Astral Projection

You are probably right.
There's no "probably" about it.

It may only be a dream but that dream is the TRUTH.

It is that same dream that Martin Luther King had
Um no. They're quite distinctly different.

All that government shit that this dude just posted is all bullshit.
Which dude? Which "government bullshit"? Have you considered making coherent posts? It's usually a great help.

It's just an illusion have your beliefs and I respect them but I know what I believe and I'm willing to die for them
Except that one set of "beliefs" is verifiable, the other (yours by the way) isn't.

and sleeping is the cousin of death, BTW
The usual questions apply to those that suggest such things are possible:

  • Are you on medication?
  • Are you likely to be diagnosed with some sort of mental illness?
  • Do you take Illicit drugs or quantities of alcohol for recreational use?

These questions only rule out the simplest causes for a distorted view of reality.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

I do it 4 the non-believers ... thank me later
Beyond the ley line, shines the holy stream divine,
Where eternal energies manifest creational design.

The Shen of my spirit guides reside, in the reincarnation of a Felines blood-line
With an out-stretched Lion claw I draw a door in the ether, traveling through the realms of Samsara,
Fully encased in the Most Highs armour,
As we entered the astral portal, there stood the Hologramatic remnants of the 3 Immortals.

The black cat on the left of me said,
"Is this what you expected to see? Hurry up and continue with your destiny!".

"Quickly take the key" I heard whispered silently, beside my right knee.
I reached down to the `light striped kitten, from his tanned white mitten I was given a password to the system.

With-out Inter-mission
I struck a static spark on collision with this Key of Decision,
It felt as if I was bit but resembled no Feeling I Envisioned.
I began looking for some kind of door or entrance
,I wasn’t aware of the Instant Instincts,
Before the 4 cat eyes blinked,
I was standing before a 7 headed Sphinx wearing the robes of a Prince.

Using Prayers I purify myself,
Perfume oils from my potion shelf,
Align the Chakras before I delve,
Using seals of the Most high to dispel.
Jinn-spirits Walk, the Earth do they sail,
They don’t roam around beneath the depths of Hell.
Wizards challenge me in the astral dojo,
Sorcerers Ambush me when traveling solo.
A Tempest once Sent a Temptress to intoxicate my senses,
My defences were offensive,
Surely my adversaries saw my style was perfected.
I spared their lives so they retreated and hastily projected.
The Mage transformed into a rage of purple haze,
It fragmented into rain that got away for her to conjure another day.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Really? Got any sources to support this?

Your playing small does not serve the world.
I see. You ascribe your ignorance to me "playing small". How does that work?

I do it 4 the non-believers ... thank me later

EmptyForceOfChi said:
Beyond the ley line, shines the holy stream divine,
Where eternal energies manifest creational design.
Blah blah blah.
Zero rational content.
And poor scansion.

Banshee if your still out there I could use some help! lol hope to hear from you soon on this thread. Your presence is appreciated by all!!!
What the brain creates is what the brain creates: that's what astral projection (OOBE) is.
Too much drivel in the thread Dywyddyr is right.

However, induced out of body experienced are completely real. I do it all the time, last night being my most recent. (I have had 100+ induced "trips")

The problem most people will have is that they are not nearly fatigued enough. The best time to do it is falling asleep, with a movie or something to keep you awake longer.

Then focus on something long enough to keep you awake while your body goes into sleep mode typified by sleep paralysis. Then in dream mode you can rip your body out and go do crazy stuff.

My mission these days is to turn into a fish but every time I try my body just disappears. Any advice there would be beneficial.

I'm also subject to 'exploding head syndrome' when I rip out of my body. It's the only disturbing factor because the noises are almost painfully loud. Anyone able to overcome this with tips would be most beneficial to me.

And disclaimer: It is all induced hallucinations for entertainment. I use "astral projection" techniques. It does work, except the part where it's not all hallucination.
I have done everything else except transform. I have tasted stuff, woken myself up to make sure I wasn't eating bedsheets. I have smelled, walked, jumped over cliffs. Flying all the time. I have read books, looked at paintings etc. All in dreams. The other day I came across "Tibetan Dream Yoga" on Wikipedia and according to their stage progression I should start to practice transforming my body. The idea struck me as super cool. I like swimming. So why not be a fish? It's the most thrilling thing I can think up at the moment that's all :D
Hi guys I'm silver cloud. I'm trying to work out how to chat with people about sleep paralysis. I'm dyslexic and have never used the net for anything other than sending emails amd it's taken me ages to even figure out how to put this post on.

