I agree. I know ppl that were perfect parents. They raised their kids better than most. The kids still got into trouble later on in life and the parents had no idea where they went wrong. How could this happen? We did everything right.
Parents have to accept the fact that times have changed and they are not the only people raising their children. I could make a snide remark about the slogan which takes that point to an absurd extreme, "It takes a whole village to raise a child," since in fact it can be easily done by just two parents, a family structure that is increasingly rare. But the slogan is a clumsy illustration of the fact that in post-industrial civilization children are exposed to the wisdom and foolishness of other adults, as well as their peers, every day. All you can do is try to get a larger portion of their bandwidth, be honest with them, love them, forgive them, and remember that you too once saw the world as a child rather than a parent.
you have lost your ever lovin mind if you think I will ever do that. We talk about sex and I have given my son condoms and when my daughter gets older, she will have birth control, but no sleep overs. NO sleep overs.
I've never had to deal with a sleepover by children with adults present, in either role, but back in the free-lovin' 1960s and 70s some of my friends let their teenage kids bring their girl/boyfriends over for the night. I thought that really blurred the line between parent and buddy, and made it difficult for them to step back into the role of parent when necessary. I also thought it might leave the kids with some really bizarre memories that some day they'd be discussing with a therapist. It's one thing to not object to your child becoming a sexual being, or even to guide them into that transition, but it's quite another to listen to it happen.
ok, honest show of hands here: who HAS NOT had some kind of sexual event as a child involving one or more other children of the same or opposite sex? Now who did not have it during a sleep over?
Me. Of course I was a child in the 1950s when that was not as common as it is today. I didn't have any kind of sexual encounter until I was 19.
Oh and SAM i dont belive you
Remember Sam grew up in India. Things are quite different over there. People get arrested for kissing in public and they don't permit it in their movies. We oversexed Westerners automatically think of the Kama Sutra when we think of India but I don't think it's like that at all.
Letting your daughter or son have their friends over in the bathroom while they are taking a shower. Never heard of anybody doing that.Strange! I don't see what is so urgent that it can't wait till they are out of the shower!
I'm sure they have that experience at school when they shower after P.E. or team sports. (Do they still have "Physical Education" these days or are those 50-lb backpacks all they need for exercise?) When they go to college and live on campus they'll be using communal showers every day. People carry on conversations, it's just another room.