At what age sleepovers stop?

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what a load of crap. The law says you cant concent till you are 16 (or 18 in some area's). There for wether you "want it" or not is compleatly and UTTERLY irrelivent. IF she did it she is a criminal and should be treated EXACTLY the same.
Sure, sure. That's why most of these women aren't even charged or are given a slap on the wrist, while the men are thrown in prison.
Also i find your coments compleatly sexist, who ever said women dont want sex for christ sake?
When did I say that? Didn't my story involve a woman wanting sex?
Its got NOTHING to do with wether the under age person wants it or not only wether they can LEGALLY CONCENT.
Indeed. Technically true. But in the minds of prosecutors/police/the public @ large it's about some boy "getting lucky". Whereas, if the victim is a female, it's about some lecherous creepy old dude defiling the virtue of our young girls.:eek:
As long as I got a musical instrument, my friends got musical instruments... I'll be 50 years old and still having sleep overs. :D
At 50 you should start thinking about moving out your aging parents house, you idiot...
my daughter had her friend stay over this weekend and she is 14, there is nothing wrong with it, (apart from the chatting at 4 in the morning, and making coffee at 3 in the morning)

i dont see anything bad about it! kids need friends to stay over from time to time! its not healthy for the kids to just be alone
There is nothing wrong about it if:

1. They respect the parents' wishes and privacy.
2. They don't mess up the house.

neither is usually the case... :(

Well I would agree men and women on average have different behaviors and thought processes towards sex (how much is nature and how much is nuture is a different argument), but their are always outliars and those beyond P10 and in a world of billions there are a whole lot these people! Now my policy would be to live and let live, when someone want their partner to unload a giant steaming pile of shit in s/he mouth, well as long as it between consenting adults that their business (and for the love of god keep that business between your selfs, don't make a video online to mindrape the rest of us like tubegirl and 2girls1cup.) Now child and animals are different because they can't consent and deathsex does not leave anyone to admit consenting willingly.
There is nothing wrong about it if:

1. They respect the parents' wishes and privacy.
2. They don't mess up the house.

neither is usually the case... :(

My kids are upstairs at the other end of the house. I never hear a peep. I lay the food out buffet style and go to bed. If they wake me up, the food and pop get put away. Its an easy way to train friends to be quiet. :D
I believe that when people stop having sleep-overs, thats when they begin to age dramatically, as a direct result, wrinkles begin to appear within minutes, their life force being visually sucked from their bodies. Sleep overs make you young!
Me and my friends still all sleep over at each others houses/apartments we are all aged from 20-25 roughly. Its still fun we do it about once or twice per month and is usualy because we realise its light outside and might aswell not go home.

At 50 you should start thinking about moving out your aging parents house, you idiot...

Oh, sure. Mooch off your folks for 50 years and then move out just when they start getting decrepit and could use some help.
What an ingrate.
Well, it is offtopic and you quoted the wrong person...
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Well I don't but I'll add my 2 cents worth. At 12 I'd think that no one should be allowed to sleep over unless they are the same sex or there's a problem at their home and then you'd need to call about what's up.
Hun theres a lot of people that still have sleepovers, also same sex? Not everyone is straight. You can't just judge someone like "oh I'm a dude so that means I have to stay away from your daughter." You should actually see them and talk to them to figure out the type of person they are.
Hun theres a lot of people that still have sleepovers, also same sex? Not everyone is straight. You can't just judge someone like "oh I'm a dude so that means I have to stay away from your daughter." You should actually see them and talk to them to figure out the type of person they are.
Hun, you might be taken more seriously if you weren't responding to posts that are 11 years old.
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