Last night i got a parallyisis that was SOOOOO scarey i just had to write my 'Symptoms' and put them in a google search. Reason being, since i was ten years old (I'm now 36) I've always thought i was potentially sciztoprhenic or could go mad one night as i was about to go to sleep. I would hear very loud whooshing sound - voiuces and particualarly music. Have you got any idea how tripped out i've been all these, never daring to tell it to anyone.

Thing is, when i kind of breathe hard and call to God (even though i'm not religious) i always manage to get back to the surface but i feel like i'm kind of getting pulled down in to demonic worlds or comrthing that could hurt my soul if i let go to it - and that weird noise, my God - it has totally freaked me out all my life. Today i have been shaking all day as last night it went on for over seven hours of 'insanity'. I have been putting this off for ages - i mean trying to find out what it is 'cause i just did not want to hear i was potentially losing my mind.

So i entered "Weird loud noise - asleep - awake" etc in google and I was amazed and DELIGHTED to read that so many people get the same thing. I an Sooooo happy and so releived and even now possibly excited about it. I can't find my way back to site but or what ever it was i was reading from google but one guy said you leave your body if you chose to and that that was the noise was getting you ready for. He said to read a free book on the net by Robert Peterson.

Look, i'd better stop writing - i guess your not really meant to write this much. I'm dyslexic which really irritates me 'cause it makes understanding written infomation so difficult - that's why i've never even contemplated going to chat rooms before. Look i really should stop talking. But I am so happy SO HAPPY that i'm not the only one who gets this. I have lucid dreams all the time but that is somthing very different from the whooshing thing and i'd like to learn from you guys about how i turn this into a productive thing and not a scarey experience. hope i can navigate my way back here again tomorrow evening. SORRY for big letter - won't do it again. Love from silver cloud.

Cool. It's not anything to be scared of. The woosh is called 'exploding head syndrome' You can research it, but nobody knows anything about it except that it is in your own head, a dream, or a hallucination.

If you want to have fun with it you have to realize it's all a dream. When I had my first experiences I was also a teenager and was scared shitless. Realize it's a dream and there's nothing to be scared of. You can manipulate the dream however you want to.

It will be productive only when you realize it's a dream. And trust me, it's a dream. A few nights ago I flew into a party next door. I woke myself up and checked - sure enough there was no party and everyone was fast asleep. You can confirm yourself with this type of setup.
A/P is something different, no sleep paralysis there. A/P you do on purpose, very awake...

I have done this too. And no, it's still hallucination, and sleep-paralysis is still a possibility. The only way to A/P is to first get into a trance like state where you start to see hypnagogic imagery. One could dichotomize the body falling asleep and the mind staying awake just for simple understanding. I personally have confirmed there are no substantial differences between projecting when you are awake or half-asleep. Doing it while fully awake is just harder, and takes more practice. The quality and lucidity of the trip can't be attributed to one method or another.

Once I induced an OOBE, and woke myself up from it only to be in a 1000% more lucid state of OOBE. It took me a moment to realize I was still hallucinating. I then woke myself out of that trip to finally be awake. Trying to attribute quality of a trip to one method or another is a tough subject.

However if you have enough experience I would like to hear your views on that. Technically, how you were able to achieve the most lucid states.
Every human has 7 Chakra's located in his/her body which are connected with their hormone system.

To make it easier to find and feel these Chakra's they all have a color and an Element or "subject' to go by.

There we go, let's hope it will be a good explanation in English...:)

1. located at the bottom of your body (Tail Chakra)...just above the hair of your sexual equipment: Element is Earth, color is Red.

2. located ca. 10 centimeters below your belly button ( Belly Chakra)...Element is Water, color is Orange.

3. located ca. 10 centimeters above your belly button (Mid rif Chakra)...Element is Fire, color is Yellow.

4. located in the middle of your chest (Heart Chakra)...Element is Air, color is green.

5. located in the middle of your throat (Throat Chakra)...Subject is Communication, color is Light Blue.

6. located between your eyes (Head Chakra)...Subject is Light, color is Dark Blue.

7. located at the very top of your head (Crown Chakra)...more about this one in a later reply.

The Chakra's you can feel if you hold your hand a little above them. They are all in the middle of your body.

Lay down, close your eyes, keep one hand above the location and think of nothing but the color and Element/Subject. For instance 'Red Earth'...

It is not hard to do if you concentrate a little and be serious in finding them.

You know it immediately when you feel a Chakra. Like a 'warmth' coming up from inside your body.

This is a very good 'technique' to meditate also. Go by every Chakra and stay a little while at each of them.
Try to breathe from out your belly and breathe in and out every 10 seconds. Breathe til deep in your belly. Feel the breathing in your belly...

Try it out and be patient. Most of the times you can find them in a little while.

Don't fall asleep...;)

Hi Banshee! I found your post on Chakra activation very simple and understandable than most of content related with it found on the net. :thumbsup: