Sure, sure. That's why most of these women aren't even charged or are given a slap on the wrist, while the men are thrown in prison.what a load of crap. The law says you cant concent till you are 16 (or 18 in some area's). There for wether you "want it" or not is compleatly and UTTERLY irrelivent. IF she did it she is a criminal and should be treated EXACTLY the same.
When did I say that? Didn't my story involve a woman wanting sex?Also i find your coments compleatly sexist, who ever said women dont want sex for christ sake?
Indeed. Technically true. But in the minds of prosecutors/police/the public @ large it's about some boy "getting lucky". Whereas, if the victim is a female, it's about some lecherous creepy old dude defiling the virtue of our young girls.Its got NOTHING to do with wether the under age person wants it or not only wether they can LEGALLY CONCENT.