lets eyeball the orgasmic world of hookers
“On the question of orgasmic experience a useful start might be the study of Wardell Pomeroy (1965). He destroyed any previous notions about prostitutes as being frigid, impassive, insensitive participants in prostitution. Pomeroy compared three groups of prostitutes: 83 gaol inmates, presumedly mostly ex-streetwalkers, with a median age of 30.3; 61 reformatory inmates, also mostly ex-streetwalkers, with a median age of 19.5; and 31 call girls, with a median age of 26.8. Although not truly representative of a prostitution population, Pomeroy's findings in Table 3.37 provide sufficient indication that prostitutes enjoy orgasmic experiences both at work and in private.
The configuration in Table 3.37 confirms the author's knowledge of prostitutes in Australia, that is, prostitutes orgasm more frequently in their private lives. The statement by some prostitutes that they never orgasm at work or they fake orgasms to please their clients is probably true, but it is not the case with a large number of women who seem capable of orgasms on the job. The mistaken belief that female orgasm is an expression of affection often leads to inhibitions with many prostitutes. Probable factors for explaining the difference in sexual responses in Pomeroy's sample groups are age (Group 2 being mostly teenagers) and class morality (Group 3 being mostly middle-class women).” – The Sex Lives of Prostitutes
so ahh
kids cum more frequently on the job, while the older educated ones hardly ever do
it appears that perhaps a lack of inhibition or self control may be factors that explain the disparity as far as the kids are concerned
i prefer however, to say that choice, is the defining factor. the bitch chooses to have a good time and cum.... or not
so ah
why are you bitches having orgasms when you are being raped?
why fantasize about this heinous crime?
curious minds want to know
i, for one, would never get a hard on in a traumatic and stressful situ
if i did, it ceased to be traumatic. i mean, i do have a 70 odd percent chance of knowing the perp .......
i also imagined it to hold true for the other members of my sex but it appears those fucks cum when anally probed by their goddamn doctors
why then, do you?