know.
I guess, maybe. Nah. I'm pretty strong, and I haven't any compunction about hitting a bitch.

It'd have to be a pretty contrived situation.

an erection implies the disgust has been replaced by appreciation

have you guys turned into bitches?
fear, disgust, insecurity and whatnot are not conducive to male tumescence. if a frikkin guy gets a hard on, he likes it

screw the pubescent boys and their involuntary erections
that is another matter

What about men who get erections when they're prostate is being rubbed by a doctor during a prostate examination?

What sort of point are you trying to make gustav? That if a woman has an orgasm while being raped, it's not rape? That rape doesn't exist?
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